Gaming New Daily Doddle

How many people play daily now @MancFanFromManc and what's the highest score ever? Also, do you find that there are languages that have more chance of higher scoring words like there's some Serbian soup called QXZK or something mad?

We're definitely growing, and with that comes increasing challenges / kudos for being in the top 10

Loved your all yellow 141 btw - mucho kudos right there!

My highest, and highest we've seen is 154 - you pretty much have to get the bonus word AND build a grid around it. Careful though, it really screws up your score if you dont get it. I tried to use some coins to get SLAMS the other day and it gave me an E (for LAME). I recovered to get an 84 but it had me sweating

Not sure if any languages have an advantage over English, but Polish makes me laugh. Pretty all 3 letter words seem to score, and I dont speak a word :lol:
New high score for me today, 134 (129 if you ignore the bonus points). Still hanging around in the top 10 waiting for a 75 to drop out and hopefully get replaced with a 100+
I think i am number 2 in the leaderboard right now in this. What do i win?
I really enjoy the game and play it every day btw.

Kudos! Slay loads of the stuff :angel: I love chatting to people who love the game as much as we do

I met some family I havent seen for years over the weekend. They're obsessed. I think we spent more time talking about doddle than actually catching up :lol:
well done! :drool: I had a run of 70's and plummeted. It can be frustrating, but also satisfying working your way back up the leaderboard
Was at number 2 about to replace an 85 or so, got pretty much all vowels and only scored a 70 something, same again 2 days later and the next day too (think they both ended up low 80’s) so dropped down into the 20s, think I’ve worked back up to around 12th now, but with 3 low scores to replace in next week, should find myself back at the top hopefully.
Was at number 2 about to replace an 85 or so, got pretty much all vowels and only scored a 70 something, same again 2 days later and the next day too (think they both ended up low 80’s) so dropped down into the 20s, think I’ve worked back up to around 12th now, but with 3 low scores to replace in next week, should find myself back at the top hopefully.
Good luck, I'll keep an eye out

I've peaked. That is all.
Back up to No.2 I see - well played! :angel::+1:
New top score of 136 today…if only I didn’t have a 59 the other day
It only occurred to me the other day, that its possible to get the bonus word TWICE! I got OXIDE and got the 40 point bonus, but I'm looking at my final grid and realised I wasnt far off getting it down as well as up. What a score that would be !!!! My highest ever is 151, and we havent seen much higher than that so far