Mason Greenwood (Please post respectfully)

Do you want Mason Greenwood to return next year ?

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Sorry I wasn't aware but I'm happy to be corrected
Just to let you know - it’s known as statutory rape - the law is that the individual in question is too young to consent.
I understand not everyone would accept it if he were to come back and justifiably so, but I also want to point out claiming we're losing sponsors or the dressing room atmosphere will be ruined because of his return as fact is premature and subjective. Those are just your own assumptions. Sure there's fans that will be pissed off, but if he's considered innocent and the club accepts him back in then which sponsor will cancel a deal with one of the greatest sports teams on the planet? And which teammate will be upset? Casemiro & Varane played with a guy that alledgedly blackmailed his own teammate and got it in with a minor but most people (even on the caf) seem to adore him and even want him as our bridge striker for the upcoming season? In the end it's all business.
I really don't know.

I am glad that men are finally held accountable for abusive behaviour unlike just a couple of years ago (see Ronaldo for example). But I'm also a firm believer in rehabilitation, more so when the culprit is as young as Greenwood.

But I still wouldn't feel comfortable seeing him lined up next season. So imagine how women would feel about it who suffered from similar abuse?
I'm curious how well he has trained over these last 18 months or so. It's a hell of a long time to be out for a pro athlete.

Charges have been dropped.
He is together with the girl and they are expecting a child.
He has been with the club since he was 6.

My opinion: Yes, he should be given a second chance.

Weirdly, I think he has better chance of coming back if SJR wins.
If he's welcomed back I'm done with United, for good. I will not cheer on a player who I believe has committed such heinous acts as Greenwood, and I will not cheer on any team willing to field such a player.
I think players like Rashford and Sancho will have a huge say in this. Even though they stopped following him on socials but they would know more about Greenwood in general. If they don't stand up for him then he is surely done here and will probably move to Italy.

If he is allowed back then I expect him at least a whole season to get back to fitness and match sharpness. Erik Ten Hag will have to manage this very carefully.
We all have seen the evidence. Just because it doesn't get proved in court and situation changed doesn't make him less guilty for his actions at that point in time.
Ronaldo is ok. Giggs is ok. Benzema is ok. Ribery is ok. Alonso is ok.

Rapist and murderers can play football but this young guy must be made an example of.

Also GUILTY is not for you and me to pronounce.
The only thing I've ever wondered about is how the father was so open to him remaining in her life. Did we get the full story there? They seemed to have stayed together basically from the off and the only reason he went down in the fall was for their relationship continuing, as it apparently had done for some time. We need more from Greenwood and if his missus came out and described what occurred I could see a path for him returning. If he laid hands on her the only way he could come back into the side for me is if he donated his entire wage to charity.
It would send an horrendous message to bring him back, while it's good for him that his fiance has forgiven him and hopefully they have a happy life together with their child he represents a behaviour that no football club should want to be associated with, no matter how talented.
If we do sack Greenwood there'll be very valid questions for the club to answer about why we chose to sign Ronaldo, who was credibly accused of rape, and why Giggs was a guest of honour in the Director's Box in 2021 while he was under active investigation for abuse and violence against two women and coercive control against one of them.
I think it's very clear why the situation is different, do you really think that Greenwood would've been suspended if he was putting in Giggs or Ronaldo like performances? It's easy to dispose of youth players but as soon as it's an integral part of the team any club will make an excuse to keep playing said player, it's all just BS. As long as the club wins a trophy, who cares about morals /s.
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I really don't know.

I am glad that men are finally held accountable for abusive behaviour unlike just a couple of years ago (see Ronaldo for example). But I'm also a firm believer in rehabilitation, more so when the culprit is as young as Greenwood.

But I still wouldn't feel comfortable seeing him lined up next season. So imagine how women would feel about it who suffered from similar abuse?
If he's rehabed and come back a different person, would they still want him dead?
Those that are trying to plead his "remorse", you wouldn't fight this hard for him if he was Scott McTominay.
Yep. If he played any other position the responses would be a lot different.

Amazed at the poll.
I just ask that anybody who wants him back, to listen to the audio again and imagine it's your daughter or sister whose on the receiving end.

He's vile and should never play for us again.
Outside of the glaring issue, I don’t think he was particularly liked in the dressing room, was he? Ronaldo (obviously no longer here) had a huge issue with him, and it seems like he and Rashford weren’t fans of each other.
What he did was terrible. Normal and everyday people do horrible shit all the time. For instance - being a shitty husband/wife or a lazy parent for years is horrible.

People on this very forum have probably cheated, taken advantage of, manipulated, lied, deceived, stepped on people to get ahead etc.

Also, not trusting the legal system is a huge can of worms. Innocent until proven guilty is fundamental. We also don't know the full story.

I get what you are saying but being a professional footballer is more of a privilege than comparable to people with normal lives. Also your examples aren't potentially illegal like this case. There's a huge amount of additional stuff that comes a long with that privilege, ie. being a role model for potentially several million kids, getting sponsorships based on ability and personality, representing clubs and communities etc. When you abuse that privilege there shouldn't be automatically a second chance.

It's a really tough one. We don't know the full story as you mentioned, for me personally the important part is the notion of "new evidence coming to light" in that police statement. If that evidence is so significant that it proves the audio we heard wasn't really what it seems like, then that could possibly make me accept his return. The potential victim also forgiving him/downplaying it is also important of course.

The audio was really tough to listen to, though. So tough that it's hard to imagine him being completely innocent. Also so tough that it would be hard to cheer him on if he indeed returns. Similar to what we now know about Giggs.

The most important thing is what the club decides - I have faith in that they are making a thorough decision including looking at all factors like United fans' view, woman team's view, abuse from oppo's, his mental state, potential backlash from sponsors, his willingness to work on himself etc.

For now I struggle to make a decision, but leaning heavily towards no.
Voted yes but I have certainly been conflicted on this.

He's a young lad who's done something disgusting. But nearly everyone should get a second chance. If the victim of his abuse has forgiven him, then I think we should too.

He's a footballer, not a politician or social worker. He might turn out to be a serial offender, in which case he should be prosecuted and banned from top level football.

He's served an 18 month club ban. That seems enough for me. Especially given that its 18 months longer than any other club would have given him.
I do everybody (read:most people) deserves a second chance.

I don't think he will get it though and I can live with that. Our club is a brand name and all, that said I don't think the consequences for utd as a brand would be huge.

In Belgium Overmars got appointed by Antwerp after his Ajax adventures, they took a lot of flack in the early weeks but now nobody mentions it any longer. I don't know if that is right or wrong, good or bad but it is what it is.
If money is a factor they could just as easily sell him to another big European club. I think ultimately, United will make their decision based on perceived risk to brand reputation, which would be informed by public perception of whether the benefits of retaining him outweigh those of releasing him.
That would be my hope but he was valued at what, 100 million or so at one point and I doubt it's even a fraction of that anymore
I understand that, do you believe any former player has done such things or worse and it not be publically released? I do, which means the difference is his actions were out there for all to see and that has made it more real and harder to accept, id like him to come out and acknowledge it was disgusting and that he is seeking help and wants to better himself irrelevant of whether he comes back to Utd or not, not for his public image but out of sincerety as I do think he needs help
I don't just believe, I know. Look at all the crap that happened with Giggs.

I feel with this a line has been crossed. Some things like the honor of playing for a great club come with great responsibility and Greenwood has ruined his chance. Like I said I hope he reforms himself and can go on and do the therapy etc but he does not belong here anymore.
I agree, if you pick Yes but your decision is based on there being caveats etc, with it being a public poll you could get jumped on without the context as some posters are already doing....needs to be a "not sure" or a "yes if the club chooses to bring him back"

For me the caveat would be that if he did actually do it, he admits to it and takes the rap. If he then agrees to use his prominence to add to the noise around this issue and lives as an advocate against domestic abuse for the rest of his career and doesn’t do it again (however unlikely) then yes, I’d take him back.

If he didn’t do it, then tell me why I shouldn’t believe the tapes and make me believe in it.

I’d be willing to take him back under those circumstances, but I’d understand if others for whom this issue is much more personal wouldn’t, and wouldn’t take him back under any circumstances. And ultimately I’d probably go with their sentiments if it ends up a divisive issue.

Anything short of that and I’m in the no -camp.
This is an extremely lazy comparison. I am yes Qatar and no Greenwood.

Seeking to boil this down to one side good and one side bad is very lame.
It’s not a good vs bad thing. It’s the inconsistency of being able to discard morals in one instance vs invoking morals in another. Unless your reason for not wanting Greenwood back has nothing to do with what he did e.g. being worried about his fitness and the drama surrounding him.

Half the Caf must not have a mother, that’s all I can say looking at that poll result.
Ah yes, the old chestnut of being able to empathize with bad things that happen to women when you have a mother/daughter/sister/wife/girlfriend.
Is this poll the best measure of poster quality we've ever had on the caf? Look at the names in both results, what a contrast.
It doesn’t really bother me either way. As long as it doesn’t interfere with the team’s chemistry then I’m fine with it. I really wish the case would have proceeded so that we could have gotten a definite judgement one way or the other. I still believe in innocence until proven guilty.
For the "second chance" crew, and I anyhow understand your sentiment - do you take into account the context and the fact we are a global enterprise, with hundreds of millions of fans globally and a very diverse following? Even if you don't condemn Greenwood on the moral grounds, do you see that for PR reasons it would be very risky to bring him back? Sure there are second chances, but we're talking poster boy for one of the biggest sports institutions in the world - there are mistakes you don't come back from, even if at times it feels unfair.
Voted no, easy decision tbh. If there weren't any audio leaks then I might have given him the benefit of doubt. However, what he did was clear and there is no way I want our club to be associated with him still
That would be my hope but he was valued at what, 100 million or so at one point and I doubt it's even a fraction of that anymore

Yeah it definitely wouldn't be 100m, as few clubs have that much to spend on anyone, anyway. 50m for a 21 year old who has already proven he can score plenty of goals in the world's marquee football league wouldn't however be out of the question, and would certainly go a long way in funding inbound transfers.
It's difficult because the club isn't really equipped to properly investigate something like this and those that are, eventually decided to stop prosecuting him for a variety of reasons.

On top of that, the accuser and accused are now back together and I believe starting a family. Even then, you can't just assume that everything is now ok and it was some very public fall out because abused people often go back to their abuser.
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