Mystery Fog across parts of America

Thought the thread title said "mystery frog", was disappointed when i read it a second time.
I don't entertain the Daily Fail by clicking on one of their links so someone copy and paste the article here so I can give my scientific assessment.
It's being referred to as Fogvid-24

I wonder if it's related to all the Marijuana everyone has been smoking
I definitely think this could be an explanation for his recent behaviour
Have there been any sightings of murderous Scottish spirits? Just trying to rule out Scotch Mist.
If there have been changes in fog frequency, rather than more public hysteria like the drone panic recently, then it wouldn't be surprising given weather is affected by global warming. The chemical smell is probably far from universal and possible explanations would be burnt ozone or pollution trapped underneath a temperature inversion or indeed fog caused by moisture being caught under a temperature inversion. Pollution or smoke (or just fog) could of course trigger allergies or similar things like asthma, and then people who get allergies in general could also be confusing correlation with causation. All whipped up into something it isn't by social and other media.

In Australia we quite often get smoke from bush fires or controlled burns getting trapped under temperature inversions, with the resultant garbage air quality until the inversion goes away.