Film Movie sequels you had no idea existed

"Hey, what should we call our new sequel?"
"Same as the original but with Revelations at the end. Totes orig."



There has apparently been 5 (five) 'Rise of the Footsoldier' films.
Oh man if you ever wake up unreasonably early on your day off work do yourself a favour and watch them all back to back, you'll either find that you've never been so excited to get back to your job or you'll consider moving permanently to your local crematorium.
Why would you watch the other two if you found the first one terrible?

It was the 80's and optimism was still alive. I think I quit watching around half way through part 3 or maybe earlier. Apparently the sequels carried on almost endlessly.
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The first film is a classic and I love it, but the sequels suck. Not even seen this one with Damien presumably reborn as a girl.
@Damien are you just going to let him get away with calling you a girl?