Movies that aren't very good and everybody knows it but you still like them


fecking love that movie! The Old Spice man was a great villain.
I've not seen it in a very long time so would probably hate it now but...

Freddy Got Fingered, which is rated at a measly 4.1 on imdb
I've not seen it in a very long time so would probably hate it now but...

Freddy Got Fingered, which is rated at a measly 4.1 on imdb

I hated that with a passion. The imdb rating is extremely generous.
Yeah, but no one dislikes it really....except the people in the industry it was mocking -_-
There's been some pretty impressive movie tag lines over the years, but "hell hath no fury like a computer composite of 183 serial killers" is going to take some beating!
....The Wicker Man :nervous:

It's not even that I don't agree that it's horrific, it's terrible, but I just can't help but watch it if it happens to be on.

Actually, I think this applies to most Nic Cage stuff.

I like Nic Cage in the past few days I have watched Knowing and Ghostrider and think both are really good.
I also like the 2 National treasure films
Mind you I have watched his Wickerman once and never again it is dreadful
I fecking love Blue Streak... and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Okay, well I'm slightly ashamed... but still.
Hard Target
Double Team
Universal Soldier
Death Warrant
Sudden Death
Street Fighter
Double Impact
I've mentioned this already, but Exorcist II - The Heretic.

Tapdancing, a 18 yo Linda Blair, James Earl Jones in native clothes, locusts, pidgeons, fantastically idiotic dialogues, a mad Richard Burton, hypnosis and a fantastic Morricone score.

Its a bad, bad film, but still a lot of fun.
For once I agree with cinc, there is no saving grace for that film, it's just shit.
You Don't Mess with The Zohan...

For an Adam Sandler film, I laughed way too much when I saw it... It's shit, it's ridiculous... but it's a comedy, and it made me laugh.
I've mentioned this already, but Exorcist II - The Heretic.

Tapdancing, a 18 yo Linda Blair, James Earl Jones in native clothes, locusts, pidgeons, fantastically idiotic dialogues, a mad Richard Burton, hypnosis and a fantastic Morricone score.

Its a bad, bad film, but still a lot of fun.

Sounds like the greatest film of all time, that's being added to the top of my list.
Or he just has a different opinion? Personally, I thought it was incredibly boring and I stopped watching just before the 2 hour mark.

feck are you on about?

This thread is about films most people don't like that you do. He's implied that TDK is one of them when it blatantly isn't, therefore it shouldn't be included. I don't know what personal 'opinion' has to do with that.

Anyway, I'm a sucker for Arnie, I love Twins and Kindergaren Cop
Grandmas Boy. Hilarious. I love it. Acting isn't great but it doesn't matter. The supporting cast is just good.

Fantastic movie and Nick Swardson is great in it

^ One of the best films ever made.

I was watching this movie the other day as it was on. One of my favorite movies from when I was younger

Idle Hands 5.9 IMDB: It's a bit of a silly stoner flick but I like it. Maybe it's cause Jessica Alba is hawt (even if she is like 17).

Jessica Alba made that movie
the warriors gets 7.6/10 on IMDB and 94% on rotten tomatoes...Id say thats well above average reviews....its a fecking great film...I think its the film Ive seen more than any other mainly due to it being the only video we had in a flat I shared with my mates...nearly every other night someone would say "stick on the warriors" the time we moved out we're could nearly recite it word for word throughout....havent watched it in a a good while now...must remedy that

Night watch is quality too...wasnt it supposed to be part of a trilogy, I think the director/writer mustve scrapped the idea cause Day Watch tied it all up instead...Day Watch was majorly disappointing comapred to night watch.

Oh I know but I wanted to mention it and The Host since they never get talked about or recommended anywhere. Warrior being old and The Host being foreign.
My girlfriend didn't like Warriors at all. Many people like her can't watch those kind of films because of how they've aged.