Middle East Politics

Seemingly at it again:

(Edit): Here is one Assadist’s defence of this:

Seemingly at it again:

(Edit): Here is one Assadist’s defence of this:


It genuinely pains me to speak to a lot of Arabs about politics.

I've had to avoid doing it with my in laws for a while now because it is so infuriating.

Edit; an Egyptian Sisi ass licker (sorry, MP) also brought up Hitler in some way a few months ago too.
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Seemingly at it again:

(Edit): Here is one Assadist’s defence of this:


These guys are supposed to be a professional army. It's really sad what has happened in that country.
There is so much propaganda going on both sides. I wouldn't believe anything the Turkish or Western newspapers say and neither would I believe what the Syrian government says. There are good independent reporters like Robert Fisk who tells it as it is.
Reports that Russian air strikes have killed a lot of Turkish soldiers in Idlib tonight:

A pandemic on one side and a NATO ally on the brink of war on the other side. Trump's time to shine.
They got a free bus trip to Edirne? Lucky buggers.

It's also worth noting that Greece has been doing a bit of posturing Turkey's way of late so I think that is potentially another reason they dropped them all off at the border.
thanks to Merkel, Europe depends on Turkey to limit Syrian refugee flows to Europe. Who knew that Erdogan of all people would use that to pressure Europe whenever he wants something. *facepalm*
Why is it a problem refugees flow into Europe? the European countries decided to be on USA's side and destroy a country causing the problem in the first place. They should accept the consequences.
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Why are the Turks trying to prolong this conflict? Like it or not the quickest path to ceasing this terrible war is letting the government take back full control. Not entirely sure what Erdogan hopes to achieve by turning Idlib into a prolonged blood-stained final stand.
thanks to Merkel, Europe depends on Turkey to limit Syrian refugee flows to Europe. Who knew that Erdogan of all people would use that to pressure Europe whenever he wants something. *facepalm*
Merkel didn't design the earth's geography.
Why are the Turks trying to prolong this conflict? Like it or not the quickest path to ceasing this terrible war is letting the government take back full control. Not entirely sure what Erdogan hopes to achieve by turning Idlib into a prolonged blood-stained final stand.

They’d like to create a buffer to prevent hundreds of thousands more refugees entering Turkey, which is the inevitable result of an Assad ‘victory’.
Why are is it a problem refugees flow into Europe? the European countries decided to be on USA's side and destroy a country causing the problem in the first place. They should accept the consequences.

Yep. Close to 4 million Syrian refugees in Turkey and it's European countries that cry about the prospect of being swamped by refugees. Absolutely no sympathy from this side.

Good luck to them all in their new European homes.

Exactly the optics that Erdogan would have been hoping for.
The USA and it's allies (specially the UK) should be held responsible for destroying their land and for making those helpless refugees suffer at the border.
Prime Minister of Greece calling Erdogan out on his bullshit.

I wouldn't say it's total BS, Turkey host more Syrian refugees than the whole of Europe. Maybe European countries should stop fecking around in the ME then they can wash their hands with the problem.

This isn't to say Erdogan isn't using the situation to his advantage.
The Greek response to the refugees has been quite grim. Reports yesterday (and pictures) of them having stripped and beaten the refugees.

No wonder they'd want to pass through and hope for better things in a place like Germany or France. Sadly for them, they've never quite grasped just how unaccepting Europe is of them.