I disagree. That is the job of a sporting director, which we're looking to appoint and which Woodward currently de facto operates as: To look at the bigger picture, the long-term plan that the club has layed out and which might not necessarily be compatible with the more short-sighted priorities of a manager like Mourinho. That doesn't necessarily mean you don't support your manager, just that the manager shouldn't be allowed to completely unravel a long-term plan over one or two transfer windows, the same way I always hate it when people say you can't judge a manager until it's "his team", as if every new manager who comes in every two or three years should just sell and replace the entire squad, undoing years and billions of investments.
The way to become a modern, well-run club is to lay down a long-term plan and some club principles that every new manager is hired to execute, not to rewrite.