Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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The unfortunate part is it wouldn't be you that would be pulled up in a legal sense (if they were so inclined) but Niall and the caf.
They'd still have to prove that it is slander. With that audio out there my accusation is in good faith
You really should step away and let someone else moderate this thread. You have completely lost the plot.
Based on your posting history in this thread, the fact that you think Moses has lost the plot means that he is doing something right and should definitely continue moderating this thread.
This actually happens to my friend before. His girlfriend literally giving him unconsensual blow job while he was still asleep, but not a second he thought his girlfriend was raping him (in a bad way), but of course he did joke with me that his girlfriend likes to rape him out of nowhere, and he seems to enjoy it at the end. It’s perhaps something some lovers might sometimes do to spice things up I guess. It’s not always the case of either black or white when the parties involved are in ongoing sexual relationships. That’s why I thought it would be interesting to bring this up here.
You should probably start thinking of non-consensual strictly as denial of consent (+ in no state to know what the feck is going on) so you don't get all confused by the very normal everyday absence of consent when a randy partner takes the initiative.
How so?

This is not the first time you've chipped in not happy with the moderation. Sadly it comes with the forum.

The term moderation stems from the root moderate. You have no moderation in how you discuss this issue and therefore are not effective as a moderator of the discussion.
The term moderation stems from the root moderate. You have no moderation in how you discuss this issue and therefore are not effective as a moderator of the discussion.

It's not how we roll here I'm afraid. Moderators are encouraged to be posters first.

I can argue with people all day long and often they don't need moderating. Also people I agree with have overstepped and received warnings.

If you misread the situation, feel free to leave. I won't be offended.
It's not how we roll here I'm afraid. Moderators are encouraged to be posters first.

I can argue with people all day long and often they don't need moderating. Also people I agree with have overstepped and received warnings.

If you misread the situation, feel free to leave. I won't be offended.
Or perhaps I'll stay and continue to offer suggestions on how the site can be improved so as to offer a better experience to its users.
Or perhaps I'll stay and continue to offer suggestions on how the site can be improved so as to offer a better experience to its users.

Yeah, that probably won't wash if it's as partisan as your 'advice' here and involves insulting the moderators.

Let me think about it.
7 goals and 5 assists in 1760 mins (19.5 games worth) is pretty good considering he was out for nearly 2 years. More impact than our wide forwards this season.

Police and CPS also had this information along with a more detailed investigative powers than yourself and the conclusion was that they and Man Utd did not conclude he was either. You could get sued for slander
Well Police charged him and were prepared to go to court till it collapsed. That suggests that they didn’t believe him
They'd still have to prove that it is slander. With that audio out there my accusation is in good faith

No, Niall still has to deal with the legal headaches, cease and desist etc. It's why some topics are closed for discussion at times and why we can't post complete articles from sites like The Telegraph. Niall's approach is generally to comply with any legal requests and offending posts get deleted. He's not going to spend money in a legal battle for a random poster's actions.
No, Niall still has to deal with the legal headaches, cease and desist etc. It's why some topics are closed for discussion at times and why we can't post complete articles from sites like The Telegraph. Niall's approach is generally to comply with any legal requests and offending posts get deleted. He's not going to spend money in a legal battle for a random poster's actions.
Fair enough, we have a banning system, if I overstep the mark, reprimand me.

But until then, I think Mason Greenwood is a rapist.

I also think that a number of posters don't care that I think that. Their position is that they do not know. I think that there's a further set that also believe that he is a rapist but want him back anyway. I doubt there anyone out there who actually believes he's innocent.

OK, have I slandered?
Fair enough, we have a banning system, if I overstep the mark, reprimand me.

But until then, I think Mason Greenwood is a rapist.

I also think that a number of posters don't care that I think that. Their position is that they do not know. I think that there's a further set that also believe that he is a rapist but want him back anyway. I doubt there anyone out there who actually believes he's innocent.

OK, have I slandered?

There's various approaches to modding, it doesn't have to go straight to reprimands. Sometimes a softer approach works better.
There's various approaches to modding, it doesn't have to go straight to reprimands. Sometimes a softer approach works better.
I'm trying to not get involved too much, but sometimes I lose my shit. Warn me if you guys think that's valid, but I will express my opinion and experiences in this thread. I haven't asked for anyone to be banned or have put anyone on ignore, but I will argue with their perspective. And if I think their perspective is cnutish, I will say it.

I think my opinion is very valid in this thread
I'm trying to not get involved too much, but sometimes I lose my shit. Warn me if you guys think that's valid, but I will express my opinion and experiences in this thread. I haven't asked for anyone to be banned or have put anyone on ignore, but I will argue with their perspective. And if I think their perspective is cnutish, I will say it.

I think my opinion is very valid in this thread

I haven't suggested otherwise. Just offering some perspective on the unseen side of forum management for Niall's benefit. :)
Lead by fawning I said. If not for the fawners, the thread would die.

Yeah, I know it's a football forum. I can also state the obvious. He's also a player the club are most probably wash their hands of and never mention.

Don't agree with that - although there is some of the 'fawning' there are plenty of posters trying to have a decent football discussion but it usually gets lost in the other noise

And even if he leaves there will be those who continue to discuss his performances - there are obviously loads of threads on here about non United players
Don't agree with that - although there is some of the 'fawning' there are plenty of posters trying to have a decent football discussion but it usually gets lost in the other noise

And even if he leaves there will be those who continue to discuss his performances - there are obviously loads of threads on here about non United players

Ah yeah, occasionally a back and forth breaks out, and I have at no point said it doesn't, but I'm still adamant it's started by the same few, who most do actually think are weird outliers.

There are not loads of threads ahoy ex players , and they are mostly inactive.

And none have the same elephant in the room. You know, the alleged actual bodily harm.
Ah yeah, occasionally a back and forth breaks out, and I have at no point said it doesn't, but I'm still adamant it's started by the same few, who most do actually think are weird outliers.

There are not loads of threads ahoy ex players , and they are mostly inactive.

And none have the same elephant in the room. You know, the alleged actual bodily harm.

Who are 'the same few'? Whenever he plays there are many who comment on the performances and others come trying to find the updates - I think you are severely underestimating how many are genuinely interested in the footballing discussion.

I would never watch a whole Getafe match but some here apparently do, we even had the stories of United fans travelling to Spain just to see him play live! Personally I find that pretty weird but these fans do exist

You seem to think that he's leaving this summer and then you won't need to hear about him anymore - I'm pretty sure that's not the way this is going to play out, we shall see.
Who are 'the same few'? Whenever he plays there are many who comment on the performances and others come trying to find the updates - I think you are severely underestimating how many are genuinely interested in the footballing discussion.

I would never watch a whole Getafe match but some here apparently do, we even had the stories of United fans travelling to Spain just to see him play live! Personally I find that pretty weird but these fans do exist

You seem to think that he's leaving this summer and then you won't need to hear about him anymore - I'm pretty sure that's not the way this is going to play out, we shall see.
Do you really think this is how it'll go? He will leave and then we won't hear anything more of him here?
Fair enough, we have a banning system, if I overstep the mark, reprimand me.

But until then, I think Mason Greenwood is a rapist.

I also think that a number of posters don't care that I think that. Their position is that they do not know. I think that there's a further set that also believe that he is a rapist but want him back anyway. I doubt there anyone out there who actually believes he's innocent.

OK, have I slandered?

Well "alleged attempted rapist" is less disputable.
Just trying to understand the rules around here. Disagreeing with an admin = banned, calling posters names and idiots = fine. Noted.

Of course you are.

And nobody gets banned merely for disagreeing with a modmin. Of course a poster who has a long documented history of disruptive behaviour might eventually be deemed to be too high maintenance, after being given multiple opportunities to wind their neck in.
Is this still a case for the "law"? Or is it only a case among us United fans? Because it seems like at least Mason and his girlfriend are doing pretty good in Spain right now, even got a child after all this? So why are we acting like we can not forgive and move on and bring him back now in the summer?

This man/boy is a huge talent who is killing it in La Liga, playing amazing even against top teams. Scoring, assisting, dribbling, carrying the ball, cutting in, pressing - looks even better then he did last time I saw him play here at Manchester United. I would not let him go IF he and the girl have moved on, give him a new contract with some kind of "behavior" clausal or something. But reading that some fans are willing to let him go for 20m euro to Barcelona or A. Madrid is ridiculous. If Antony is worth 90-100m euro then Greenwood should be worth 200m euros, or send over FDJ or 50m euros and Raphinha.

I would rather sell both Sancho and Antony this summer and take back Greenwood. We have our front 3 sorted out for years hopefully in Greenwood - Höjlund - Garnacho, don´t waste his talent or the money it´s worth.
Is this still a case for the "law"? Or is it only a case among us United fans? Because it seems like at least Mason and his girlfriend are doing pretty good in Spain right now, even got a child after all this? So why are we acting like we can not forgive and move on and bring him back now in the summer?

This man/boy is a huge talent who is killing it in La Liga, playing amazing even against top teams. Scoring, assisting, dribbling, carrying the ball, cutting in, pressing - looks even better then he did last time I saw him play here at Manchester United. I would not let him go IF he and the girl have moved on, give him a new contract with some kind of "behavior" clausal or something. But reading that some fans are willing to let him go for 20m euro to Barcelona or A. Madrid is ridiculous. If Antony is worth 90-100m euro then Greenwood should be worth 200m euros, or send over FDJ or 50m euros and Raphinha.

I would rather sell both Sancho and Antony this summer and take back Greenwood. We have our front 3 sorted out for years hopefully in Greenwood - Höjlund - Garnacho, don´t waste his talent or the money it´s worth.
Aaaaand another one :rolleyes: feck sake
What are we supposed to forgive him for?

For the mess the situation created, whatever happened (reason I am saying whatever happened is because it seems that no is sure what the real truth is).
And it seems like she forgave him, and that they are now living together for longer period without problems and have a child together and have moved on.

IF he was found guilty, then I can´t see why he would be playing football in any country/league/club, he should be banned for life from FIFA and be in jail, but because he was not found guilty and she seems to have moved on (from whatever happened) and he will continue playing football, then Manchester United should provide him any help need, IF needed, in form of rehabilitation or whatever is needed. I feel that we as a club also should be there for our players in bad times as we are there in good times.

But I also understand the other side that feels that it is "wrong" having a player with that kind of reputation (writing reputation because I dont know what he is really guilty for).
While I feel that he was like 19 years old (and she also) and couples in those years can have issues, blame each other for all kind of things. Also, social media today is crazy in the sense of that it can cancel you for life for whatever reason if enough people decide to believe one side and defend the other - that is why I feel that the court should have the final word and that we should respect their decision and go with what they decide. And from what I have read (please correct me if I have missed something), they did not found him guilty? If they did (and I have missed that info) then why is he not in jail for years right now? And why is he still under contract with one of, if not biggest, club in the world and the club has still not made a final decision if he will ever play for us again or not?

There has to be some kind of paragraph in his current contract (in all players) that if they are found guilty for a serious crime, that we can sue him for example because the club has been paying him a whole lot of money, invested years in his development etc etc.

So for me, this is a weird situation. We have a player that people believes has been beaten and raped(?) his own girlfriend but he is still a Manchester United player and playing football on the highest level and living with the same girl and even got a child with her AFTER this situation and he was up in court several times without any consensuses? It just don´t add up for me why the club are still having him under contract if it´s proven that he is guilty. What are we waiting for? And why should it be ok for him to play in Spain, or whatever club? It just dont make any sense.

Again, dont get me wrong, I just dont understand - it should not be harder then; Guilty = JAIL and never again make money from professional football. Not guilty; Move on.
For the mess the situation created, whatever happened (reason I am saying whatever happened is because it seems that no is sure what the real truth is).
And it seems like she forgave him, and that they are now living together for longer period without problems and have a child together and have moved on.

IF he was found guilty, then I can´t see why he would be playing football in any country/league/club, he should be banned for life from FIFA and be in jail, but because he was not found guilty and she seems to have moved on (from whatever happened) and he will continue playing football, then Manchester United should provide him any help need, IF needed, in form of rehabilitation or whatever is needed. I feel that we as a club also should be there for our players in bad times as we are there in good times.

But I also understand the other side that feels that it is "wrong" having a player with that kind of reputation (writing reputation because I dont know what he is really guilty for).
While I feel that he was like 19 years old (and she also) and couples in those years can have issues, blame each other for all kind of things. Also, social media today is crazy in the sense of that it can cancel you for life for whatever reason if enough people decide to believe one side and defend the other - that is why I feel that the court should have the final word and that we should respect their decision and go with what they decide. And from what I have read (please correct me if I have missed something), they did not found him guilty? If they did (and I have missed that info) then why is he not in jail for years right now? And why is he still under contract with one of, if not biggest, club in the world and the club has still not made a final decision if he will ever play for us again or not?

There has to be some kind of paragraph in his current contract (in all players) that if they are found guilty for a serious crime, that we can sue him for example because the club has been paying him a whole lot of money, invested years in his development etc etc.

So for me, this is a weird situation. We have a player that people believes has been beaten and raped(?) his own girlfriend but he is still a Manchester United player and playing football on the highest level and living with the same girl and even got a child with her AFTER this situation and he was up in court several times without any consensuses? It just don´t add up for me why the club are still having him under contract if it´s proven that he is guilty. What are we waiting for? And why should it be ok for him to play in Spain, or whatever club? It just dont make any sense.

Again, dont get me wrong, I just dont understand - it should not be harder then; Guilty = JAIL and never again make money from professional football. Not guilty; Move on.
The court haven't found him anything, as it didn't get to court, as the key witness withdrew testimony. You know that there exist in the world people that have committed crimes that aren't punished for them, right?
The court haven't found him anything, as it didn't get to court, as the key witness withdrew testimony. You know that there exist in the world people that have committed crimes that aren't punished for them, right?

Oh ok, I did not know that they key witness (his girlfriend I assume) withdrew, but in Sweden at least (where I live) - it would not matter if she did. If there were prof of him doing those things media reported that there was some kind of evidence that he did (i believe they reported that there is some kind of video or photos(?)), he would be put in jail no matter what. You dont walk free here just because someone regrets there accusations and dont longer wants to witness, if there is evidence, you will be put behind bars for years for those things he was accused for. And that is why I dont understand why Manchester United is still having him under contract and have not given us an open answer if he will play here again.

Also, Ronaldo paid some girl in the US for not going to trail and probably jail, for the things she said that he had done to her, and there were prof that came out years after that he paid her like 300.000 dollars but she wanted more money some years later but because the made a deal, she did not get a penny more. And If i remember correct, those accusations were as serious as those Mason is accused for but we still took back Ronaldo gave him a biggest love ever in his come back - even when he was playing for Real Madrid in the CL against us, we gave him standing ovations. Why? Just trying to see the bigger picture.
Who are 'the same few'? Whenever he plays there are many who comment on the performances and others come trying to find the updates - I think you are severely underestimating how many are genuinely interested in the footballing discussion.

I would never watch a whole Getafe match but some here apparently do, we even had the stories of United fans travelling to Spain just to see him play live! Personally I find that pretty weird but these fans do exist

You seem to think that he's leaving this summer and then you won't need to hear about him anymore - I'm pretty sure that's not the way this is going to play out, we shall see.

Read the thread. There is a pattern.
Oh ok, I did not know that they key witness (his girlfriend I assume) withdrew, but in Sweden at least (where I live) - it would not matter if she did. If there were prof of him doing those things media reported that there was some kind of evidence that he did (i believe they reported that there is some kind of video or photos(?)), he would be put in jail no matter what. You dont walk free here just because someone regrets there accusations and dont longer wants to witness, if there is evidence, you will be put behind bars for years for those things he was accused for. And that is why I dont understand why Manchester United is still having him under contract and have not given us an open answer if he will play here again.

Also, Ronaldo paid some girl in the US for not going to trail and probably jail, for the things she said that he had done to her, and there were prof that came out years after that he paid her like 300.000 dollars but she wanted more money some years later but because the made a deal, she did not get a penny more. And If i remember correct, those accusations were as serious as those Mason is accused for but we still took back Ronaldo gave him a biggest love ever in his come back - even when he was playing for Real Madrid in the CL against us, we gave him standing ovations. Why? Just trying to see the bigger picture.
Have you read any of this thread before this page? Genuinely, everything you're saying is repeated every c. three pages.
Have you read any of this thread before this page? Genuinely, everything you're saying is repeated every c. three pages.

I have, but i have not found a answer to my questions. More then the one you gave me about why and how the court works in the UK, thank you for that and for responding in a normal and adult way. But as for the Ronaldo situation for example, I dont see any answer that make sense for me. I just read about people arguing about who is right or wrong, and I am just here to find info and understand. For me is it obvious, guilty = jail, not guilty = RW in Manchester United next season or sold for 100m euro or send FDJ our way and Mason to Barcelona.
I have, but i have not found a answer to my questions. More then the one you gave me about why and how the court works in the UK, thank you for that and for responding in a normal and adult way. But as for the Ronaldo situation for example, I dont see any answer that make sense for me. I just read about people arguing about who is right or wrong, and I am just here to find info and understand. For me is it obvious, guilty = jail, not guilty = RW in Manchester United next season or sold for 100m euro or send FDJ our way and Mason to Barcelona.
But it's not as easy as guilty=jail, not guilty= keep. Not everyone that is guilty of a crime is found guilty of a crime. Greenwood hasn't been found not guilty by a court. Just because he hasn't been found guilty doesn't mean he didn't do it.

Re Ronaldo, I'm not sure what question you want an answer to?
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But it's not as easy as guilty=jail, not guilty= keep. Not everyone that is guilty of a crime is found guilty of a crime. Greenwood hasn't been found not guilty by a court. Just because he hasn't been charged doesn't mean he didn't do it.

Re Ronaldo, I'm not sure what question you want an answer to?

The question is, Ronaldo was accused for the same thing more or less, but because it happened in the US and he did not want to take it to court, he made a deal and bought her silence for 300k dollars - and even after that came out, we gave him standing ovations, sang VIVA RONALDO when he came back to Old Trafford the first time, then even bought him back from Juventus and gave him all the love in the world. Why?

"Cristiano Ronaldo’s lawyer urged a U.S. appeals court Wednesday to reject an appeal and uphold stiff sanctions against a lawyer for a woman trying to force the international soccer star to pay millions more than the $375,000 in hush money he paid her after she accused him of raping her in Las Vegas in 2009."
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