New Bayern Munich club crest


Full Member
Mar 10, 2013
Hansa Rostock / Bradford City

Left is the old one, to the right the new one.

Changed a bit too much in my opinion.
Why are clubs being so radical in crest changes? I can barely recognize it.
Everything wrong with football these days, there's just no tradition left.
Does nobody think of the fans?!
Shocking to see such a traditionally prestigious club sell out like this! Don't they even think about the fans!
Didn't read the OP. Whose badge is that on the right?
Didn't read the OP. Whose badge is that on the right?

Apparently it´s Bayern. Can you believe it? They could have done a Juventus and played it safe.
Bit more details about the changes:
The magenta was too vulgar these days and the thicker red suits them much better.

Going from cardinal all the way to crimson red might be too much of a step though.
Relieved they went with #0066b2 instead of #0066b3.
The magenta was too vulgar these days and the thicker red suits them much better.

Going from cardinal all the way to crimson red might be too much of a step though.

I'll probably get burnt at the stake for this but I think ours needs an upgrade. It looks a little dated and can be improved greatly I think. I remember seeing a mock up here a couple years ago and we had a more uniform shape. Perfectly circular but it was still distinctly Utd. Wish I could find it, thought it was a brilliant take on our logo.
I think -32 degrees was the perfect angle, they went too damn far this time.
This reminded me of the game we used to play as kids called "Spot the difference" between two pictures. fecking hard this one was.
I'll probably get burnt at the stake for this but I think ours needs an upgrade. It looks a little dated and can be improved greatly I think. I remember seeing a mock up here a couple years ago and we had a more uniform shape. Perfectly circular but it was still distinctly Utd. Wish I could find it, thought it was a brilliant take on our logo.

One of these?

This is one of those things were my ex used to ask me opinion for two different colors for a dress and I couldn't tell teh difference.
I'll probably get burnt at the stake for this but I think ours needs an upgrade. It looks a little dated and can be improved greatly I think. I remember seeing a mock up here a couple years ago and we had a more uniform shape. Perfectly circular but it was still distinctly Utd. Wish I could find it, thought it was a brilliant take on our logo.

Might be nice to bring "Football Club" back...

Less sure about the stars however.
Some marketing company just took six figures for doing this.
Of all the good football badges that shouldn't be changed, thats one that really could have done with a revamp.

These changes are hardly worth even mentioning, i doubt anyone would have noticed.
Typical German refinement.