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There is multiplayer modes which can include up to 16 people with teams. Not too sure on the details yet.
Shame you can't co-op defend it.
Have there been many details about the co-op modes?
Said it before, amazing how we all know the story and how it ends and yet, we'll still buy these games.
Love the MGS series, bloody love it!!
It twists and turns so much, Kojima loves retconning and bringing new perspectives to characters too.
I'm avoiding everything now because you just know someone will spoil it early, so other than this thread (because people are sensible enough to use spoiler tags around here) I'm on lockdown. I do have a feeling there is a big twist being kept under wraps though, Kojima going out with a bang hopefully.
Do you know about the main theory?
I really only know what we know from the main trailers and Ground Zeroes, I've avoided reading theories although obviously I have my own.
I'm excited but Konami are cnuts these days, I hear some people want to boycott the game and buy it second hand so they don't give money to Konami. I won't have the means to play it but I am torn between wanting it but not liking konami.
Daley: "The main reason for the falling out, at least in her opinion, is that Kojima gets paid a salary, and doesn't make any profit share on the game. He gets paid a certain amount no matter what, and he was spending so much money and delaying the project, and adding all these features and making sure the game was the biggest and best thing it could be, and Konami was unhappy with that because [delaying] has no effect on him. He was spending the budget on this and that and upgrading the Fox Engine and then delaying further because the engine wasn't ready, and Konami wasn't happy with that because he gets his salary and he takes a more traditional "Japanese man" approach by not taking a profit share. So in doing that, he gets a little more than a game creator would but doesn't take bonuses from the game selling well."
Yong: "So you're telling me that Kojima wanting to make the game the best it can be is what started the conflict?"
Daley: Yes. In her eyes, Kojima's a fantastic creator, and probably the best creator of his time, but he doesn't have a strong business sense like Konami would like him to have. Where instead of, for example, cutting corners by lowering foliage resolution, he wants to make sure everything looks as good and polished as possible. She said they paid for her to write 30-40 songs that ended up not being used, and he'd tell her to write another one, then another one, then another one, because he settles for what he likes and has a good mind for what people want to see and what people want to hear. (Amen on that, yo: Avirdi's personal addition).
Daley: "She's worked directly with Kojima for the music before so she does have some insight, and personally believes that the music has suffered in MGSV because she's not a part of it, because they couldn't afford her. So instead of paying her to go to all these people and recruit them for the music, they chose to remove her from the equation and go to the people directly."
No its not that that's the issue. Its their business practices beyond their fallout with Kojima. They will make the money back on that game, this game has been ridiculously hyped and I am also ridiculously hyped about it too. It will be the biggest since three imo. Konami are simply not interested in making games anymore, they are more interested in making new and original IPs or improving and reestablishing older ones like Castlevania for example. Instead its pachinko machines and gambling, an this is probably the reason they bawked at the budget, if they actually made money, made some games and treated the fans decently perhaps they would not be in that mess.You can see why Konami got rid of Kojima. I don't like it, but they a business at the end of the day.
No its not that that's the issue. Its their business practices beyond their fallout with Kojima. They will make the money back on that game, this game has been ridiculously hyped and I am also ridiculously hyped about it too. It will be the biggest since three imo. Konami are simply not interested in making games anymore, they are more interested in making new and original IPs or improving and reestablishing older ones like Castlevania for example. Instead its pachinko machines and gambling, an this is probably the reason they bawked at the budget, if they actually made money, made some games and treated the fans decently perhaps they would not be in that mess.
Capcom has the remake of Resident evil 2 and the revelations series, plus Street Fighter 5 is coming out. At least they make games, Konami are just a joke, same as Sega.I don't think Konami are just interested in console gaming like a lot of Japanese publishers. It's too expensive for them and the next gen consoles have not really set the world alight in Japan.
The only Japanese publisher who seems to be prominent are square Enix. Who have a host of games coming out. The likes of Konami, Capcom and Sega are a bit quiet.
The amount of games I want to play at the minute is stupid. Being an adult and having to work sucks, eats into gaming time too much
Apparently you can fulton bears too.
Yea, it's also been used in video games previously, but not to the same extent as MGSPP.The fulton system actually exists too doesn't it?
The fulton system actually exists too doesn't it?
Great cover!It's also in The Dark Knight, when Batman kidnaps the Asian gangster in Hong Kong.
Also, saw this on reddit. VHS cover of MGS.
Credit to GatorGalore.
How was MGS4 by the way?
Didn't have a PS3 so never got to play it. Old Snake put me off a bit too.
fecking hell. This series almost always gets insane ratings. One of my favorites growing up. So excited about this. Will probably be more excited when I actually get a console to play it onThose reviews!
First game ever to get a 20/20 from