Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Better to take ~5 million less than ideal and get a healthy sell on percentage agreed. I'm not really expecting him to go for big big money somewhere, I think whats happened will always prevent a move back to England and most commercially dependent clubs in Europe. The sell on is probably just a good thing to be compensated if his next club are simply getting him on the cheap to move him on for a profit in a couple of years.
Sounds positive. Hopefully we can get a bidding war going with the other Italian clubs and maybe Barca/Atletico will get involved. If we can get 45+ and a healthy sell on percentage it would be a good deal.
Valencia, Napoli, Juve, Lazio - none of these names fill you with any confidence with regards to the fees mentioned. Hard to believe any of them will be willing to pay upwards of 25m/30m for Greenwood. They most likely will be looking for a loan where we pay a portion of his wages and an option to buy which they most likely won't excercise unless he has a stellar season.

I don't believe these links.
Valencia, Napoli, Juve, Lazio - none of these names fill you with any confidence with regards to the fees mentioned. Hard to believe any of them will be willing to pay upwards of 25m/30m for Greenwood. They most likely will be looking for a loan where we pay a portion of his wages and an option to buy which they most likely won't excercise unless he has a stellar season.

I don't believe these links.

For that reason if there is a straight purchase offer of 20M to 25M on the table we should take it and run rather than get involved in some loan plus option scenario that is never going to end up being taken. Best full transfer offer gets him and we get rid.
If that’s all we are going to get for him and based on the gap in the team in his position, plus his ability, we should be keeping him. If other clubs, his girlfriend and his family can move on from whatever happened then so should the club that has made him the player he is today. Why are we trying to be so bloody self-righteous!
If that’s all we are going to get for him and based on the gap in the team in his position, plus his ability, we should be keeping him. If other clubs, his girlfriend and his family can move on from whatever happened then so should the club that has made him the player he is today. Why are we trying to be so bloody self-righteous!
Is there one person making all of these accounts, or are they all actual individual people?
Bizarre we agreed to that.
You would think if there were better offers available to us, then we would have taken them.
definitely bizarre but might have been the only real option they had to get Mason in the window for teams to see so they could sell him

20% though is still a bit high....i could see 10% as that would have covered any costs they had while he played for them but to allow them to profit is bizarre
It's frustrating that Getafe have that sell-on, and we obviously have been run terribly, but maybe he was just such damaged goods last summer that no one else would touch him, or at least not in a decent league. The alternative was to spend money to buy out his contract or agree with him to terminate the contract, else it's him just staying at home trying to keep fit for a season.

I can't remember too many others interested last summer, there was talk of clubs in Turkey, but nothing major.

As others have said, if we manage to sell him for 30m (euros) we should hopefully get a hefty sell-on in the deal.
Skeptical of all the links. Sales usually take place with little advance notice in the media, and the fact that we are now one month into the summer suggests another potentially ominous situation where we leave it until the end.
£30m is a bargain for a player of his calibre. Lazio (if true) could easily flip him for £50m+ in a few years when no one's cares about the baggage anymore
£30m is a bargain for a player of his calibre. Lazio (if true) could easily flip him for £50m+ in a few years when no one's cares about the baggage anymore
Nobody is going to give us 50m and we aren’t going to keep him, so we may as well sell for 30-40m and a percentage of any sell on fee
The 20% sell on isn't bizarre at all. It's fundamentally good business to draw a line under the ultimate distressed asset. Ensures Getafe have an incentive to play him regularly, we clear him out of the team and there are considerable suitors for him in the following summer transfer window (now). Rather give 20% of whatever fee we get for him vs keep him.

We should also have a significant sell-on fee inserted into whatever deal we strike.
Zaha, welbeck, Depay top of my head

All sold because they weren’t good enough at the time, when have we ever sold one of our best young players to a smaller club? (Again, bar Ronaldo).

Zaha also had a sell on fee.
Still being linked with some fairly big named clubs despite everything. Maybe not top tier but decent clubs nonetheless.

In purely footballing terms, whoever gets him for the reported fees will be getting a bargain in the modern game. Cheap enough that the baggage he comes with is worth the risk. Every chance you can move him on for a profit no matter what as well.
All sold because they weren’t good enough at the time, when have we ever sold one of our best young players to a smaller club? (Again, bar Ronaldo).

Zaha also had a sell on fee.

Wanted to say Pogba and Jesse "Peter Pan" Lingard but both went for free didn't they?
Bizarre we agreed to that.

Not really. Do you think it’s standard practice for us to offer cash incentives to clubs for the privilege of them getting to use one of our players? It’s obviously extenuating circumstances here, clear from the fact that MG was even going on loan in the first place, clear from the fact that we’re even contemplating selling him at all, and clear from the fact that the figures quoted are struggling to reach 30m.

We’re realistically only getting anything for him because of Getafe, and frankly, he’s almost as much a Getafe player as he is a United one. His old career ended, and was over for almost 2 years before they made him a footballer again. For all those citing this as ‘terribly run club’ case 7834, I would argue that Getafe would be the idiots if they did us the huge solid they did and then we ran off with big money while they got nothing.
I hope we get a decent fee for him and don't want him back at the club, but you just know at some point in the future he we will end up drawing the team he plays for in Europe and he ends up scoring against us.
definitely bizarre but might have been the only real option they had to get Mason in the window for teams to see so they could sell him

20% though is still a bit high....i could see 10% as that would have covered any costs they had while he played for them but to allow them to profit is bizarre

So bizarre it’s not true. They had a 20% sell on fee if we ended the loan short in January and sold him.

Why would we agree to a sell on clause for a club that “loaned” our player.
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