Musk | Fascist | Leader of the Free World

I've been more or less away from the Caf for years now. Silly me to think the state of the generals would be any better than the matchday threads. You lot are so hostile and aggressive it makes me laugh whilst also pondering why do I even bother. I'm not here to troll and I had no idea about his Nazi heritage. It's a thread on a Man Utd forum ffs. Anyway might as well deactivate my account, any time spent on the Caf is just a complete waste.
It’s not a waste if you’re learning something
So you’ve learnt something? What are you annoyed about? Having your views challenged?
I've opened up more to the idea that maybe he actually is a Nazi, but I'm at work so don't have time to read longer articles. I've also learnt that this forum is shit, I've had like 15 replies and 11-12 have been just aggressive towards me as a poster so I completely get that there isn't any room for challenging the commonly accepted belief here.
To be fair. If you read the thread back a bit (not recommended), you did post mostly word for word the same thing that others have posted before.

People judging Musk's antics have very little to do with a misleading MSM. He posts everything he thinks on Twitter or says it in live interviews. It's not well hidden and there's no need to spin it in any direction. He's retweeted or agreed with a plethory of far right, racist conspiracies. It's all very easy to find and it's all on his personal account (he might delete some of the worst offenses from time to time). Him having turned into a far right weirdo isn't an irrational anti-Musk thing, it's very evident.

And as for him being insane, come on, watch the dumb chainsaw clip and tell me that's a well adjusted man.

Your post just comes across as wumming, because you start with a rather point of view and after (admittedly very intense) pushback you immediately say you don't really follow him at all.

It's a bit sus.
Fair, had I known about the sensitivity on this and the state of posters here I would definitely have prefaced that my ideas about Musk aren't very well informed.
None of the responses warrant that kind of reaction. You said things that are wildly wrong and people corrected you and the reason the responses were unanimous is because Musk's intent and character aren't up for debate in 2025. He has been very transparent for multiple years.
The idea that something isn't up for debate on an internet forum is interesting, particularly because he hasn't really admitted himself that he is a fascist and against freedom of speech and democracy.

Anyway I wish you all the best, please don't quote me any more because I'll go back into hiding under my rock and delete my account.
I've been more or less away from the Caf for years now. Silly me to think the state of the generals would be any better than the matchday threads. You lot are so hostile and aggressive it makes me laugh whilst also pondering why do I even bother. I'm not here to troll and I had no idea about his Nazi heritage. It's a thread on a Man Utd forum ffs. Anyway might as well deactivate my account, any time spent on the Caf is just a complete waste.
I understand why it can come across as a bit aggressive and hostile and maybe you were indeed lucky to have lived under the rock not to notice thousands of Nazi-supporting and openly fascist, authoritarian moves by Musk. But remember some people here are 1) living the consequences of the fascist shift in the US 2) tired of Musk-sponsored propaganda they face daily, so don't be surprised they get a bit annoyed reading about the "protector of democracy" who instigates violence against them
:lol: I’ve been helicoptering into this thread for years? My first post in this thread was yesterday.
Oh I may have mixed you up with someone else, my sincere apologies! Your current posts on Musk were dreadful, though.
The idea that something isn't up for debate on an internet forum is interesting, particularly because he hasn't really admitted himself that he is a fascist and against freedom of speech and democracy.

Anyway I wish you all the best, please don't quote me any more because I'll go back into hiding under my rock and delete my account.

Some things aren't up for debate. Musk has consistently supported far right and xenophobic movements across the world and he has been sharing and spreading great replacement theories with his own twitter account.

Trying to argue that he isn't a fascist and a xenophobe is like trying to argue that green beens aren't green. You can try but it's silly.
I've opened up more to the idea that maybe he actually is a Nazi, but I'm at work so don't have time to read longer articles. I've also learnt that this forum is shit, I've had like 15 replies and 11-12 have been just aggressive towards me as a poster so I completely get that there isn't any room for challenging the commonly accepted belief here.

Fair, had I known about the sensitivity on this and the state of posters here I would definitely have prefaced that my ideas about Musk aren't very well informed.

The idea that something isn't up for debate on an internet forum is interesting, particularly because he hasn't really admitted himself that he is a fascist and against freedom of speech and democracy.

Anyway I wish you all the best, please don't quote me any more because I'll go back into hiding under my rock and delete my account.

Or you could, you know, educate yourself and engage with people without the shroud of purported ignorance.

Pleading ignorance of Musk's words and behaviour when you're happy to imply the mainstream media is biased against Musk isn't really the most genuine grounds for an argument.
The idea that something isn't up for debate on an internet forum is interesting, particularly because he hasn't really admitted himself that he is a fascist and against freedom of speech and democracy.

Anyway I wish you all the best, please don't quote me any more because I'll go back into hiding under my rock and delete my account.
At the contrary, everything can be up for debate. But if someone says something that is wrong or stupid, like that fool who called Musk the most intelligent person in the world, you get called for that.

While Musk has flirted with fascism for a while, including supporting far right parties like Le Pen’s in France and Farage’s in the UK, his two most prominent acts were supporting the Neo-Nazi party in Germany (a party that even the likes of Le Pen or Meloni do not work with) and doing the Nazi salute in the big scene. Twice.

Which makes it likely that he is a fascist. Or at least acts like a fascist. Or at the very least, pretends to act like a fascist. Sure, maybe in the deepness of his heart (assuming he has any), he is not a fascist, but sure as hell, he is completely acting like one.
Fair, had I known about the sensitivity on this and the state of posters here I would definitely have prefaced that my ideas about Musk aren't very well informed.

So you've entered a discussion with an ignorant opinion (not meant as an insult, just stating a fact that you yourself have confirmed) by stating that "the idea that Musk is a fascist is just delusional", effectively insulting those who have been more infomed about the topic. Then when people offer correctives / information / facts about actions etc you believe you're being aggressively attacked.

Please, can you go through and quote these aggressive attacks?

The replies I see:
- Oh we’ve got a live one here. Is it going to be a drive by or will we see another post explaining why? - Not exactly productive, but asking for greater detail
- Yes! Everyone agreeing what a monumental prick he is was getting boring!!! - No attack here
- As the old saying goes: If it looks like a fascist, swims like a fascist, and quacks like a fascist, then it probably is an autistic - No attack here
- Oh right so you’re selective with the bits you follow? What about the other, more fascisty bits? - Asking about your level of knowledge on the topic, not exactly an attack
- What about the salutes? Was that an accident? - Genuine question
- Totally preposterous the idea that the intellectually void, bitter, drug-addled twat, raised by a bunch of fascist South Africans, might himself be a fascist. - 'Attacking' Musk, sure, but offered a link to an article with more information on the man
- FFS :lol: - Your comment wasto suggest that looking at facts is 'selective', this is not an attack
- Oh a coincidence. You’re good with the explanations. What about all the white suprematist material he personally promotes on his own platform? - Responding to you saying a Nazi salute by a man supporting the Far Right AfD was just a coincidene - not an attack
- He literally bans people on his platform for hurty words, and isn't elected yet is interfering in government affairs. You have to be trolling :lol: - Inflamatory, maybe, but offers facts to back up their position
- Did he explain why he believes in great replacement theory? - No attack here
- Oh please don't do that. Just go and watch some cartoons, video game, or go for a walk, or something, anything, anything else. Please. - Possibly viewed as an attack
- Oh how I'd love to also live under a rock. - Suggesting you were ill-informed, which you've subsequently admitted
- Here's some important reading, explaining the type of fascism him and Peter Thiel are after. - Offered information, no attack here
- When Calvin Robinson did something similar - the Church literally kicked him out. Do you think they were wrong to do so? - Gives another example of the clearly inflamatory salute - no attack
- Herregud mann... Wake up, your big hero is a pathetic Far Right conspiracy pushing moron. Also, the idea that Musk would genuinely believe that Trump/GOP are the ones to back when it comes to free speech and democracy is absurd. Or maybe, he just watched Seinfeld and thought to himself: "I will do the OPPOSITE"! - not especially great, but attacking Musk, not you
- To be fair, if you don't follow topics surrounding Musk you could actually believe the tired narrative that he is a a genius and honest human being. Now that belief stops the moment you see him interact with anyone that isn't pandering. It also stops if you follow him on Twitter. - a description of reality
- I'm pretty sure this guy has been helicoptering into this thread for years at this point acting completely oblivious to whatever the current nonsense Musk is up to and claiming he's da best. - was seen as an attack but later admitted thinking you were someone else

You said you entered the thread to enlighten yourself, your actions showed you entered the thread to claim that people suggesting Musk was fascistic were 'delusional'. Thus far you have not provided any action, source, or evidence to back up your view there, whilst others have given plentiful examples. And you see this as an attack on you.

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I've been more or less away from the Caf for years now. Silly me to think the state of the generals would be any better than the matchday threads. You lot are so hostile and aggressive it makes me laugh whilst also pondering why do I even bother. I'm not here to troll and I had no idea about his Nazi heritage. It's a thread on a Man Utd forum ffs. Anyway might as well deactivate my account, any time spent on the Caf is just a complete waste.

In your first post you proclaimed anyone who thinks Musk is a fascist is delusional. It's passive aggressive so you set the tone you're whinging about yourself, to most people that behaviour just appears like trolling and therefore fair game to take the piss.

I don't hold that view about Musk personally but I don't think it's delusional to think it. He did a nazi salute, twice, at the presidential inauguration of all places. He supports far right political movements in foreign countries, he holds far right views, and he says far right shit.
Insults everybody in his first post, claims to have the conviction that Musk is the last bastion of democracy, gets mocked but also engaged with by several posters, backpedals to the just asking questions routine and finally throws his toys out of the pram and leaves like a fragile drama queen. So very unpredictable :lol:
Insults everybody in his first post, claims to have the conviction that Musk is the last bastion of democracy, gets mocked but also engaged with by several posters, backpedals to the just asking questions routine and finally throws his toys out of the pram and leaves like a fragile drama queen. So very unpredictable :lol:

Are you describing Musk?
It seems irrelevant at this point if Musk is actually a fascist or just prepared to act as one, and promote far right and fascist/nazi propoganda. Functionally, he is exactly what he is accused of, and when attached at the hip to the most dangerous man in the world it is truly scary what they may inflict on the US, and the rest of us. Anyone who can't or won't see that is part of the problem.

How anyone couldn't be aware of what has been going on is almost beyond belief.
also boo fecking hoo to the wum blaming mainstream media as if people dont also consume alternative media in 2025.... such a tired trope
also boo fecking hoo to the wum blaming mainstream media as if people dont also consume alternative media in 2025.... such a tired trope

And unless mainstream media is very different outside of France, Musk is actually very sheltered from them. They don't really share what he pushes on Twitter. They shared what he has done around Trump lately and even then it's while giving him the benefit of doubts.
And unless mainstream media is very different outside of France, Musk is actually very sheltered from them. They don't really share what he pushes on Twitter. They shared what he has done around Trump lately and even then it's while giving him the benefit of doubts.

Same in Ireland, anyone here relying solely on ‘mainstream media’ for their assessment of Musk would probably have had a fairly indifferent or vaguely positive impression of the man until he started doing Nazi salutes in front of the entire world.
And unless mainstream media is very different outside of France, Musk is actually very sheltered from them. They don't really share what he pushes on Twitter. They shared what he has done around Trump lately and even then it's while giving him the benefit of doubts.
Same in Denmark. There was very little coverage of his insane right-wing pivot before the Nazi salute. Now you will see more headlines of his Twitter ramblings, in particular because he went after our only astronaut, who is a pretty wholesome and well-liked guy.
Same in Ireland, anyone here relying solely on ‘mainstream media’ for their assessment of Musk would probably have had a fairly indifferent or vaguely positive impression of the man until he started doing Nazi salutes in front of the entire world.
I guess many people don't follow the news that much or think very hard about things in general.

One of my team, who is Indian, is buying a Tesla. This is stunning to me. Shame it is a proffesional environment so I can't say anything.
I've been more or less away from the Caf for years now. Silly me to think the state of the generals would be any better than the matchday threads. You lot are so hostile and aggressive it makes me laugh whilst also pondering why do I even bother. I'm not here to troll and I had no idea about his Nazi heritage. It's a thread on a Man Utd forum ffs. Anyway might as well deactivate my account, any time spent on the Caf is just a complete waste.

You start of by laughing at people and calling them delusional, and then start crying and talking about deactivating your account because the responses you get aren't up to your standard of politeness. That is deranged behaviour, if you don't see how ridiculous you're being then something is seriously wrong.

Also, if your way of trying to enlighten yourself and learn about a topic you're ignorant on is to state how you're pretty certain you're right and those disagreeing have lost touch with reality, wouldn't it make sense for you to interpret the mildly rude responses you've gotten in the same way rather than throwing a fit?
I guess many people don't follow the news that much or think very hard about things in general.

One of my team, who is Indian, is buying a Tesla. This is stunning to me. Shame it is a proffesional environment so I can't say anything.
'Oh you're buying a SWASTICAR?' ....followed by a brief grimace
What's his incentive?

He's worth 300 billion. Would've made billions regardless of who won. Will make more with Trump, obviously. Heavily intertwined with the military industrial complex well before Trump (back to Obama) but throughout all administrations including his.

Does he just want to be in politics but cannot be president because of his SA birth? It cannot really be money because at 300 billion you'd have to be an idiot to need inside access to the government (this alone, because all of them have it at that point/threshold) to keep your businesses moving.

That leaves ideology. The only prevailing ideology these tech people have is a techno fascism. Theil, him, and a handful of others who have read three books on philosophy and never understood any of it. Then watched the Matrix and decided that was better.
Read that on CNN did you?

Weirdly, it's right. But the "mainstream media" hasn't always been as shit as it has been for the past 15 years. Or go back longer. It became pointless.

I cannot find one news channel worth watching over a mildly decent independent journalist who 20 years ago would have featured in legacy press(es).

Goebbels wanted to just say "don't read outside stuff" and "stick with the Nazis", of course. Different agenda is obvious.
What's his incentive?

He's worth 300 billion. Would've made billions regardless of who won. Will make more with Trump, obviously. Heavily intertwined with the military industrial complex well before Trump but throughout all administrations including his.

Does he just want to be in politics but cannot be president because of his SA birth? It cannot really be money because at 300 billion you'd have to be an idiot to need inside access to the government (this alone, because all of them have it at that point/threshold) to keep your businesses moving.

That leaves ideology.

Greed and ideology. He doesn't actually have 300 billions and there are a number of people and consortiums that have more cash or cash equivalents. It's also worth mentioning that his companies receive several billions from the US and american taxpayers, having direct access to Trump and making sure that money keeps getting funneled in his direction is pretty important when it comes to his worth.
What's his incentive?

He's worth 300 billion. Would've made billions regardless of who won. Will make more with Trump, obviously. Heavily intertwined with the military industrial complex well before Trump (back to Obama) but throughout all administrations including his.

Does he just want to be in politics but cannot be president because of his SA birth? It cannot really be money because at 300 billion you'd have to be an idiot to need inside access to the government (this alone, because all of them have it at that point/threshold) to keep your businesses moving.

That leaves ideology. The only prevailing ideology these tech people have is a techno fascism. Theil, him, and a handful of others who have read three books on philosophy and never understood any of it. Then watched the Matrix and decided that was better.
His worth is largely on paper only and in many ways that is rather precarious. I'm sure he is politically despicable but don't underestimate his avarice, both to not lose what he has and to gain even more.
His worth is largely on paper only and in many ways that is rather precarious. I'm sure he is politically despicable but don't underestimate his avarice, both to not lose what he has and to gain even more.
Has to be ideological, I think.

Nothing irritates me as much as talk about "matrix" in that social circle. They take that as their foundational ontology. They think they're the ones battling the machine. They work for it. You couldn't make it up.
His worth is largely on paper only and in many ways that is rather precarious. I'm sure he is politically despicable but don't underestimate his avarice, both to not lose what he has and to gain even more.
That really does not mean much. Everyone's worth is mainly on paper only, there aren't many people who are keeping billions in cash, and pretty much no individual is keeping tens of billions in cash.
It always makes me laugh when people insult others then act as though they're the victim when people clap back.
I said the idea of him being a fascist was delusional, it wasn’t directed at anyone specifically. How is that insulting towards anyone? There’s a difference between that and the replies which was not only disagreements regarding my opinions but actually insults towards me as a poster. Your twisting of things here is the laughable bit actually.
I said the idea of him being a fascist was delusional, it wasn’t directed at anyone specifically. How is that insulting towards anyone? There’s a difference between that and the replies which was not only disagreements regarding my opinions but actually insults towards me as a poster. Your twisting of things here is the laughable bit actually.

Who exactly insulted you? Report whoever did it.

Also stating that an idea is delusional can be interpreted as calling anyone subscribing to it as delusional, it's not exactly a big leap.
You start of by laughing at people and calling them delusional, and then start crying and talking about deactivating your account because the responses you get aren't up to your standard of politeness. That is deranged behaviour, if you don't see how ridiculous you're being then something is seriously wrong.

Also, if your way of trying to enlighten yourself and learn about a topic you're ignorant on is to state how you're pretty certain you're right and those disagreeing have lost touch with reality, wouldn't it make sense for you to interpret the mildly rude responses you've gotten in the same way rather than throwing a fit?
You’re just factually incorrect here. I didn’t call anyone delusional and the laughing was at the humour with ‘we got a live one here’ and in no way laughing at someones opinions. But that’s the caf for you, sensitive people getting provoked at disagreements turning towards the poster, twisting and derailing a conversation into insults and mockery. Not sure why I’d expect anything different though.
I said the idea of him being a fascist was delusional, it wasn’t directed at anyone specifically. How is that insulting towards anyone? There’s a difference between that and the replies which was not only disagreements regarding my opinions but actually insults towards me as a poster. Your twisting of things here is the laughable bit actually.
I think you've had enough time to learn about Musk.... where are we with that then?

Weirdly, it's right. But the "mainstream media" hasn't always been as shit as it has been for the past 15 years. Or go back longer. It became pointless.

I cannot find one news channel worth watching over a mildly decent independent journalist who 20 years ago would have featured in legacy press(es).

Goebbels wanted to just say "don't read outside stuff" and "stick with the Nazis", of course. Different agenda is obvious.
Huge swathes of the media have been shit for decades. Owned by the rich to serve the rich etc. The noise that social media has created has bizarrely amplified the shitter end of the media.
You’re just factually incorrect here. I didn’t call anyone delusional and the laughing was at the humour with ‘we got a live one here’ and in no way laughing at someones opinions. But that’s the caf for you, sensitive people getting provoked at disagreements turning towards the poster, twisting and derailing a conversation into insults and mockery. Not sure why I’d expect anything different though.
You keep using the word sensitive, whilst clearly being the most sensitive one in here. You even announced your departure :lol:

But then, if you think being anti-fascist is being a bit sensitive, then there are plenty of other places on the internet for the kind of bubble you want.