Pogue Mahone
I‘m very confused by the people talking about a duty of care for Greenwood. The man is 21 years old. He’s an adult. He’s allowed to drink, drive, own property, have a family, earn a living and so on. I just don’t get how a football club has any responsibility there. He’s just an employee. A rather wealthy one, too. So it’s much easier for him to start anew and build a new life than for an average person.
I get that he came from your academy. But at that point of his life, even his parents aren’t responsible for him anymore. He’s responsible for himself. And he needs to care for himself.
In addition to this, I also dislike this argument because it suggests a shared guilt. But nobody here is responsible for Greenwood‘s actions other than himself. And it’s not like rape or sexualised violence or domestic violence are a byproduct of bad care. They are the consequence of a series of conscious decisions undertaken by Greenwood himself. He didn’t act out due to bad care. Or economic issues. He acted from a position of great privilege and power. And as he was comfortable in using or abusing that power, he should also have to face the consequences himself.
I honestly believe the idea that United have any responsibility towards Greenwood to be absurd.
It makes no sense at all. Especially with the club being more than happy to cut adrift less talented players without any anguish about a duty of care. Or does the club have a greater duty of care to players who misbehave than those behave? Because that’s surely the opposite of the way it should work?