Mason Greenwood (Please post respectfully)

Do you want Mason Greenwood to return next year ?

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I’m way behind on all things Mason Greenwood. I’m aware that he has been cleared by law enforcement authorities, but has his girlfriend and her family forgiven him?

Apologies if this is a bonehead question.
There are some names in the yes column I never thought I'd see there. I guess people are complex beings, and form opinions that you wouldn't expect.
My ability to be moderately friendly to people on this forum (sometimes) is rather dependent on me not knowing they're like this.
Think it's important for the club to take a strong stand against misogyny at a time when it's on the rise amongst young men.

We do have to think bigger as an historic institution about our impact on society and culture, as well as how to win football matches.
Voted yes but I have certainly been conflicted on this.

He's a young lad who's done something disgusting. But nearly everyone should get a second chance. If the victim of his abuse has forgiven him, then I think we should too.

He's a footballer, not a politician or social worker. He might turn out to be a serial offender, in which case he should be prosecuted and banned from top level football.

He's served an 18 month club ban. That seems enough for me. Especially given that its 18 months longer than any other club would have given him.

Yeah, but a second chance at having a life. He doesn't have a right to a second chance at being a millionaire footballer at Manchester United.
I think the poll question should be "Would you be open to Mason Greenwood returning next year?" rather than "Do you want Mason Greenwood to return next year?"

Lots of conditionals in play.
Yeah, but a second chance at having a life. He doesn't have a right to a second chance at being a millionaire footballer at Manchester United.

Nearly 50% want him to play for us again. fecking disgraceful the lot of you.
I think the poll question should be "Would you be open to Mason Greenwood returning next year?" rather than "Do you want Mason Greenwood to return next year?"

Lots of conditionals in play.
This. I was under the impression that the yes vote was more about giving a second chance than excusing him for his actions.
At the time it happened the audio recording was enough for him to be finished at the club, don’t believe anything that has happened in the meantime changes that.

I think sponsors won’t want anything to do with him, Nike have made sure everyone knows he has no association with them and that would be the consensus I’m sure. I think he’d regret coming back to PL as well, he’d be better off playing abroad.
I’m way behind on all things Mason Greenwood. I’m aware that he has been cleared by law enforcement authorities, but has his girlfriend and her family forgiven him?

Apologies if this is a bonehead question.

So was I and somebody answered they had and are expected a kid. It seems to complicate things a lot.
So fans don't want him here but don't mind him playing for a different club? If he is evil then he should be sacked from football. Otherwise seems very hypocritical. (not sure if thats the right word here)
How is it hypocritical? It’s not up to us if other clubs don’t have a shred of moral fibre and choose to give him a contract and playing time, it’s up to us to see that he doesn’t represent Man Utd in any way shape or form ever again.

You are reaching.
Just a reminder: We lost the FA Cup Final to Gundogain, a player who could (and did) score equally well with both feet. Now Mason Greenwood possessed similar skillset. Imagine what could he do if he was the one coming on instead of Weghorst?
Probably. I'm in the bad section and I'm a terrible poster.

It's weird because the "No" camp are full of memorable posters who have a presence on the forum and the "Yes" lot are seemingly nameless wasters who you might only briefly remember for posting something incomprehensibly stupid in a player thread or the club sale one. Can some of the "Yes" posters confirm that is the case please.
This is an extremely lazy comparison. I am yes Qatar and no Greenwood.

Seeking to boil this down to one side good and one side bad is very lame.
Eh it's just a question. It is similar in the "one option is better for us on a pitch, but comes with morality black spots, while the other is worse on the pitch but morality wise it is clean". Like I said, people are entitled to their views, but it is a valid comparison because it is comparing desire for team success to some morality issues, and what level of wrongdoing crosses the line where it would be a no. So for you, you are a no for Greenwood with his situation, but are ok with Qatar because... They aren't directly representing United on the field?
Nice to see the caf is so lite on domestic abuse.

BuT He KiCks GoOd BaLl.
I think the poll question should be "Would you be open to Mason Greenwood returning next year?" rather than "Do you want Mason Greenwood to return next year?"

Lots of conditionals in play.

Anyone thinking he's going to do an interview, admit it and do a mea culpa will be waiting a long time. Charges have been dropped due to lack of evidence. There isn't a hope he's going to admit anything publically, on camera.
Just a reminder: We lost the FA Cup Final to Gundogain, a player who could (and did) score equally well with both feet. Now Mason Greenwood possessed similar skillset. Imagine what could he do if he was the one coming on instead of Weghorst?

Or rather, imagine if we had Kane for a full 90.
A very easy no.

If it was just accusation with no audio recording then you have to give him the benefit of the doubt. Audio makes it impossible for him to continue.

The more interesting question is, can you sell him and how much can you get for him? Or do you just have to cancel his contract because you can't find a buyer? If we can get a small fee for him that's better than nothing.

He would need to be sold abroad where they're unaware of the audio or don't really care, or not enough people speak English to even understand the audio. Which countries could he realistically go to?

He's an £80+m talent if we sold him under normal circumstances, if we can get half that it's a bonus to the club considering it looked like he was a write off at one point.
I just ask that anybody who wants him back, to listen to the audio again and imagine it's your daughter or sister whose on the receiving end.

He's vile and should never play for us again.

It's easy to make that judgement based on the audio, but beyond that, we know nothing else.

The police/CPS investigated this extensively, beyond what you often see in sexual assault cases due to the publicity surrounding it and in the end were unable to proceed. Bar a brief statement, we do not know why.
Just a reminder: We lost the FA Cup Final to Gundogain, a player who could (and did) score equally well with both feet. Now Mason Greenwood possessed similar skillset. Imagine what could he do if he was the one coming on instead of Weghorst?
fecking hell, we just have to find a decent striker and that does not have to be Mason
I just ask that anybody who wants him back, to listen to the audio again and imagine it's your daughter or sister whose on the receiving end.

He's vile and should never play for us again.

Mason is a scum. Never let him back to the club.
Just a reminder: We lost the FA Cup Final to Gundogain, a player who could (and did) score equally well with both feet. Now Mason Greenwood possessed similar skillset. Imagine what could he do if he was the one coming on instead of Weghorst?
Is this more important to you than the message it sends?
Just a reminder: We lost the FA Cup Final to Gundogain, a player who could (and did) score equally well with both feet. Now Mason Greenwood possessed similar skillset. Imagine what could he do if he was the one coming on instead of Weghorst?

Just a reminder: Mason was caught on audio allegedly raping a girl. Imagine if he didn't allegedly rape a girl.
I'm actually gobsmacked. I had no idea there were this many people who thought that.
I took a quick look at the usernames, I am happy I didn’t recognize any of them.
So was I and somebody answered they had and are expected a kid. It seems to complicate things a lot.
Expecting a kid, getting married and Tik Tokking together as a couple.
This poll needs to be redone:

1. If he comes out with a genuine interview in which he's humble, remorseful and actively seeking therapy.
2. Yes.
3. No.

Or something like that. It cannot be a straightforward yes or no without any added context.
Just a reminder: We lost the FA Cup Final to Gundogain, a player who could (and did) score equally well with both feet. Now Mason Greenwood possessed similar skillset. Imagine what could he do if he was the one coming on instead of Weghorst?
You taking the fecking piss ?
Like it or not, Mason has not been found guilty of any offences and is free to live his life as he wishes. It is not up to society to decide innocen

The sad reality is that lots of footballers we’ve idolised over the years and I’m sure many in the future have been scummy individuals. Some of Ronaldo’s and Giggs’ alleged behaviour is just as bad or potentially worse.

I think he should be brought back into the fold and hope that this episode has taught him lessons to make him a better man
This is an extremely lazy comparison. I am yes Qatar and no Greenwood.

Seeking to boil this down to one side good and one side bad is very lame.
Yes Qatar and no Greenwood? You'd rather murder someone than beat someone? Both scenarios are messed up imo but hey City have blood money funding them and are praised for it so who am I to judge. Might as well let everyone in.
I said when it all came out he would play for the club again & many iTKs were stating he would not. Guess we’ll see how many people walk away come next season. . .
It's easy to make that judgement based on the audio, but beyond that, we know nothing else.

The police/CPS investigated this extensively, beyond what you often see in sexual assault cases due to the publicity surrounding it and in the end were unable to proceed. Bar a brief statement, we do not know why.

They were unable to proceed because she refused to press charges, no? After her hown father came out in defence of Mason. I
I think players like Rashford and Sancho will have a huge say in this. Even though they stopped following him on socials but they would know more about Greenwood in general. If they don't stand up for him then he is surely done here and will probably move to Italy.

If he is allowed back then I expect him at least a whole season to get back to fitness and match sharpness. Erik Ten Hag will have to manage this very carefully.
Rashford at the time posted a gushing post of him with his GFriend. There is no solidarity in that dressing room for Greenwood.
There are some names in the yes column I never thought I'd see there. I guess people are complex beings, and form opinions that you wouldn't expect.

The thing is, and I’m not saying this in a sarcy way - you obviously believe he is guilty, but many who’ve voted ‘yes’ may not believe that. It’s important to remember that.

Charges for assault can’t be dropped by the complainant - only by the police or crown prosecution.

We’ve been told that new evidence is what has caused ALL CHARGES to be dropped.

I remember when Pete Doherty from The Libertines got done for breaking into Carl Barat’s flat and Barat was begging the police, publicly, to drop the charges, but they wouldn’t do so, despite the fact it was his flat, and Doherty was found guilty and went to prison.

If new evidence has caused the police to drop charges we should respect that over things we have no real knowledge of or information on.
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