Movies that aren't very good and everybody knows it but you still like them


Best duck on girl sex scene in movie history.

Yeah... liked Blue Streak too.
Also liked the Shanghai movies (with jackie chan and owen wilson..) ...
and Eurotrip
Transformers 2. The reviews were awful but for some reason I thought it was a brilliant movie and I loved it.
I have never been a fan of it but Labyrinth deserves a mention.
Street Fighter
Double Impact
Tango and Cash
White Chicks
Blue Streak
Mortal Kombat
Soul Plane
The Last Airbender

Norbit was terrible! Though Eddie Murphy did show versatility, the movie itself was god awful. The only saving grace was the inclusion of Charlie Murphy. That said, I've seen it multiple times...:lol:
Aren't those all movies generally liked by the masses? I like all of them. Lethal Weapon series is good. Gibson before he went all batshit crazy.
Kung Pow - Hillarious
The Bone Collector - Heard the critics hated this, I liked this film when I was young
Season Of The Witch - Cheesy, badly written crusader drama starring Ron Perlman and Nicolas Cage with american accents. Yet I had fun
I thought Super and The Perfect Host were great. Both below 50% on RT. :confused:

"Killian, here's Sub-Zero, now, plain zero!" Gov. Arnold

Great movie, it was his best as far as outrageous quotes are concerned.

Arnie and Buzzsaw grappling over his chainsaw:
'this saw's a part of me, now it's going to be a part of you...'
'no, keep it.'

Arnie forces it up between his legs. later on:
'where's buzzsaw?
'ee had to split.'
I thought Super and The Perfect Host were great. Both below 50% on RT. :confused:

Movie reviewers really hate something super violent out of the blue. They also often judge movies based on their own perception of what the movie is before seeing it and being wrong. "This isn't a comedy blablabla".

Have you seen Punisher: War Zone? Got poor reviews. Why? Many thought it was too violent. Others were probably comparing it to Dark Knight because both are based on comic books and it totally makes sense to compare them all right?

The antagonist and protagonist were lead men from The Wire and Rome. And it's true to the comic in the sense of the violence. What's not to like?

Typical movies which don't get much publicity at all from the studios, critics don't like but the audience like it much better.