Michael Olise | Joins Bayern

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Saw the comment "he's a left footed Grealish" which feels right, though a tier below Grealish. Just not it for me.

Hmm not many balls going into the box with his right foot? seems to cut inside just as much as the players already at United.

Not sure tbh and that's before the added pressure/expectation the United shirt will bring.
I don’t watch Williams too much but he’s always given me a young zaha vibes. Is that fair?
This is just my opinion mate, but for me the difference is that Williams does everything at greater speed in comparison to a younger Zaha. The highlights below of both players demonstrate to me the difference in speed, tempo, intensity and quicker directional shifts, which are all in favour of Williams who looks a more electrifying wide forward at the same age. Williams is also playing at a higher level in Spain compared to Zaha, who was playing in the English second tier at the time.



And from watching Williams play and forming a opinion via the eye test, the next step for me is to have a look at the statistics to see how he compares to his peers in key areas in his respective positions on the left or right flank. And even the statistics are painting a pretty picture as far as his key attributes are concerned playing as a winger/wide forward. The other player mentioned in the tweet below is Johan Bakayoko, but he's playing in a weaker league, so it's difficult guage how good those stats are until he makes a step up to a stronger league or has a run of games in European Cup competitions against quality teams. But Bakayoko is naturally left footed and Williams is naturally right footed, and I wouldn't be against signing both, because stylistically both players are potentially a throwback to the wingers of yester-years and I think we could definitely do with some variety which is lacking throughout the team where a lack of physical and athletic ability is a issue.

Yeah. Nico Williams is the perfect type of winger that a top club needs to help reach the level of the elite clubs. Olise is good, but I don't think he is a top level player. He's more just raising our floor rather than raising our ceiling. He doesn't have enough pace and directness when on the ball for me, much more of a passer/link up player out wide rather than a winger who can terrorize their fullbacks and create openings all game. Nico Williams and Garnacho on the wings gives us something like what Bayerns been constantly going for for 15 years now, and what I always think United should target. Great dribbling and directness from the wingers where they can go inside or out, but will just run at their fullbacks all day and provide both assists and goals. Both being game changers. Olise is the exact type of player I can see coming here and not really having a big impact.
We need to raise our floor by a lot. Sancho was a ceiling raiser but without a solid foundation around him, he was completely pointless. Also, I can't profess to watch any of Atletic but how good is Nico Williams. I understand he's the opposite to Antony and Sancho in that he's direct, pacy and an effective take on winger but does he actually score or create anything? His statistical output is fairly underwhelming. He also doesn't seem to be very good defensively like Antony and Olise.
I'm not surprised that when I read a thread on a perspective transfer one common theme that gets said is English as if it's a positive attribute. Let's look at our British Core currently and they all share some or all of these fine traits: Overpaid in Wages, Overpaid Transfer Fee for an Average Player, Sulky or Injury Prone. There's not a single category that Rashford, Sancho, Maguire, Shaw, Mount or Wan-Bissaka doesn't fit into.
I'm not surprised that when I read a thread on a perspective transfer one common theme that gets said is English as if it's a positive attribute. Let's look at our British Core currently and they all share some or all of these fine traits: Overpaid in Wages, Overpaid Transfer Fee for an Average Player, Sulky or Injury Prone. There's not a single category that Rashford, Sancho, Maguire, Shaw, Mount or Wan-Bissaka doesn't fit into.

Always about getting the best player but on the occasion where you have two targets who are about equal in quality and one of them is English (and PL settled) and another is not then I’d lean towards the homegrown, unless price is too prohibitive.
I'm not surprised that when I read a thread on a perspective transfer one common theme that gets said is English as if it's a positive attribute. Let's look at our British Core currently and they all share some or all of these fine traits: Overpaid in Wages, Overpaid Transfer Fee for an Average Player, Sulky or Injury Prone. There's not a single category that Rashford, Sancho, Maguire, Shaw, Mount or Wan-Bissaka doesn't fit into.

Yeah I used to be all for a British core but forget that now. It's definitely not a positive trait on its own.
I'm not surprised that when I read a thread on a perspective transfer one common theme that gets said is English as if it's a positive attribute. Let's look at our British Core currently and they all share some or all of these fine traits: Overpaid in Wages, Overpaid Transfer Fee for an Average Player, Sulky or Injury Prone. There's not a single category that Rashford, Sancho, Maguire, Shaw, Mount or Wan-Bissaka doesn't fit into.
Got any cheap canadian talent to recommend :wenger: ?
He’s not like Grealish, he is more penetrative in his actions on the ball and is a better creator from wide.

Would compare him more to Mahrez than Grealish actually.

In the video you don't see that creativity or the width, you only see a player drawing fouls and cutting inside.
Yeah I used to be all for a British core but forget that now. It's definitely not a positive trait on its own.

I think given the natural tendency to overhype, overvalue and overpay English players in the prem, I agree I think we should steer clear over the next few windows unless a Bellingham level talent emerges or if it’s on a free of course where the overpaying is balanced out by the no fee.

As long as we have the necessary number of homegrown players, which as I understand it we don’t have an issue with, then focusing on getting value in the market should be our priority. Players such as and Frimpong, Nico Williams are examples of players with great value release clauses in the perfect age profile for us (and Frimpong also it’s as homegrown I believe anyway).
Call me a sucker but I do like the idea of United fans playing for us. You'd hope it'd give them that extra edge.

Probably bollocks though.
Would take him out of all the right wing options available. Everytime I have watched him he has looked class. Be nice to have a decent set piece taker in the squad for a change
Looks a talented player, and I've not seen him play much but the videos showing him clips show he just runs without any clue what he wants to do. Just mindless stuff, and for a highlights video that's bad.
It actually does look like the former club non-celebration:lol:

Now it all makes sense. Why didn’t we think this possibility? I’m in now to sign him this summer. We need our wingers to be good in passing and crossing to create chances for striker and this guy ticks the boxes.
Recently there has been a few tweets linking us with Olise - anything to do with the links to Dougie Freedman?
On his old twitter account, the only club he follows is United.

He really needs to increase his output, I don't think he's good enough at this point in time, he's clearly a talented player though.
It's time for Antony to pack his bags

On his old twitter account, the only club he follows is United.

He really needs to increase his output, I don't think he's good enough at this point in time, he's clearly a talented player though.

would be an immediate improvement on anything we have on the right wing and it's not crazy to extrapolate his productivity would improve playing with better players
I like him but he wouldn’t be my first choice there. Also, on the basis that I see it unlikely we buy both their best players, I’m a bit anti-Olise on the basis that I want us to buy Eze. Olise has quality though, although there’s a fair argument that Amad could possibly perform at a similar level with a proper chance.
I like him but he wouldn’t be my first choice there. Also, on the basis that I see it unlikely we buy both their best players, I’m a bit anti-Olise on the basis that I want us to buy Eze. Olise has quality though, although there’s a fair argument that Amad could possibly perform at a similar level with a proper chance.
Also in terms of a front 3, you really need some world class talent in there, proper game changers. Olise is a good player but not really that, so we'd be hoping both hojlund and Garnacho really turn into world class players otherwise we are again limited in how far we can get. Nico Williams to me has that elite potential which is why he's my top choice.

Olise is better than Antony and cost plays a big part here, if his release clause is still 35m or whatever then yeah not the worst deal.
He's quality it's a no-brainer. Have seen him long enough to know he'd make an impact and is a substantial improvement on Antony.
I like him, but I am worried about his injury record. Seems to pick up a lot, or am I mistaken?
Also in terms of a front 3, you really need some world class talent in there, proper game changers. Olise is a good player but not really that, so we'd be hoping both hojlund and Garnacho really turn into world class players otherwise we are again limited in how far we can get. Nico Williams to me has that elite potential which is why he's my top choice.

Olise is better than Antony and cost plays a big part here, if his release clause is still 35m or whatever then yeah not the worst deal.

I agree, you certainly want at least one top class consistent match winner in the front three, and I don’t see Olise as that player, although he does have top class potential. I just don’t think it’s elite goal scoring potential.

Garnacho is possibly the one. I’m still unsure about just how good he is. I’ve never thought he had truly elite potential, but my indecision about him is because I feel he has elite character and personality. It’s difficult to calculate just how far that will take a player, however, when coupled with a good enough level of talent it could take a player to the very top. You look at a player like Mohamed Salah for example, who is clearly talented, but didn’t get to where he is by following the Neymar ‘once in a generation’ track. Garnacho could feasibly go a similar route, I think he’s good enough for that at least and has immense self belief. He has a chance of becoming a 20-30 goal player, largely because he seems so damn determined to.
I agree, you certainly want at least one top class consistent match winner in the front three, and I don’t see Olise as that player, although he does have top class potential. I just don’t think it’s elite goal scoring potential.

Garnacho is possibly the one. I’m still unsure about just how good he is. I’ve never thought he had truly elite potential, but my indecision about him is because I feel he has elite character and personality. It’s difficult to calculate just how far that will take a player, however, when coupled with a good enough level of talent it could take a player to the very top. You look at a player like Mohamed Salah for example, who is clearly talented, but didn’t get to where he is by following the Neymar ‘once in a generation’ track. Garnacho could feasibly go a similar route, I think he’s good enough for that at least and has immense self belief. He has a chance of becoming a 20-30 goal player, largely because he seems so damn determined to.

Last season Olise had 11 league assists in 8.7 xA. May be because Olise is more like a wide playmaker rather than a goal scorer? For balance in our squad, do we need goal scoring winger? All of these times, lot of people had been complained about our wingers don’t pass or cross to Hojlund.
I honestly feel players at his level need to unquestionably prove they are too good to be where they are before they get the move to a bigger club. Players like Mahrez, Grealish, Maddison showed they had clearly outgrown being at the clubs they were at and you felt quite sure they would step up.

Olise really hasn’t proved much in the PL in my opinion. That’s not to say he won’t but so far I don’t see it as a sensible move unless his reported release clause offers really good value.

I can see him moving here and still needing time to develop and I’m not sure we should be spending money on PL players that aren’t certainties.
I honestly feel players at his level need to unquestionably prove they are too good to be where they are before they get the move to a bigger club. Players like Mahrez, Grealish, Maddison showed they had clearly outgrown being at the clubs they were at and you felt quite sure they would step up.

Olise really hasn’t proved much in the PL in my opinion. That’s not to say he won’t but so far I don’t see it as a sensible move unless his reported release clause offers really good value.

I can see him moving here and still needing time to develop and I’m not sure we should be spending money on PL players that aren’t certainties.
We would need to get rid of Antony first
A good player no question and as a replacement for Sancho I'm all over it. However we still need to replace Antony and someone like Williams would then give us two excellent options on the right. I imagine Olise will cost a fortune and the way Palace fleeced us for AWB would worry me.
He can be an exciting player to watch when he has it switched on, but he needs to maintain a much higher level of consistency to be a regular player for a challenging side. I like his qualities though, if he is in a right set up then he can be a game changer.

Would also be interesting to have him and Garnacho as our options down the right.
Also in terms of a front 3, you really need some world class talent in there, proper game changers. Olise is a good player but not really that, so we'd be hoping both hojlund and Garnacho really turn into world class players otherwise we are again limited in how far we can get. Nico Williams to me has that elite potential which is why he's my top choice.

Olise is better than Antony and cost plays a big part here, if his release clause is still 35m or whatever then yeah not the worst deal.
Exactly, the club needs 6 or 7 options in the squad to score goals. Currently we have 24 PL goals in 21 games, because we barely have one true Elite Option. The midfield and the defence have been hit by major injuries and we’ve probably conceded 7 or 8 goals too much in the PL, however our truly awful options up top mean we have scored at least 15 goals short, when your scoring 0 PL goals at home to Palace, Bournemouth, Newcastle etc.

I would say right now these attacking players are playing for their future ;

M Rashford - Chance of Staying 5/10 awful season, unprofessional, disrespectful and if PSG or any other team bid over £75m he’ll be sold

A Garnaucho - Chance of staying 9/10 good attitude but must be more clinical and work harder off the ball

R Hojlund - Chance of Staying 8/10 terrible PL first season but starved of service looks to have the potential if we sign a more experienced striker to share the workload.

A Dialo - Chance of staying 4/10 plagued by injuries now of the age where he needs to take his chance or he’ll be sold or loaned out!

F Pellistri - Chance of staying 3/10 not quick enough or strong enough for Elite PL will be sold within 18 months

Antony - Chance of Staying 2/10 worst signing in United’s history completely inept offers no goal threat will be shipped out asap.

A Martial - Chance of Staying 0/10 Already Gone !

J Sancho - Chance of Staying 3/10 if ETH is sacked he may get a reprieve but I doubt it United want him sold and the culture changed

M Greenwood - Chance of Staying 2/10 yes he’s the best of the lot on the pitch but too much baggage So United will cash in within 18 months left on contract, they might loan him with an obligation to buy after extending his contract.

To rebuild this club you would only keep two maybe three, and that’s only if Amad starts to show his potential. That means the club needs to sell Antony, Pellistri , Rashford , Sancho and Greenwood. There’s no way they do that in one window so Rashford will stay but I can see all the other being sold this summer for probably peanuts.

Assume the absolute maximum of Greenwood 50m, Sancho 35m, Antony 25m and Pellistri 15m. That’s £110-125m to reinvest in the attack plus possibly £60m of the £150m already put aside from the rumoured transfer kitty. The reality is we might sell 2 of these players and loan the other 2 and have maybe £120-130m of £300m budget to buy 3 players so if Olise is £35m than that’s a no brainer deal. We still need another CFW and another top winger.

Potentially United Could buy I Williams, M Olise and Santiago Gimenez for maybe £110m but would that be enough?

A new coach may give Jadon Sancho a chance and get rid of only Pellistri, Antony and Greenwood for £80m and use £90m of the transfer kitty so £170m of the rumoured £300m to upgrade our pathetic attack, we may get two players plus a young striker.

I could see Victor Osimhen or Evan Ferguson being bought as a marquee player for £110-120m, Olise or I Williams fir £35-40m and Marcos Leonardo for £15m.

Right now nothing would surprise me and the new DOF will have to make significant changes to United’s recruitment strategy or Red Devil’s blunt attack will be stinking out the place next season as well!
I like him, but I am worried about his injury record. Seems to pick up a lot, or am I mistaken?

Transfermarket says he missed 135 days last season through a hamstring injury, 12 days the season before. Think he's picked up a few this season. I think its not too crazy to be a little worried.
Transfermarket says he missed 135 days last season through a hamstring injury, 12 days the season before. Think he's picked up a few this season. I think its not too crazy to be a little worried.

That's not correct - he has played 80 games over the last 2.5 seasons - last season he missed 1 league match
I can’t see us buying marquee players anymore. I suspect those days are gone

I think that's a good thing. Let's build a foundation and then think about the cherry on top.

For what it's worth, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Olise is as close as you'll get to Mahrez and an absolute no brained. Him, a proper right back and Todibo transforms us on the right hand side.
I can’t see us buying marquee players anymore. I suspect those days are gone
If not, they’re going to have to start pushing the boat out more to sign these young players when they’re available. Still knocks me sick that we missed out on Bellingham and Haaland. Obvious they’d be great players and they should have guaranteed them first team football.

If they keep missing out on the best young talent while simultaneously deciding they aren’t going to sign ready made marquee players either, then very little is changing
What's Nico Williams release clause?

Out of the two I pick Williams for sure.

But if we can get rid of Rashford and Sancho we could get both.

Start next season with Garnacho and Williams for LW, and Olise and Antony for right wing. I'd take that.

The only better thing would be to get rid of Antony along with Rashford and Sancho but that might be asking for too much from one summer.
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