In an attempt not to be compared to a certain mad winger I have avoided this thread for a while. I had hoped Memphis would've done better in his early time here, but he hasn't been great yet and only shown glimpses of what he can do. I still have no worries that he will turn out good though, at PSV he's also had alot of frustrating games where he would make the wrong decision more often than the right one. That has never stopped him before, he would still score in games he was completely useless otherwise as he doesn't give up easily and 1 moment is enough. Reading his body language (just because others do it aswell

) is near impossible, he will be pissed off at every chance he fluffs and he rarely takes it too far that it affects his performances. He has done that a few times though (usually during a dry spell at PSV), hopefully his goal today will prevent that.
I think a reason why he's struggling is obviously the league and a new team which he needs to adapt to (being doubled up on aswell), but also his position oddly enough. Even though he played all his matches as LW at PSV, in his last year he would rarely stay there. Jetro Willems had a great understanding with him and has a perfect cross with both feet, he would at times play as LW when Memphis was roaming (which he was allowed to). PSV were also a team that are great on the counter with rapid players like Narsingh and Wijnaldum, Memphis wasn't the only fast player and neither was he the one to keep the width as Narsingh is a traditional winger. With Mata on the right Memphis has to play
a bit more like a traditional winger (for the benefit of the team) and not roam everywhere he wishes like he could at PSV. He has to play a bit different than how he did last year and revert to his older days.
The years before the WC Memphis was extremely selfish and would
always try to take his man on at LW, succesfull or not. In his last year he improved his overall game so much that he could do much more than that, he didn't rely on purely pace/trickery but also his passing and vision. He became a team player and when he didn't think he could beat what's in front of him/sees a teammate he would pass. I think his transformation into a complete player (he really changed alot in 1 year) makes him a much bigger talent but it probably also means his decision making (imo his only real weakness) will take longer to improve. He now needs to take that skillset and use it on the LW more than in central area's like he did at PSV. I have to say I am impressed with his defensive workrate so far, he rarely defended in his short carreer pre MUFC.
I'm sure he will do well in the future, but for now he still is frustrating.