Next Labour leader - Starmer and Rayner win

I guess if you ask the likes of Owen Jones to rank the candidates in order of preference, that’d be a good way to determine who the next Labour leader should be - because you’d just pick the person he prefers least.
Labour and leadership in the same sentence? an absolute anachronism.

They need to learn the concept of getting off your arse, first, like most of their followers.

Play on the Internet all day and get paid for whinging about the vast majority who want to get things done instead of sponging. Oh, forgot .. they’re all outdated racists. Most were of the generation that fought against racism from the 60s onwards. The same guys that brought computers and associated tech. Oddly enough, all we hear are racists on the terraces every weekend. Must be retirees and brexiters. Silly cnut at Eastlands looked like neither.
The PLP should come together and block anybody that momentum is putting forward. Nominees require 10% of the PLP to nominate them if I remember correctly, so 20/21 MPs needed. Not sure if it would be achievable, mind.

And please, whoever becomes leader needs to get the likes of Cooper, Benn etc back onto the Front Benches. No more Abbot/Burgon for godsake.
Got to say, Jess Philips does come across well in that interview. Still don't know if she's a leader but she's a great communicator. She has to be part of the answer, whatever it is.
More galaxy brain content.
Yes because having somebody relatable and genuine is such a bad idea...
Better get another momentum mouthpiece and see if labour can get less than 200 mps next time... Yeah double down on an unelectable idiot like wrong daily pull further to the left spend 5 years calling out anybody not signed up to a communist revolution red / yellow Tories instead... Feking genius ...

At least Jess Phillips will do something about the antisemitism

More leadership in 1 tweet than Corbyn managed in his whole disastrous tenure

The PLP should come together and block anybody that momentum is putting forward. Nominees require 10% of the PLP to nominate them if I remember correctly, so 20/21 MPs needed. Not sure if it would be achievable, mind.

And please, whoever becomes leader needs to get the likes of Cooper, Benn etc back onto the Front Benches. No more Abbot/Burgon for godsake.
Wrong daily with burgon as chancellor if momentum get their way ... I think it's 15% of plp... Suspect they will be able to get wrong daily on there as the nec has been influenced by momentum as well

It's probably a 5-10 year job to clean the party up like with kinnock against millitant labour
Stella Creasy would get my vote. I don't think the london thing will be too much of a drag. More of a challenge will be her previous antagonistic attitude towards Momentum. In addition to whether she is willing to stand up to the inevitable MRA online barrage due to her self-identifying as a feminist.
Yvette Cooper I think has the new labour baggage. Long-bailey has the corbyn baggage. Reyner is a good shout but worried about whether her and Jess Philips are heavyweight, witty and articulate enough to go against Boris and overcome the media barrage and narrative.
Starmer is favourite and does tick a lot of PM boxes but the woodenness and likeability/relatability with voters makes me hesitant.
The country just voted for the party that's been deporting black people. Do you genuinely think they're going to vote in a black prime minister?
How did Lammy get to be an MP without people voting for him then? I wouldn't choose him as leader personally, but not because he's black.
If they keep to the 15% plp support and an av ballot (though the nec could change that) there could be a maximum of 6 though I suspect 4 or 5 in practical terms would would stand
I'd think Phillips, starmer, thornberry, Raynor and wrong daily

I think momentum will move hard against thornberry and Phillips and it will be difficult for them
Starmer I think may suffer as the consensus seems to be it's time for a woman leader
If it boils down to Raynor and wrong daily I think Raynor will win
But personally (unless the nec changes to say you had to be a member on 12th December) I'll vote for Phillips as my pick
If they keep to the 15% plp support and an av ballot (though the nec could change that) there could be a maximum of 6 though I suspect 4 or 5 in practical terms would would stand
I'd think Phillips, starmer, thornberry, Raynor and wrong daily

I think momentum will move hard against thornberry and Phillips and it will be difficult for them
Starmer I think may suffer as the consensus seems to be it's time for a woman leader
If it boils down to Raynor and wrong daily I think Raynor will win
But personally (unless the nec changes to say you had to be a member on 12th December) I'll vote for Phillips as my pick
The same at the moment, but retaining an open mind.
The country just voted for the party that's been deporting black people. Do you genuinely think they're going to vote in a black prime minister?

if Lamey could stop shouting at everyone, he might have a chance. He does have a massive majority in his constituency. Doesn’t strike me as leadership material though, he’s a good protester and works well at the grass route level.

Sad I have to say this - its absolutely nothing to do with his colour.
How did Lammy get to be an MP without people voting for him then?

According to the last Census only 22% of Tottenham is “White British” so can’t compare to the National scale.

I think someone black could become PM but he’s got to be a damn good politician and I don’t see anyone that good right now.
According to the last Census only 22% of Tottenham is “White British” so can’t compare to the National scale.

I think someone black could become PM but he’s got to be a damn good politician and I don’t see anyone that good right now.
Does this mean you think a white person will never be MP for Tottenham again then? I know you don't, hopefully one day we can stop all the categorisation and see people as the individuals they are.
According to the last Census only 22% of Tottenham is “White British” so can’t compare to the National scale.

I think someone black could become PM but he’s got to be a damn good politician and I don’t see anyone that good right now.
It should be a pre requisite that he or she should be a good politician regardless of if they are black or indeed any other colour religion sexuality etc etc
Does this mean you think a white person will never be MP for Tottenham again then? I know you don't, hopefully one day we can stop all the categorisation and see people as the individuals they are.

Stop all categorisation? I don’t know all 70m people in the UK so categorisation is the best way to assess what’s likely to happen. Categorisation happens everywhere

Also not sure what a white person being voted in by Tottenham has to do with people accepting a black person as PM. Just said you can’t compare a single local electorate to a national one.
Happy to be proven wrong and maybe you have some stats which showed “White British” and everyone else voted for Conservatives or Labour in equal measure.
It should be a pre requisite that he or she should be a good politician regardless of if they are black or indeed any other colour religion sexuality etc etc

It should be but you’d be lying if you thought it was the only factor.
Jess Phillips would never be PM and would be a poor choice for that reason. She is not the kind of character centrists or conservatives with a small c would vote for and Labour really need those voters.

I would like to see Starmer or Yvette Cooper.
Erm honestly for me gender sexuality race religion isn't a factors I consider ... If it is for you then ok let's leave it at that
It isn’t for me either and I suspect consciously it isn’t for most.
Stop all categorisation? I don’t know all 70m people in the UK so categorisation is the best way to assess what’s likely to happen. Categorisation happens everywhere

Also not sure what a white person being voted in by Tottenham has to do with people accepting a black person as PM. Just said you can’t compare a single local electorate to a national one.
Happy to be proven wrong and maybe you have some stats which showed “White British” and everyone else voted for Conservatives or Labour in equal measure.
I do agree you have a point about the current state of affairs, though exaggerated, hopefully. I would still like to think we will move away from categorisation though, I'm with Luther King, judge by the content of character not the colour of skin. Or any other category, I might add.
I'll echo it's early days too, but now you've put your head up, who would you choose Elver?
First choice would be Cooper. I think she’s excellent. Whether she can bring the party together, who knows. But she looks and talks like a politician and I could see her being a Prime Minister. Wouldn’t have an issue with Starmer either.

The likes of of Philips/RLB do not look Prime Ministerial at all for me, so for that reason alone they shouldn’t be leading the official opposition.

But as has been said, early days yet. Let’s see who throws their hats in the ring.
I do agree you have a point about the current state of affairs, though exaggerated, hopefully. I would still like to think we will move away from categorisation though, I'm with Luther King, judge by the content of character not the colour of skin. Or any other category, I might add.
Yeah I agree with you there completely. But to echo Luther King, it is still a dream rather than reality.
First choice would be Cooper. I think she’s excellent. Whether she can bring the party together, who knows. But she looks and talks like a politician and I could see her being a Prime Minister. Wouldn’t have an issue with Starmer either.

The likes of of Philips/RLB do not look Prime Ministerial at all for me, so for that reason alone they shouldn’t be leading the official opposition.

But as has been said, early days yet. Let’s see who throws their hats in the ring.
I'd actually forgotten about Cooper, I don't know where she's been or if I've just missed her, but yes, a good choice, I'll go along with that.
I'd actually forgotten about Cooper, I don't know where she's been or if I've just missed her, but yes, a good choice, I'll go along with that.
She got relegated to the back benches so the likes of Burgon could make up the shadow cabinet.

Seen her a few times in Parliamentary Select Committees and she is great. I remember her once eviscerating Theresa May at PMQs aswell.
I know very little about Jess Phillips but I suspect the press would have a field day, what with her being an outspoken woman n' all.
Every centrist MP who defected from Labour and Tories Lost their seat.

Soz but I'm still trying to gather my thoughts on where the party does.
Every centrist MP who defected from Labour and Tories Lost their seat.
This is true, and the Libs did poorly at a time when many think they should have done well, although I suppose they at least increased their vote share a little. The main story of the day was Labour losing 60 seats though, I'd have thought.