The conversation I had was well the world is a complex place, my politics and you're politics are most likely wrong, we have to worry about being in our own bubbles, etc. Which ok if you've got something out of that, then great but as I've said before I just don't that find it particular interesting. It's like going into a match day thread and saying - Well you lose some and you win some, who really knows ? And then calling anyone tribalistic for saying you're opinion is utterly pointless. Again great if someone learned something new from that but personally I've heard it over a million times, it's every second opinion piece since 2016, I find it utterly tiresome(And in the long term completely useless).
Overall I think it comes down to a difference in how liberals/centre left and socialists(Although most don't sadly) view politics. I don't think politics moves forward on a mass scale by changing people views. There's no amount of gotcha questions, ''facts'' or grand speeches that will change people minds(Again on a massive scale), ideas comes from people's material conditions, people don't simply believe conservative horse shit because they've read the daily mail, the mail is appealing to a base that is already there. The reason that shit connects with people is because there's a ton of property ''owning'' pensioners(Which basically turns them into tories), who are isolated and scared and have a ''common sense'' that is vastly different to that of younger people(Common senses are decades in the making), plus a million other factors. Newspapers like the Daily Mail of course play a part but stopping you're old granny from reading the Mail and putting her through a clockwork orange style machine as John Oilver clips are blasted into her eye balls isn't actually going to change politics. The perfect example of this is China, ''Marxism'' is thought in schools, there is a giant wall mural of all the different languages the communist manifesto has been translated into, there's cartoons of Marx and yet the workers revolution is......................nowhere to be seen, in fact current China is the only place where you can still see the true power of capitalism.
I'm more than happy to have a conversation but I'm far more interesting in hearing people actual views on the world, then the pros of politeness(I didn't even get an answer to which shape democracy should be!) This is a joke