My Warning!!

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At the same time, maybe there's legal aspects to be considered and if there is - mods should say that and then we'll all know where we stand

well, as some Sheff Wed fans found out recently these things can end up down that route. Once something is written down as opposed to being sung by 60,000 people then its there as proof for people to take action on. And it would be the owner of this board who would suffer the most if it went down that road. Perhaps those continually writing it would think about that and save the mods from having to delete those posts and before people get carried away shouting about their rights to say what they want on a public board. I'll remind everyone that this is a privately owned board, and Niall shouldnt have to take any potential shit because some numpties dont stop to think for a second.
Calling Wenger a p**do is so 2004 - its not even funny anymore. Its hard for the mods, they have to moderate some things but they've got to draw the line somewhere. Gay and AIDS are in, p**do is out. Lets not forget the legal ramifications that Niall could face...

Live with it you miserable feckstains
well, i think we'll leave it at that. I hope that everyone understands that we have an obligation to stop stuff like this on the boards otherwise we are open to legal actions. Sad but true.
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