Gaming New Daily Doddle

It's definitely gotten harder now. I've spent some time at number 1, fair bit of time in the top ten and I'm at 28 I think now, and it's taken me some time to get that high. The leaderboard is the bit that keeps me coming back every day though.
Because we have more players, making it tougher (but more rewarding) to get in the top 10, you can mark people you know (by clicking the star next to their name) then click Friends on the leaderboard to compare your score to theirs
We need a redcafe league
The dictionary which is plugged in for the Polish version is not great. Accepts words which don't exist and vice versa. Also, we don't use letters q, v, x, and they show a lot.

That said #1 in PL (and ~#40 in English feels good).
The dictionary which is plugged in for the Polish version is not great. Accepts words which don't exist and vice versa. Also, we don't use letters q, v, x, and they show a lot.

That said #1 in PL (and ~#40 in English feels good).

Thanks for the feedback. Its a better (multi lingual) dictionary than we had before but its worth knowing, especially about those 3 letters
RedStone back in the top 10. I'm climbing but still only 30th ish - definitely getting tougher - and definitely recommend marking "friends" so you can see how the other Cafe members are doing

Bad day today, 59, in a week where I've had some fairly consistent high 80/90s and a 100+ . Still at number 7 but struggling to climb any higher. Need that #1 again.
Switched phones and decided to create a new user on my new one and start without gems, so both of my users are now RedStones (phone and laptop) and doing quite well. The daily high scores on Twitter are a really cool addition, by the way.
Switched phones and decided to create a new user on my new one and start without gems, so both of my users are now RedStones (phone and laptop) and doing quite well. The daily high scores on Twitter are a really cool addition, by the way.

Good stuff. I did notice the two accounts, so I'm glad that's two devices and not cos one of them stopped working. Glad you like the posts :D
RedStone on fire recently, smashing 100 regularly - top marks!! Currently 3rd having been overtaken by Zlatan - no shame in that ;-)
MASSIVE CHEATING SCANDAL (;)). How the feck is he consistently getting over 100. I've topped the global high score ranking a few times, but then next day I'm getting 60's. There's no way to consistently get over 100 unless you are psychic.
MASSIVE CHEATING SCANDAL (;)). How the feck is he consistently getting over 100. I've topped the global high score ranking a few times, but then next day I'm getting 60's. There's no way to consistently get over 100 unless you are psychic.

We're in the presence of greatness and we just have to accept it ;)

or... he's playing on several devices and knows the letters will be "similar" (there's an algorithm that throws in a few randoms for the top 50)
We're in the presence of greatness and we just have to accept it ;)

or... he's playing on several devices and knows the letters will be "similar" (there's an algorithm that throws in a few randoms for the top 50)
I play on 2 devices and that doesn't help me :lol:

Had a shocker today. 2 U's first up, so placed them stategically, was banking on a Q. I put all my eggs in the Q basket, and had all the letter for QUITE and QUART and a couple of other 3 letter words and got fecked by it.

Hit my highest ever weekly average recently, but a bit gutted I couldn't squeeze out two more points. Had a hot streak of either getting good letters or needing to use some gems to plug the gaps and getting lucky with the random letters. Nothing new about the strategy, doubling up as many letters as possible and going for the 4 and 5 letter bonuses and it quickly adds up. A three letter word with two standard consonants and a vowel is 10 points, and you can create 8 of them by placing the letters well, which yields 80 points off the bat, plus the 5 for the daily streak. That means you only need to make up 15 points with high value letters and/or long word bonuses to score 100, which is very doable, especially considering you can easily get 6-8 extra points for adding another letter to a three letter word (2 or 4 for the extra letter, plus 4 for the +1 on each letter).

I play on just two devices, by the way. Phone and laptop. Laptop has had a mare recently, but I'm close to removing my lowest score for the week, so hopefully it'll be back in the top 10 soon.

Hit my highest ever weekly average recently, but a bit gutted I couldn't squeeze out two more points. Had a hot streak of either getting good letters or needing to use some gems to plug the gaps and getting lucky with the random letters. Nothing new about the strategy, doubling up as many letters as possible and going for the 4 and 5 letter bonuses and it quickly adds up. A three letter word with two standard consonants and a vowel is 10 points, and you can create 8 of them by placing the letters well, which yields 80 points off the bat, plus the 5 for the daily streak. That means you only need to make up 15 points with high value letters and/or long word bonuses to score 100, which is very doable, especially considering you can easily get 6-8 extra points for adding another letter to a three letter word (2 or 4 for the extra letter, plus 4 for the +1 on each letter).

I play on just two devices, by the way. Phone and laptop. Laptop has had a mare recently, but I'm close to removing my lowest score for the week, so hopefully it'll be back in the top 10 soon.

Cheers for sharing, and for your strategy. Keep it up - You've been heading all our socials recently (twitter, insta etc)
Needed a good day to challenge for the top spot... three Xs, a Z, a Q and two Fs :lol:

Sometimes you really need those gems, and even then I couldn't salvage more than 75-odd points.
I tend to dip in and out (normally when i remember to play) but I'm happy if I hit 40 or 50, and people here are talking about regularly getting scores that blow that out of the water.
I've lost all my "battles so far". Best of 3 keeps turning into best of... more

edit: You have to agree with someone to battle as its a live challenge. 10 seconds to connect, then 2mins to compete for the highest score

How will they know you have challenged them though? Does it just rely on them sitting looking at the doddle screen, because that seems fairly unlikely to happen?
It's mugged me off today. Since when is "dawn" not a word?
Anyone tried battle mode yet? I'm playing against several people a day now, great fun :D
I’ve had a few, mostly against the Mrs. Had one against another person earlier who must’ve thought they’d won with a 92, only for me to get 96.

More Doddle is always good.
I think I "just" missed your Battle Challenge earlier. It tends to only work when you know someone is about to challenge you and have the game ready to go. I probably need to increase the challenge time to a minute, and maybe add a cancel button

Yeah agreed, I've only got one through successfully.

Does the little red dot beside someone in the leaderboard mean online, as opposed to grey I think?