Mason Greenwood | Please be respectful and stay on topic | Factual updates only


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
Yes he did.
He breached his bail.
He also got himself into this situation somehow.

I am not denying that.

The club are saying based on their investigation he did not:

1. Commit attempted rape
2. Commit assault
3. Commit cohesive or controlling behavior.

That is the statement of the club, whether you want to say the club is lying or not, that is what they have said.
She as many abused women before her changed her story to defend him. "It was just a sex game, I just fell."

I grew up in a home filled with abuse and to this day I don't know why my mother defended and lied for my scum of a father. Abused people are broken in more ways than just the physical.

Iker Quesadillas

Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Real Madrid
I’d say the CPS acknowledging there was practically no chance of conviction after a 12 month investigation is pretty good evidence that there is clearly more to this than we’ll ever know.
I don’t know why random internet warriors think they know better though - that seems even more backwards to me.
There being more to the story is not a license to make shit up. That is my point.

It is difficult to come up with a plausible explanation for why this tape recording exists, with the contents that it has, that leads you to the conclusion "he didn't do anything bad". And even if you come up with this plausible explanation, you need evidence to back the explanation, and there isn't any.


Full Member
Dec 14, 2005
The club also say they received explanations for the audio and video that were posted online and say they are satisfied that Greenwood did not physically abuse the complainant. While the club say these explanations were not contested by the complainant’s family, there has not been an explanation for what appeared to be very damning images and audio to the general public. The club also say they became satisfied that the complainant, based on conversations with her mother, had not been subjected to coercive control by Greenwood.
What a through investigation.. bravo.

5 months for this shit show..
If Arnold was even remotely competent, he'd sack himself for being so incompetent.


Full Member
Feb 3, 2013
I imagine it will be a loan. They left it quite ambiguously. Hell for all we know they could come out on September 1st and say no one wanted him so he's here now.
If he is here Sept 1st on a contract, the only thing we can conclude from all of this is that the club statements are chock full of propaganda and gaslighting. Full of words of no value.

Murder on Zidanes Floor

You'd better not kill Giroud
Jun 11, 2015
Just… why…?

What is it with ‘****’ that people - mainly right wing people - are so unbelievably obsessed with…?

Greenwood is literally leaving Utd because a recording emerged that appears to show him trying to force sex on his girlfriend…

We’re reacting as a fanbase to losing our greatest academy talent for decades and also hoping that the family recovers and goes on to raise their little baby well.

And somehow, some way, it arrives at asking - ‘what if he’s a ****?’.

Just… how?
Because they're all insecure, addicted to p*rn and gorge on red pill YT/TT videos of peaky blinders or Andrew tate with the same ominous score mate.


Fallen Muppet. Lest we never forget
Jan 23, 2010
Cooper Station
She as many abused women before her changed her story to defend him. "It was just a sex game, I just fell."

I grew up in a home filled with abuse and to this day I don't know why my mother defended and lied for my scum of a father. Abused people are broken in more ways than just the physical.
It's quite possible you are right but it's just an assumption. Only a few people really know what happened.


Full Member
Jun 20, 2011
Now Accepting Positive Reps.
The statement says they had access to longer recordings that provided more context. You have to think it had been shortened to provide the most damning evidence at the time. I’m not saying any words following that in the same recording would have exonerated him but I’d have been interested to hear it.


Full Member
May 10, 2007
Moscow 08, Rome 09, London 11
That logic works both ways - why go back to a man who has committed a tenuous crime. Not that I subscribe to such logic. For me he’s far more likely to be an absolute scumbag than not being an absolute scumbag. What annoys me is the way the club has handled this and come to their conclusion. Arnold’s statement is even more laughable. He actually says that we had planned for his integration (makes sense given he apparently concluded Mason didn’t commit any heinous acts etc) and then changed our minds. Basically admitting that he’s reacting to the pressure.
Reminds me of that famous quote from Mrs Merton when interviewing Debbie McGee...

"So what first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?


Full Member
Jun 28, 2019
For what it's worth, it's also way better for Greenwood himself and his family that he plays football in a different country.

Legally there is absolutely no way they can do this.
Maybe his partner wants to stay in England and has no intention of living abroad.


Full Member
Oct 12, 2013
That is fair.

But when people are out here saying the images are fake, that is equally offensive.
You're a member of the public - you don't know.

Sure, the images look damning but a screenshot of a seemingly battered woman with a social media caption is not the beyond reasonable doubt evidence some think it is. Ultimately the Crown Prosecuting Service dropped the case citing withdrawal of key witnesses and new evidence. The club reiterated the existence of evidence not in the public domain - and that they believe he's not guilty of what he was initially accused of based on said evidence.

That doesn't give you the right to violate the alleged victim's right for anonymity and go around plastering those images to win online arguments. Be sensible.

The decision has been made for him to leave the club.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Just… why…?

What is it with ‘****’ that people - mainly right wing people - are so unbelievably obsessed with…?

Greenwood is literally leaving Utd because a recording emerged that appears to show him trying to force sex on his girlfriend…

We’re reacting as a fanbase to losing our greatest academy talent for decades and also hoping that the family recovers and goes on to raise their little baby well.

And somehow, some way, it arrives at asking - ‘what if he’s a ****?’.

Just… how?
Because they're all insecure, addicted to p*rn and gorge on red pill YT/TT videos of peaky blinders or Andrew tate with the same ominous score mate.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2020
The CPS also said key new information that wasn’t made public

I can see why the club have done what they have done - but he will be getting a massive pay off. This wouldn’t stand up in any other company in the UK
Most high profile people who end up in these types of situations get paid to leave once the legal aspect has been dealt with.


No longer at risk of being mistaken for a Scouser
Oct 2, 2013
If the public doesn't need to be informed then why does Greenwood even bother to make a public statement saying he did not do the things he was charged with?
Because the public are accusing him of things. He doesn't need to speak about what anyone else did or didn't do.


Full Member
Jan 28, 2014
feck sake, this post is so braindead it's unreal.
Images and videos aren't always as they appear, they can de doctored, edited, taken out of context. If you believe everything you see then I also have a Ferrari you sell you...


Full Member
Aug 27, 2021
She as many abused women before her changed her story to defend him. "It was just a sex game, I just fell."

I grew up in a home filled with abuse and to this day I don't know why my mother defended and lied for my scum of a father. Abused people are broken in more ways than just the physical.
I think that's something about abuse that people sometimes don't consider. There can be some real stockholm syndrome stuff going on in abusive situations/relationships.
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of and Gourcufffanboysa
This is completely wrong. You can have an opinion on something, but unless you know the facts or spoken directly with the people involved or the one investigating the matter who has the facts, you should not have the power to ruin somebodys life because of it. Here are the facts as detailed in the investigation by the club:

• The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.
• We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.
• The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings.

So both the police and club have cleared him of any wrong doing, the victim continued a romantic relationship and had a child with him, so why is he being let go?
PR and the power of cancel culture


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
The statement says they had access to longer recordings that provided more context. You have to think it had been shortened to provide the most damning evidence at the time. I’m not saying any words following that in the same recording would have exonerated him but I’d have been interested to hear it.
Same. I really want to hear what the explanation is.
I would have been in this thread defending the club if they had explained what the recording was about and why they were bringining him back. But if the club can't explain the recording, they have no business bringing him back.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
feck sake, this post is so braindead it's unreal.
Especially when unlike Heard. The alleged victim didn't press charges against Greenwood, she has done nothing wrong and yet some assholes are now trying to drag her name in the mud even though she is the reason why Greenwood isn't in jail whether he is innocent or not. She is the oppsite of what people are claiming she is.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
So both the police and club have cleared him of any wrong doing, the victim continued a romantic relationship and had a child with him, so why is he being let go?
Firstly the police didn't clear him, they decided there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute. That does not constitute declaring him innocent.

Secondly, what the victim subsequently did is not the issue. If somebody rapes someone, but then she forgives him and has a baby with him - is that all OK with you?


Full Member
Jan 5, 2019
The Arena of the Unwell
For me, this whole issue boils down to a simple question of whether, as a society, we want to respect the rulings of our legal system or not.

The simple fact of the matter is that our judicial process ended with the determination that Mason Greenwood need not even stand trial. Therefore, we must treat him as an innocent man.

Ultimately, if the “evidence” that was publicly available was sufficient in and of itself, then Mason Greenwood would be in prison.

We are perfectly entitled to critique the way our justice system works in order to iteratively improve its inevitable flaws, but we can never disregard its rulings and sentence people by mob rule.
Just because a case is dropped and the person can't legally be prosecuted doesn't mean we all can't make our own minds up. It just means he can't go to jail. The burden of proof in a criminal court is very high. There are cases where a criminal case can't be brought but a civil case can find against the defendant as it's based on the balance of probabilities.

Do you think civil cases shouldn't be allowed if there wasn't enough evidence to convict?


still gets no respect
Aug 21, 2012
Deepthroating information to Howard Nurse.
It wasn't just one witness. It was the only witness. There's no way the CPS could get a conviction in this case without the one and only witness being willing to continue with the case. So they dropped it.
There’s so much we don’t know so it’s difficult to speculate - but the club statement states that in April 2022 - months before the charges were even made - the alleged victim asked for the case to be withdrawn. It’s been repeatedly stated on here as a fact that she was the key witness that withdrew - that doesn’t seem to tally with that piece of information.


No longer at risk of being mistaken for a Scouser
Oct 2, 2013
She as many abused women before her changed her story to defend him. "It was just a sex game, I just fell."

I grew up in a home filled with abuse and to this day I don't know why my mother defended and lied for my scum of a father. Abused people are broken in more ways than just the physical.
Maybe that's true, maybe its not.
I'm not going to pretend I know this is the case when both the club and CPS have said there was evidence not in the public domain


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
Astounding comment from the club to say they are "satisfied" he didn't do what he was charged with.
Would love to know how that's been agreed upon.


Full Member
May 10, 2007
Moscow 08, Rome 09, London 11
This is completely wrong. You can have an opinion on something, but unless you know the facts or spoken directly with the people involved or the one investigating the matter who has the facts, you should not have the power to ruin somebodys life because of it. Here are the facts as detailed in the investigation by the club:

• The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.
• We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.
• The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings.

So both the police and club have cleared him of any wrong doing, the victim continued a romantic relationship and had a child with him, so why is he being let go?
Imagine the same scenario in an office?

Would you be cool with having him in your team?


Fallen Muppet. Lest we never forget
Jan 23, 2010
Cooper Station
I think it's sad that I feel uncomfortable discussing this in the sense that not outright condemning him off the bat means you side with him in the eyes of many. I don't wish to engage in speculation as to what happened etc only to try and look at what facts we know and be as objective as possible.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Especially when unlike Heard. The alleged victim didn't press charges against Greenwood, she has done nothing wrong and yet some assholes are now trying to drag her name in the mud even though she is the reason why Greenwood isn't in jail whether he is innocent or not. She is the oppsite of what people are claiming she is.
Comparing her to Heard is an absolute scumbag move.

And anyone still suggesting the evidence is fake is an absolutely fecking moron of the highest order consider the statements today.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2014
What a through investigation.. bravo.

5 months for this shit show..
If Arnold was even remotely competent, he'd sack himself for being so incompetent.
What's he supposed to do? He can't force people to talk to him. He's not bloody Luther dangling people off bridges to get confessions


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
All part of a role playing game, that went to far?

He must have been so hard when she went to the police with the allegations. All part of a the game though!!!
I know I'm going to get it for saying this, but I've always thought that picture was weird.

Busted lips are normally on the inside, also there was zero blood on her top.

Anyway, congratulations to the couple and I hope they find piece and a good place to raise their child.

Maybe I've just become cynical after the Amber Heard case


Full Member
Mar 8, 2021
For me, this whole issue boils down to a simple question of whether, as a society, we want to respect the rulings of our legal system or not.

The simple fact of the matter is that our judicial process ended with the determination that Mason Greenwood need not even stand trial. Therefore, we must treat him as an innocent man.

Ultimately, if the “evidence” that was publicly available was sufficient in and of itself, then Mason Greenwood would be in prison.

We are perfectly entitled to critique the way our justice system works in order to iteratively improve its inevitable flaws, but we can never disregard its rulings and sentence people by mob rule.
This actually is a little scary... Would say I am thankful that is about England but I am pretty sure the same stuff would happen in Germany as well.


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
I wonder if we’ll strengthen attack now. As the club clearly had him in mind until 72 hours ago.
Yep, the club like the government clearly leaked a few snippets about his potential return to gauge the response.
Found out the response (apart from idiots who favour a game over real life) was massively negative and change their mind pretty damn quick.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jan 29, 2013
Strictly talking about football, what a fecking waste. I didn’t rate him as highly as others but was clearly very talented.