Movies that aren't very good and everybody knows it but you still like them


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
I'm not talking about movies that are so bad that they're funny. I'm talking about movies that generally get bad-to-average reviews.

For example. I got myself all the Resident Evil films. I had never seen one or play the game but I knew what they were about and was never excited by seeing the trailers in movie theaters. But I really like them. I don't know if it's because I watched them all in 2 days with my girlfriend, who usually doesn't like anything that's remotely horror, and that she liked it as well and therefor there were more positives than would have had I watched them alone. I don't know. But I really enjoyed them despite the typical scripts for the latter movies and plot holes here and there. I didn't care. I liked the zombies, I like Mila and Ali Larter together and I like that they are
still fighting without any good ending so far
against the mighty evil umbrella corporation.

It just appeals to me somehow. So what other movies do I like.

Grandmas Boy. Hilarious. I love it. Acting isn't great but it doesn't matter. The supporting cast is just good.

Rob B. Hood. Jackie Chan flick. Chinese one. Fairly recent. Again. On paper it sounds even childish but I loved Rumble in Bronx with the sloppy English dub. This was more of the same with better film making. I like Jackie Chan.

Underworld movies. I don't know if it's just Kate Beckinsale or if it's Kate Beckinsale in that outfit or if it's Kate Beckinsale in that outfit with guns. I'm a fan of those movies despite their simpleness and faults.

I thought Slither was great.

I love The Warriors.

And I think that Night Watch (Russian film) is underrated.

You should watch Gwoemul (The Host). A South Korean comedy with a giant monster. It's considered good by the general public so it doesn't really fit the bill but I enjoyed it probably more than most people do.
Shawshank Redemption. I saw it on TV a couple weeks ago for the first time and wasn't really that impressed. It's a good film but not one I'd really consider going out of my way to watch again. He doesn't even get redemption either so why on earth is it called "Shawshank Redemption"?

I misread the title. I'm leaving this here anyway because I reckon it's a controversial opinion.
^ One of the best films ever made.

Shawshank Redemption. I saw it on TV a couple weeks ago for the first time and wasn't really that impressed. It's a good film but not one I'd really consider going out of my way to watch again. He doesn't even get redemption either so why on earth is it called "Shawshank Redemption"?

I misread the title. I'm leaving this here anyway because I reckon it's a controversial opinion.

That's generally regarded as one of the best films ever made! (And you've done the opposite of the thread title)


Signs. It's a bad movie and demonstrates the director's complete lack of logic, but it still scares me....

I like Jarhead and a lot of people I've talked to hated it.

Plan 9 From Outer Space
The Dark Knight. Everyone knows it isn't really that good, but just like to pretend to anyway to annoy people who do get annoyed by that type of thing, which is actually a lot of people.
Frankenstein with Robert de Niro
Alien 3
Star Wars Prequels
The 1st two Underwold movies
The Dark Knight. Everyone knows it isn't really that good, but just like to pretend to anyway to annoy people who do get annoyed by that type of thing, which is actually a lot of people.

What are you on about?
I think I am on about everyone knowing The Dark Knight isn't really that good, but they to pretend to say it is anyway so that they can annoy people who do get annoyed by that kind of thing....which happens to be more people than you'd expect.

It's an amazing film and generally regarded as being so by critics and the public so you're either WUMing or talking shit.

I loved Con Air.
Grandmas Boy is fecking awesome agreed btw. Don't even have to be stoned to love it imo.
Half the films so far are widely held as being good films... if not by critics, then at least by a lot of people (Armageddon is a prime example).

My film that fits this bill is Southland Tales ... the Richard Kelly follow up to Donnie Darko which starred The Rock, Sean William Scott and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Got hammered by critics and bombed at the box office... but I love it. It's all over the place, it's mental, it doesn't make a whole load of obvious sense... but I think it's great.
Your Highness. It's bad. It's really bad. But I laughed throughout the whole thing.
It's an amazing film and generally regarded as being so by critics and the public so you're either WUMing or talking shit.

Or he just has a different opinion? Personally, I thought it was incredibly boring and I stopped watching just before the 2 hour mark.
....The Wicker Man :nervous:

It's not even that I don't agree that it's horrific, it's terrible, but I just can't help but watch it if it happens to be on.

Actually, I think this applies to most Nic Cage stuff.
I love The Warriors.

And I think that Night Watch (Russian film) is underrated.

the warriors gets 7.6/10 on IMDB and 94% on rotten tomatoes...Id say thats well above average reviews....its a fecking great film...I think its the film Ive seen more than any other mainly due to it being the only video we had in a flat I shared with my mates...nearly every other night someone would say "stick on the warriors" the time we moved out we're could nearly recite it word for word throughout....havent watched it in a a good while now...must remedy that

Night watch is quality too...wasnt it supposed to be part of a trilogy, I think the director/writer mustve scrapped the idea cause Day Watch tied it all up instead...Day Watch was majorly disappointing comapred to night watch.
Idle Hands 5.9 IMDB: It's a bit of a silly stoner flick but I like it. Maybe it's cause Jessica Alba is hawt (even if she is like 17).

Screamers 6.1 IMDB: It's got robocop in it. Basically set on another planet where underground robot thingies jump out and slice people up. But it starts being a bit more than that when they've evolved to 'clone humans', so you have a kinda 'Who is human who is the robot' thing going on (like The Thing). Largely underrated I reckon.

Event Horizon 6.5 IMDB: Well it's not bad but it's certainly not 'very good', but horror in space is awesome.
Layer Cake - its a bit crap but it's got Michael Gambon in so I think I'm justified.
Shawshank Redemption. I saw it on TV a couple weeks ago for the first time and wasn't really that impressed. It's a good film but not one I'd really consider going out of my way to watch again. He doesn't even get redemption either so why on earth is it called "Shawshank Redemption"?

I misread the title. I'm leaving this here anyway because I reckon it's a controversial opinion.

Fantastic film.
Rocky 4 - It's a movie mainly made up of Stallone gurning, a terribly cast son stinking up the screen, 50 minutes worth of montages, David vs Goliath albeit David has a granite chin and somehow a political ending. But I love watching that movie, love it.
Hudson Hawk: panned when it came out, but I love it.
Last Action Hero: As above.
Rocky 4 - It's a movie mainly made up of Stallone gurning, a terribly cast son stinking up the screen, 50 minutes worth of montages, David vs Goliath albeit David has a granite chin and somehow a political ending. But I love watching that movie, love it.

This post is missing a robot.
Idle Hands 5.9 IMDB: It's a bit of a silly stoner flick but I like it. Maybe it's cause Jessica Alba is hawt (even if she is like 17).

Screamers 6.1 IMDB: It's got robocop in it. Basically set on another planet where underground robot thingies jump out and slice people up. But it starts being a bit more than that when they've evolved to 'clone humans', so you have a kinda 'Who is human who is the robot' thing going on (like The Thing). Largely underrated I reckon.

Event Horizon 6.5 IMDB: Well it's not bad but it's certainly not 'very good', but horror in space is awesome.

Scremamers is great. Plus the second one has an incredibly hot woman in it.
I also really like Screamers... In terms of Philip K Dick adaptations it's up there as one of my favourites.

On that same note... I really like Imposter with Gary Sinise...