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Not only the ball, he dropped us altogether![]()
Betrayed by queen agian.
Not only the ball, he dropped us altogether![]()
Do we have 16?
Just floating one more idea with the transfer market flavor if the market is still open after the B2B draft
1. Before the drafting starts, everyone sends a base club of their choice via PM to mod. Say you send club A
2. First player you choose must be someone who was bought by club A from club B
3. Second player you choose must be someone who was bought by club B from club C
4. So on till 14 picks
5. You can choose every club only once
Just floating one more idea with the transfer market flavor if the market is still open after the B2B draft
1. Before the drafting starts, everyone sends a base club of their choice via PM to mod. Say you send club A
2. First player you choose must be someone who was bought by club A from club B
3. Second player you choose must be someone who was bought by club B from club C
4. So on till 14 picks
5. You can choose every club only once
Sort of a transfer road trip.... May work better using sold rather than bought...Just floating one more idea with the transfer market flavor if the market is still open after the B2B draft
1. Before the drafting starts, everyone sends a base club of their choice via PM to mod. Say you send club A
2. First player you choose must be someone who was bought by club A from club B
3. Second player you choose must be someone who was bought by club B from club C
4. So on till 14 picks
5. You can choose every club only once
Sounds good to me, I'd like that after this one.
Wait a minute actually, what happens if there are no transfers between the clubs, and isn't it likely everyone screws each other with a really obscure club that someone played for as a kid.
I was also thinking right away that you could start with the youth club of some GOAT and then follow his transfer to their first professional club. Felt pretty smart at the time but of course you run the risk of more than one person having the same idea and somebody getting blown out entirely.You only get a source club. You can choose a target club of your choice.
Everyone's chain will be independent of others.
Anyone want to try a 6-a side draft?
as in 1 GK plus 5 outfield players (+ 1 bench player)
Standard all time Snake draft with below restrictions:
- 1 outfield player in starting XI must be a youth player (born on/after 01-Jan-1988)
- 1 outfield player in starting XI must be someone who's not picked in latest all time draft (currently being played)
- Open/No restrictions for other 5 places.
Lemme see if I can fire up a thread for that today.
Lemme see if I can fire up a thread for that today.
Where have I heard that before?
surely im not the only one that is bored as feck with GOAT stacked teams in the final rounds of any draft?
Idea for the next draft. An all-time draft but none of the players can ever have played together with the additional need for a full game for anyone born on or before 31st December 1939.
If we do this should we ban the reinforcement of the first two picks?
This is the No Mates style draft for those who don't know.
Definition of playing together-
Played together at club level' will be defined as sharing at least one season with another player at the same club; if they did not move prior to the start of the league season e.g 15/16, they will have shared the season 14/15 as well as 15/16. They do not need to have been on the same pitch at the same time. Basically any time shared at the same club during the league campaign counts as played together; note however, if they were on loan for an entire season the club that they were loaned to will count as their club for that season. The only exception is if they were owned by the same club but one player did not play any senior games during that season (probably due to injury).
'Played together at international level' will be defined as being in the same squad for a major tournament; again they need not have been on the pitch at the same time nor on the pitch at all. If they played together but were not in any of the competitions below they can both be picked and be played together in the same draft side.
Major Tournaments include only the following:
The World Cup
The Euros
Copa America
African Cup of Nations
The Asian Cup
Oceania Football Confederation Cup
Think we have done a couple of all time drafts now.. We could alter the no mates draft to make it more restrictive..
How about mixing a no mates draft with a decades restriction? Maybe 2 decades say 40s and 50s (or 50s and 60s).. Would certainly be more engaging.. Thoughts?
No interest in a 6 a side? Thought the tactics and discussions would be refreshing?
No interest in a 6 a side? Thought the tactics and discussions would be refreshing?
I have done that before in two drafts. If I was to complete the theme from those last to it would be a 25-45 draft. Not sure if that's possible though with the match requirement for those born on and before 1939.
The idea of the previous drafts of these was it kept it in various eras. 67-87 and 46-66 encompass two reasonably defined eras as would the 25-45 era
If you want to look back they were called the Synth and Surveillance Draft respectively
The all-time no mates with a full match requirement is something I haven't done before.
Btw I started in 87 to include Messi and Ronaldo but exclude most current players. Unless they are their own special draft it is difficult to rate players who only have a few years playing vs those who have an entire to look at. I suppose I could have a minimum age by making everyone having to be born on or before 31st December 1987
Hmm.. That’s fair.. I would just want to avoid another Goat filled draft..
Another option is doing the Peaches and Goat draft again? It’s been a while?
No interest in a 6 a side? Thought the tactics and discussions would be refreshing?
@Šjor Bepo You have a GOAT-o-meter, what do you think?
dont knowi really like a no mates chain idea, cant pick neither teammates of your picks nor teammates of a last pick from a manager before you.
That is definitely challenging but would be one of the slowest drafts ever as it would be difficult to PM picks.
no PM picks so just like every other draft...