Moyes To Succeed Ferguson Anyone?

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I've just recieved about 25 pms. Jesus.
It's 100% David Moyes, get used to it. Everyone in the universe is saying it's going to be confirmed today. Someone from RI is on a WUM and everyone has fallen for it, AGAIN.

Was not a WUM mate, the info was fairly tame, just interesting.

Shouldn't have made it sound so tempting as my Inbox just exploded :lol:

Looking very likely that Moyes will be announced imminently now anyhow.
I'm working on deleting all my posts where I was sceptic about Moyes as we speak! This is what I've dreamed of!
If Moyes is announced i'll be a little gutted that Gill didn't see the opportunity to pull off the greatest "Gotcha!" prank ever staged. And on the English rags no less!
United dropped the bollock before dropping the bollocks. Good job.
Christ Mark Hughes is desperate isn't he. Begging for a job from his own living room.
Not a whisper on SSN.
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