MEN banned from the press conference today | Some journalists banned for running articles without approaching United for comment first

If you don't understand that the media and football are incredibly intertwined, you don't understand the game. It's not just a sport anymore, it's about narrative, hype and above all entertainment - that's what pays the bills.

This is incredibly naive of United. Fergie could go apocalyptic at the press because the British press needed United more than United needed them. That is sadly no longer true. The press control the narrative. A more saavy institution would understand this. I've been hammering about this for years in the refereeing/VAR thread. If you think that Klopp's reaction to decisions - in the press - do not influence matches, you're wrong.

City basically buy the press. Beautiful receptison for them, lovely spreads at games, lots of pampering - and lo and behold, the press treat them accordingly. By antagonising the press - especially right now - all we're going to do is increase the negativity, increase the pressure on ETH and increase the feeling of players that do read the news that it's beyond repair.

It's an own goal of the highest order - and fits right in with how we're run these days.

The British press are one of the most detestable groups on the face of the planet, but ignoring their impact is just stupid.
Feels desperate doesn't it. Hope he knows what he's doing.
No they are not. They are publicly traded. And all public and private companies should offer free access to the press. It's football so in general don't a big deal. What if an oil company did this, or a bank or a NGO.
You need to relax, this is a nothing press conference before a game. Do you think what Ten Hag was going to say in this has any impact on public trading?

I think it's a bit petulant by him and the club but I can also understand Ten Hag being on edge when there are stories that his players are leaking against him and he can't confirm if they're true or not, it's honestly not that big a deal especially given he still did the press conference just without certain reporters.
Is it? Or have recent stories not perhaps crossed a line?
Why have they crossed a line? Is it not, because they are negative. I added an edit in my post, but the club is better off just saying "We ban you because of we believe your stories are unfairly negative about the club". While I still find it somewhat small time and unhelpful, at least it's upfront about the true issue.
No they are not. They are publicly traded. And all public and private companies should offer free access to the press. It's football so in general don't a big deal. What if an oil company did this, or a bank or a NGO.
Can you quote the law that gives journalists free access to private companies and premises?
You need to relax, this is a nothing press conference before a game. Do you think what Ten Hag was going to say in this has any impact on public trading?

I think it's a bit petulant by him and the club but I can also understand Ten Hag being on edge when there are stories that his players are leaking against him and he can't confirm if they're true or not, it's honestly not that big a deal especially given he still did the press conference just without certain reporters.

They limiting press access. They are out of bounds. Its a nothing burger because its football. But its a dangerous idea if important industries adopted it. Besides it shifting blame. ETH is on edge because the performances are crap. The negative stories are a result of bad performances and not a cause on it. The club toxicity is internal. Maybe these players don't like each other but something is wrong because they haven't played like a team all season. You can't put that on the media
If you don't understand that the media and football are incredibly intertwined, you don't understand the game. It's not just a sport anymore, it's about narrative, hype and above all entertainment - that's what pays the bills.

This is incredibly naive of United. Fergie could go apocalyptic at the press because the British press needed United more than United needed them. That is sadly no longer true. The press control the narrative. A more saavy institution would understand this. I've been hammering about this for years in the refereeing/VAR thread. If you think that Klopp's reaction to decisions - in the press - do not influence matches, you're wrong.

City basically buy the press. Beautiful receptison for them, lovely spreads at games, lots of pampering - and lo and behold, the press treat them accordingly. By antagonising the press - especially right now - all we're going to do is increase the negativity, increase the pressure on ETH and increase the feeling of players that do read the news that it's beyond repair.

It's an own goal of the highest order - and fits right in with how we're run these days.

The British press are one of the most detestable groups on the face of the planet, but ignoring their impact is just stupid.

They are essentially out to screw United as is anyway
If you don't understand that the media and football are incredibly intertwined, you don't understand the game. It's not just a sport anymore, it's about narrative, hype and above all entertainment - that's what pays the bills.

This is incredibly naive of United. Fergie could go apocalyptic at the press because the British press needed United more than United needed them. That is sadly no longer true. The press control the narrative. A more saavy institution would understand this. I've been hammering about this for years in the refereeing/VAR thread. If you think that Klopp's reaction to decisions - in the press - do not influence matches, you're wrong.

City basically buy the press. Beautiful receptison for them, lovely spreads at games, lots of pampering - and lo and behold, the press treat them accordingly. By antagonising the press - especially right now - all we're going to do is increase the negativity, increase the pressure on ETH and increase the feeling of players that do read the news that it's beyond repair.

It's an own goal of the highest order - and fits right in with how we're run these days.

The British press are one of the most detestable groups on the face of the planet, but ignoring their impact is just stupid.
So British press should boycott us and refuse to put any news regarding us on their websites. They should stop coming to PL mandated press conferences. They should act as if we don't exist.
If Sancho (hypothetically) comes to Luckhurst and says I have a spicy inside news about United, Luckhurst should ask Sancho to do one.
Why have they crossed a line? Is it not, because they are negative. I added an edit in my post, but the club is better off just saying "We ban you because of we believe your stories are unfairly negative about the club". While I still find it somewhat small time and unhelpful, at least it's upfront about the true issue.

Because it's one thing saying "x player and ETH have fallen out" and another to say he's lost the entire dressing room, particularly when the latter has followed weeks/months of the former.

Ultimately, these articles would probably be published anyway, just with a small bit saying "representatives at Manchester United declined to comment" or "Manchester United deny these rumours", but the same people not offering the club the right to reply to this shit expect to rock up at press conferences and be given direct access to the manager.
If you don't understand that the media and football are incredibly intertwined, you don't understand the game. It's not just a sport anymore, it's about narrative, hype and above all entertainment - that's what pays the bills.

This is incredibly naive of United. Fergie could go apocalyptic at the press because the British press needed United more than United needed them. That is sadly no longer true. The press control the narrative. A more saavy institution would understand this. I've been hammering about this for years in the refereeing/VAR thread. If you think that Klopp's reaction to decisions - in the press - do not influence matches, you're wrong.

City basically buy the press. Beautiful receptison for them, lovely spreads at games, lots of pampering - and lo and behold, the press treat them accordingly. By antagonising the press - especially right now - all we're going to do is increase the negativity, increase the pressure on ETH and increase the feeling of players that do read the news that it's beyond repair.

It's an own goal of the highest order - and fits right in with how we're run these days.

The British press are one of the most detestable groups on the face of the planet, but ignoring their impact is just stupid.
Don't agree that we need that press. We are still and will allways be one of the largest clubs in the world. They want to sell papers or get clicks, then they still need us. We are box office.

City on the other hand are a small club. They need all the press they can get. Even after they won the treble nobody cared.

You say it's about the narrative. You are right. It has and always has been about the narrative. The difference is that before we used to control the narrative. Not let the media get away writing bull shit. Finally we are getting back to that. I think that it's exciting that we are taking that power back.
Don't agree that we need that press. We are still and will allways be one of the largest clubs in the world. They want to sell papers or get clicks, then they still need us. We are box office.

City on the other hand are a small club. They need all the press they can get. Even after they won the treble nobody cared.

You say it's about the narrative. You are right. It has and always has been about the narrative. The difference is that before we used to control the narrative. Not let the media get away writing bull shit. Finally we are getting back to that. I think that it's exciting that we are taking that power back.
Even Fergie didn't go that far until they wrote a hit piece on his son.
No they are not. They are publicly traded. And all public and private companies should offer free access to the press. It's football so in general don't a big deal. What if an oil company did this, or a bank or a NGO.

The club have banned certain journalists, they haven't banned the press. Just because Kaveh from Sky is banned it doesn't mean others from Sky won't be welcome or didn't attend the press conference. Nor does it mean that MEN couldn't send another local journalist who isn't a total feck whit like Luckhurst. In fact banning of journalists from press conferences happens all the time in football, various clubs have banned journalists and nothing will be mentioned. United will always draw attention because of our name and all the nonsense they spread sells or in the modern world drives clicks.

I will say that United as a club for many years, have been happy to allow a lot of the transfer driven nonsense and the constant shite rumors from the press. As it is seen that any noise surrounding the club that gets them mentioned on socials is a positive and they like boasting about all that nonsense.

In general I couldn't give a toss what banks or oil companies do or don't say. They very rarely offer anything other than PR bollocks to make themselves seem holier than though. Like my local water company who constantly dump shite into the sea and local rivers, then tiptoe around every question trying to put a positive spin on what they'll do in future with no real time solutions.
Ban them. These reckless click baiters are just adding to the crisis deliberately. Deserve to have their privileges revoked.
Proper journalism you call and tell the subject what you’re preparing and get their comments. It’s not hard. These 3 have been publicly shamed for bad journalism, which will make their peers laugh at them. Good.
It would be silly, except that's not really what's happened here.

I posted prior to United's statement.

The reporters should have asked for the club's response. Absolutely. But that's not a reason to ban anyone. And the rest of United's statement is crap.
They limiting press access. They are out of bounds. Its a nothing burger because its football. But its a dangerous idea if important industries adopted it. Besides it shifting blame. ETH is on edge because the performances are crap. The negative stories are a result of bad performances and not a cause on it. The club toxicity is internal. Maybe these players don't like each other but something is wrong because they haven't played like a team all season. You can't put that on the media

How many other industries have articles every day with made up shite about players, transfers, managers etc etc...??

How many other industries do you have where managers have to face the same journalists 4 or 5 times a week knowing that no matter what you say, they are going to twist it somehow?

More clubs should reign these cnuts in, they get away with posting absolute garbage every day of the week. It's not even journalism, most of is speculative nonsense.

They all follow the same formula and Luckhurst is one of the worst for it.

Sensationalist/Stupid Headline

Opening paragraph with some words related to headline.

Several paragraphs with tangents about some other made up guff.

Small ending paragraph with a few words related back to the first paragraph.

Put a few selected words into a stupid tweet and wait for the idiots to engage without even reading past the tweet or the headline.
Correction: No journalists were banned from Old Trafford. Just 4 cnuts.
I thought the most telling moment in ten Hag's press conference was when he was asked about "disorder" at the club. He responded by saying that there's no disorder in the dressing room. Implicit in his response, though, is an acknowledgement that there is, indeed, disarray in other parts of the club. This is the core of the problem which has existed, and progressively worsened, for years. People can debate the performance of the Manager and players all they want - there's fair criticisms of both - but the real problem is the ownership, lack of leadership, and lack of proper footballing structure. That's where the "disorder" stems from, and it permeates everything. In my opinion, its beyond clear that a good number of players in that locker room are simply not up to standard and/or are completely toxic. They should have been rooted out long ago, but have remained for years on end. It would never happen at other most other big football clubs, but due to the ineptitude of our owners and the unqualified people they've tasked with running the club, those players have remained. Until the disorder is fixed, our problems will persist. I suppose we can only hope that Ratcliffe is the answer.
Not if they lie.
Article about how shit we are is ok.
Article about internal stuff without having proof, is not ok.

Articles like that rarely have "proof" like a person talking and not annonymously. Not just in sports. It' the way the business works.
That's pathetic from Man UTD. The FA should step in. Whether you like them or not, we should not be okay with banning the press because we don't like their stories. And this far more important since UTD are a publicly traded company.
This just like the complaints for a VAR and the refs, it offloading responsibility for what's going on to a 3rd company.
The press and the stories got nothing to do why Man UTD is toxic.
It's something internal because it all the same cycle. New manager then results go to shite and then the negative stories from the press. And note, the negative press comes after the bad results and not prior.
This isn't the way to do it. And internally their message to players should be not to give on iota of what the press says. The press will praise when you're good and turn on you when you're bad. Your job is to perform regardless of what's written about you.

This is pathetic from @oreon . The mods should step in.
Not the same remedy. One takes the high road, the other is petulant.

Well, I think it's obvious that they are fed up of these cnuts pedalling shite.

Luckhurst has been doing it for almost 10 years now and Kaveh who's just insufferable are 2 of the worst offenders, it's high time the club stood up to them.
They limiting press access. They are out of bounds. Its a nothing burger because its football. But its a dangerous idea if important industries adopted it. Besides it shifting blame. ETH is on edge because the performances are crap. The negative stories are a result of bad performances and not a cause on it. The club toxicity is internal. Maybe these players don't like each other but something is wrong because they haven't played like a team all season. You can't put that on the media

There is no obligation on any publicly traded company to give press unfettered access. Companies will often refuse to deal with the press. Obligations relating to the press are more that the regulator needs to know first. For instance a company needs to inform a stock exchange before they inform the papers if a material change to operating procedures/financials needs to be reported.

There may be a requirement for reporting on an AGM etc, but there is nil trading requirement for press conferences in law.

Here is Elon Musk and Twitter/X and their responses
The press will praise when you're good and turn on you when you're bad
And if you give tax benefits to big corporates, they will just pass the benefit to all their employees.
And if you believe in Santa Claus with all your heart, then the gift of love will always reach you.
They limiting press access. They are out of bounds. Its a nothing burger because its football. But its a dangerous idea if important industries adopted it. Besides it shifting blame. ETH is on edge because the performances are crap. The negative stories are a result of bad performances and not a cause on it. The club toxicity is internal. Maybe these players don't like each other but something is wrong because they haven't played like a team all season. You can't put that on the media

Nobody cares Sam.
Well done United.

Finally. We need to do this more often. Finally, they are listning to fans.

Now, next thing is to start to officialy demand investigation about games where we clearly been on wrong side of pretty much every decision. Start with games against Arsenal, Tottenham, ManCIty and Crystal Palace. Games we lost because of some wierd decisions.
The EtH out lot are really telling on themselves in this thread. Imagine siding with poor Journalism...
This is all well and good, but how does this help us not look like a newly promoted side that's hardly ever played together?

The club and manager blaming everyone else but themselves. If the performances were as they should be, there'd be nothing to write about.
Good, about damn time. These journos think they can print any old shite without sources for clicks.
Questions is if they are jurnos. Nowdays it is all about clickbites. Nothing needs to be true anymore. Just be the first one to put out something.
Asked about the obvious lack of effort from ‘certain players’ vs Newcastle, cites the 3 games in a week fatigue mantra.

Next asked specifically about Rashford, changes the subject completely and dodges the question.

If he's publicly commenting on effort of individuals: he shouldn't throw players under the bus

If he's dealing with matters internally: he's dodging the questions

He can't win can he
Sky’s reaction is going to be the most interesting to observe. They have the ability to cause the largest amount of damage should go down that route.
Damage? Haven't anyone noticed how we have been portrayed in the shows when VAR, situations and referees were being discussed. It is like there have been agenda against us.

We should have done this long before.
Thats a big if. How would the club know it's a lie.

If they write an article about something internal there is a high probability the club can verify it