Mason Greenwood | Please be respectful and stay on topic | Factual updates only


Full Member
Jul 28, 2010
Firstly the police didn't clear him, they decided there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute. That does not constitute declaring him innocent.

Secondly, what the victim subsequently did is not the issue. If somebody rapes someone, but then she forgives him and has a baby with him - is that all OK with you?
But the point is we don't know if any rape took place. The club statement where they mentioned the full audio clip which hasn't been released to the public, the audio clip which he is being judged for, doesn't give definitive proof one way or the other.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2019
What else could the club do in the circumstances? Kept him and everyone and their dog would be up in arms, the press would go overtime on it. The amount of stick Utd and Greenwood would have got at away games would deter from the football. Other players (not named) as well as the womens team were uncomfortable with him staying either.
Surely the club will be consulting the women's team then if they are entertaining a bid from Qatar regarding new ownership

2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
To me, it reads like they want to keep him but aren't able to release the evidence so have sort of kicked the can down the road. I think their plan is to loan him until the perception of him softens a bit (if he plays well more so) and then bring him back.
Yeah this is also possible. A loan gives them the chance to weigh up his ability against the backlash.


Full Member
Aug 19, 2022
A very contradicting message from the club. If they believe he’s innocent - stand by him? If they believe he’s guilty: sack him. Very simple. Also do not understand why the investigation took the bones of a year.
Because it's not about innocent or guilty -it's about expediency. People can be mobilized into frenzies which aren't powerful to alter things like government policy for the better or even to get the Glazers out of the club, but are enough to cause 'branding' issues that affect 'partnership' relationships, particularly when people want to demonstrate they're upright and virtuous and social media offers a frictionless way of doing so. Interest groups and rival fans will also latch onto this. What's 'true' in terms of being verifiable and a justifiable statement to make, what's principled or responsible or even what corresponds to justice under the law has nothing to do with it. You'll be very validated for making libellous statements about someone cleared by the law - it's virtually no cost.

The lead Glazers would make a resurrected Jimmy Saville youth-team manager if it made them enough money and they could also secure a lock-tight guarantee there'd be no legal repercussions or outcry following it. There isn't a shred of morality or idea of the public good' associated with these people. Look at how they treat the fans, the cynicism even by the standards of the club as corporate machine in today's environment, as well as the causes they support outside of football. We can never expect anything 'good' to come from them, except by accident or through employees 'lower' in the chain, like sporting management, performing well in their own roles despite the leadership, or taking stands where these are actually merited....


Full Member
Mar 6, 2021
If she had falsified evidence you would think the police would have brought charges.
If she'd falsified evidence there's no way he carries on his relationship with her. She'd have destroyed his life. How do you just move past that.

If the evidence was faked there's no way Mason's parents would have kept that quiet. Can any man here imagine their mum's reaction if a girlfriend faked these things. Mine would be on every media outlet available making clear the images/recordings were fake.

It's probably exactly what it looks like. Exactly the type of thing we've seen many times before. Nothing new here.

Footballer behaves badly. Footballer is forgiven because he's loaded.

I'm not judging the girl or her family. Glad the club have let him go. But this is hardly a new thing.


Harbinger of new information
Nov 4, 2009
You seriously think people are calling out greenwood to gain internet clout, and not cos he raped and beat up a woman and we find that disgusting?

I guess everyone has different things they find intolerable. For lots of people it's treating women like absolute shit. For you I guess it's when a total scumbag is not allowed to play football for your team.
Many of them want Qatar in. Complete hypocrisy.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2021
Firstly the police didn't clear him, they decided there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute. That does not constitute declaring him innocent.

Secondly, what the victim subsequently did is not the issue. If somebody rapes someone, but then she forgives him and has a baby with him - is that all OK with you?
Are you saying that Greenwood raped or abused the girl? Just as there is no clear evidence that Greenwood is innocent, there is also no clear evidence that he did anything criminal. While the contents of the audio recording may have been morally wrong, they did not constitute any crime in the legal sense. There is simply not enough context to make any solid informed opinion on the published photos.

Whatever happened, the woman stayed with Greenwood, has a baby with him and they are about to get married. Ironically, by kicking Greenwood out the alleged victim is directly impacted by such decision as her and her baby’s future wellbeing are, at least, threatened.

Everyone can have their own opinion on this matter but let’s not pretend that the club’s decision is good for the alleged victim in any way. The club’s decision is purely directed by the reaction of certain portion of the fanbase. I’m all for protecting women’s rights and upholding certain values but not at the cost of due legal process. There is a reason why courts and CPS, not the general public, are responsible for prosecuting individuals. Sadly, the mob justice prevailed in this situation.


Full Member
May 10, 2007
Moscow 08, Rome 09, London 11
A few things, and I’m not trying to have a go, just food for thought if you want - if not, no worries.

1. Naming Turkish / ME sides seems an odd conclusion to jump to - why not Miami? Or Burnley? Or Spain? Or Italy?

2. For those that’ve shouted the loudest about wanting him out of the club, it has apparently always been a ‘moral issue’, about ‘more than football’, so I would expect those people to now be showing concern for his partner, baby and for them as a family to make the right moves going forward and to ensure they have max support (which for me means them staying in U.K. around family etc).

Again, just food for thought - not trying to preach or argue.
Turkey was rumored to be a destination months ago...

Why do you say that? Are you implying that she is not safe with Mason?


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
2. For those that’ve shouted the loudest about wanting him out of the club, it has apparently always been a ‘moral issue’, about ‘more than football’, so I would expect those people to now be showing concern for his partner, baby and for them as a family to make the right moves going forward and to ensure they have max support (which for me means them staying in U.K. around family etc).
For this reason I've no objections to him staying in England. I don't give a feck where he goes as long as it works out for them as a family.

Ultimately, best case, he let himself his family and the club down. The best thing to do is move on and fresh start.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2013
2 biggest hopes before 2024. No more greenwood talk. No more takeover talk.


Full Member
Jul 6, 2016
Surely the club will be consulting the women's team then if they are entertaining a bid from Qatar regarding new ownership
Two different issues. If Qatar are pumping money into the womens side of Utd as well, why would they?


Full Member
Jan 28, 2014
I know she posted it, along with images of bruised and 2 min audio. A teenage girl, who has no power, doesn't do that unless there is no "there, there". What is the motive?
Evil? Vindictive? Revenge? Immature? Not understanding or caring what Damage it would cause? Should I continue?

You really are oblivious aren't you some people have no morale compass or conscience, wake up.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
Therein lies the issue. Millions of people arguing both sides of an event based on nothing much, cue keep digging for further info, cue interpreting anything that ever happens hereafter to fit your corner's narrative...

It's pretty obvious both the club and Greenwood are best served moving on.


Full Member
Mar 8, 2021
It is a perfectly good example. No "regular" workplace on earth would allow him to continue in his job under the same circumstances.
Which would indicate that some potentially problematic developments are already in place. As I said - the state is the one equipped and tasked to deal with wrongdoings. Not individuals, certainly not employers. I agree with you though, many corporates would probably go the easy way.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
If she'd falsified evidence there's no way he carries on his relationship with her. She'd have destroyed his life. How do you just move past that.

If the evidence was faked there's no way Mason's parents would have kept that quiet. Can any man here imagine their mum's reaction if a girlfriend faked these things. Mine would be on every media outlet available making clear the images/recordings were fake.

It's probably exactly what it looks like. Exactly the type of thing we've seen many times before. Nothing new here.

Footballer behaves badly. Footballer is forgiven because he's loaded.

I'm not judging the girl or her family. Glad the club have let him go. But this is hardly a new thing.
I highly doubt they were faked.


Full Member
Feb 22, 2013
If she'd falsified evidence there's no way he carries on his relationship with her. She'd have destroyed his life. How do you just move past that.
Logically you don't but some people and some relationships are complicated to the point they make no sense.


Resident moaner, hypocrite and moron
Jun 4, 2006
Lifetime vacation
Its literally astonishing that you can make such assertions against the man so confidently without knowing anything about it. You didn't hear or see the evidence. You saw a tiny fraction of it, without any context for it, and without it being tested. Evidence is useless till tested in court, under the fire of cross-examination. People lie, people mistake things, people say things they later regret and take back without it ever having been true...
MU statement

"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged."

Richard Arnolds letter

"While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect, the evidence we did collate led us to conclude that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with. I am restricted as to what I can say for legal reasons, including the alleged victim's ongoing right to anonymity, but I am able to share the following with you which should give you some insight into the complexity of this case.

The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.

We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.

• The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings."

"While I am satisfied that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with, Mason’s accepted that he has made mistakes which he takes responsibility for."


I second your view Ricardo de la Vega!

Some of the comments on this board, and many other social media platforms, is in some cases astonishing. I don't want to defend or accuse anyone involved in this saga but the outcome is horrible.

I feel deeply for the girlfriend! Whatever the truth was her life is forever tarnished.
I feel deeply for the baby!
I have sympathy for Mason. Guilty or not but to be hounded by a blood thirsty mob on social media is in my mind similar to the witch hunts who happened 400 years ago.

The sadest part is that I'm disapointed being a United supporter. Our club is a mess.

Is anybody satisfied with today's outcome?


Full Member
Aug 27, 2016
You seriously think people are calling out greenwood to gain internet clout, and not cos he raped and beat up a woman and we find that disgusting?

I guess everyone has different things they find intolerable. For lots of people it's treating women like absolute shit. For you I guess it's when a total scumbag is not allowed to play football for your team.
No he did not.

I’m happy you’re setting an example though, I’m certain we’re not going to find any Giggs, Ronaldo or Best memorabilia in your household. Well done.


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
Firstly the police didn't clear him, they decided there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute. That does not constitute declaring him innocent.

Secondly, what the victim subsequently did is not the issue. If somebody rapes someone, but then she forgives him and has a baby with him - is that all OK with you?
Was it the police or CPS.

Rhyme Animal

Thinks Di Zerbi is better than Pep.
Sep 3, 2015
Nonchalantly scoring the winner...
You seriously think people are calling out greenwood to gain internet clout, and not cos he raped and beat up a woman and we find that disgusting?

I guess everyone has different things they find intolerable. For lots of people it's treating women like absolute shit. For you I guess it's when a total scumbag is not allowed to play football for your team.
One of the reasons Niall has made this topic a no-go is because of libel and legal action mate.

You’re stating things that are completely out of line.

The guy was never even charged with some of the stuff you’ve stated there.

AFC NimbleThumb

New Member
Apr 21, 2019
A few things, and I’m not trying to have a go, just food for thought if you want - if not, no worries.

1. Naming Turkish / ME sides seems an odd conclusion to jump to - why not Miami? Or Burnley? Or Spain? Or Italy?

2. For those that’ve shouted the loudest about wanting him out of the club, it has apparently always been a ‘moral issue’, about ‘more than football’, so I would expect those people to now be showing concern for his partner, baby and for them as a family to make the right moves going forward and to ensure they have max support (which for me means them staying in U.K. around family etc).

Again, just food for thought - not trying to preach or argue.
Point 2 is spot on. Now the United side is dealt with they can focus on the ‘bigger than football’ side of things & really get to work.
Best decision for him to leave and I didn’t want him back. I just hope rival fans have the same anger and hostility towards him when he rocks up playing for another club in the premier league within a year or two.
They won’t be forced to be, our fanbase generally wasn’t until The Athletic led the narrative last week.


Full Member
Jan 26, 2014
In his short career he’s been sent home by England and booted out of United
Could have been a great but sabotaged himself really. Hope he gets help and sorts his head for himself and his up coming family.

Red the Bear

Something less generic
Aug 26, 2021
Yeah I feel exactly the same
Yeah on one hand the outrage directed towards him is completely understandable and on the other I can't help but feel he may have deserved a second chance.

I suppose we just have to move on now.


New Member
Jul 11, 2023
Great to hear this absolute cretin will never again appear for United.

Hopefully all Glazers, Qatar and Ineos do one, also.


Fallen Muppet. Lest we never forget
Jan 23, 2010
Cooper Station
To me, it reads like they want to keep him but aren't able to release the evidence so have sort of kicked the can down the road. I think their plan is to loan him until the perception of him softens a bit (if he plays well more so) and then bring him back.


Full Member
May 10, 2007
Moscow 08, Rome 09, London 11
Evil? Vindictive? Revenge? Immature? Not understanding or caring what Damage it would cause? Should I continue?

You really are oblivious aren't you some people have no morale compass or conscience, wake up.
Yet, he took her back!

He must be a saint to forgive a girl who is evil / vindictive / revengeful / immature.

Or maybe he wanted to play happy families in an attempt to save his United career.