The Cat
Will drink milk from Amad’s hands
I hate this bit of the draft - know who I want and have to wait and see my pick getting closer and then the player goes the pick before mine
And see - knew it would happen like that
I hate this bit of the draft - know who I want and have to wait and see my pick getting closer and then the player goes the pick before mine
Left my pick with @Indnyc @oneniltothearsenal
Done.Send to me as well
Who can I leave my pick with?
Thanks sent you my pickI’m just starting shift so I’ll be around the rest of the night
Sent Only one valid pick to Skizzo
It's hard to imagine that he's only 31. He was so incredible at such young age and you would've thought that his skillset would allow him to retain his level even after his physical decline.C.Fabregas (10)
Yeah he isn’t the same level as when he started but what an incredible playerIt's hard to imagine that he's only 31. He was so incredible at such young age and you would've thought that his skillset would allow him to retain his level even after his physical decline.