Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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I have had two masons on my soccer teams. Both are great, one is like amazing.
Bottom line if you want your kid to be good at soccer/football, name him mason.
It was just an example.
But the term trail by social media was used on here and described as a law term in the context of Greenwood, hence why I asked the question.

I think your a lawyer, and probably a widow, and definitely a murderer

Asking "who gets to decide what is and what isn't a legal term?" is quite dodgy for a lawyer though to be fair.
:lol:That's the great thing about the Internet though. We can all be ANYTHING!

It did remind me of that Charlie Kelly 'I'm well-versed in bird law' meme a little...
Won man of the match, some nice comments from Mayoral about him. He is still lacking stamina which I guess is understandable.
Just noticed some weird/quirky stats about Mason in La Liga.

He scored his 1st goal for Getafe in October and has managed 1 each month since, making it 4 in a row today by scoring against Granada. Interestingly his goals have come against the teams positioned 20th (Almeria), 19th (Granada), 18th (Celta Vigo) and 17th (Sevilla). That would make a heck of a pub quiz question one day.

He does have the 2 goals in the Copa but that was against an amateur side that Getafe beat 12-0 so probably not much to read into that.
Yeah, imagine going away to Spain, earning millions of pounds for not doing something we heard you do.
I wasn't talking about Greenwood. Just generally which I thought you'd appreciate with the context of our back and forth. I just mean in general it would be horrendous getting falsely accused/convicted.
It was ok, got a deflection so hard to judge it. I had not thought his other goals this season were great either so did you mean in terms of his career or just for Getafe cos I don't think any of those have really stood out as anything special.
You must have missed the absolute rocket into the top corner. Unreal goal.
Well that's my overarching point, he can't just say shit like that an not expect people to fill in the blanks. That's not taking any responsibility for anything that happened, and as you point out, it could mean anything.

But if we can't believe he's innocent based of what we know, why should we be OK with him coming back?

I think the problem people constantly trot out the "innocent until proven guilty" line as to why he should be allowed back and when challenged on that we get the immediate contradiction of "no one's saying he's innocent". Doesn't make any sense to me. Just willful ignorance.

Personally, I don’t ‘believe he is innocent’, but at the same time, I reckon that what I ‘believe’ is not particularly relevant, given that I am mot one of the few people who is qualified enough to have a properly informed opinion.

So while I appreciate that what I have heard doesn’t sound good, I don’t expect the club, the FA or anyone with any authority to take decisions based on it. By all appearances, he has perhaps ‘gotten away with one’, but that’s the game. If he was not found guilty, then he’s gotten away with it, and I don’t think our society is, or at least should be, one that just decides that we will engage with someone as guilty who has not been found guilty. An opinion is one thing, going out and protesting on the back of your ‘opinion’ of someone is a step too far to me.

I’d be fine with United bringing him back if they are satisfied with his innocence. And his criminal case being dropped would naturally go a long way towards doing that. What I heard sounded pretty damning, but if it was as conclusive as many on the internet make it out to be, the case would have proceeded, because rape is illegal and there would be conclusive evidence of it being done.

So yes, ‘no one is saying he is innocent’, simply because - we do not know. Nobody, except very few people, know what happened. That’s the point.
That's him up to 320 goals so far this season, sickening
It will be interesting to see how he does in the second half of the season. Reports suggested it would take till around mid Feb for him to get back to where he was.

According to Getafe staff, he is expected to be at his season peak at February due to his long time away from competitive football. Quite curious to see his second half of this season.
He has some skilled team mates like Mayoral, Latasa, Maksimovic, etc which helps a bit. And soon Unal will be ready to go (no pun intended), he has just recovered from a serious long tem injury.
Personally, I don’t ‘believe he is innocent’, but at the same time, I reckon that what I ‘believe’ is not particularly relevant, given that I am mot one of the few people who is qualified enough to have a properly informed opinion.

So while I appreciate that what I have heard doesn’t sound good, I don’t expect the club, the FA or anyone with any authority to take decisions based on it. By all appearances, he has perhaps ‘gotten away with one’, but that’s the game. If he was not found guilty, then he’s gotten away with it, and I don’t think our society is, or at least should be, one that just decides that we will engage with someone as guilty who has not been found guilty. An opinion is one thing, going out and protesting on the back of your ‘opinion’ of someone is a step too far to me.

I’d be fine with United bringing him back if they are satisfied with his innocence. And his criminal case being dropped would naturally go a long way towards doing that. What I heard sounded pretty damning, but if it was as conclusive as many on the internet make it out to be, the case would have proceeded, because rape is illegal and there would be conclusive evidence of it being done.

So yes, ‘no one is saying he is innocent’, simply because - we do not know. Nobody, except very few people, know what happened. That’s the point.

Spot on.
Personally, I don’t ‘believe he is innocent’, but at the same time, I reckon that what I ‘believe’ is not particularly relevant, given that I am mot one of the few people who is qualified enough to have a properly informed opinion.

So while I appreciate that what I have heard doesn’t sound good, I don’t expect the club, the FA or anyone with any authority to take decisions based on it. By all appearances, he has perhaps ‘gotten away with one’, but that’s the game. If he was not found guilty, then he’s gotten away with it, and I don’t think our society is, or at least should be, one that just decides that we will engage with someone as guilty who has not been found guilty. An opinion is one thing, going out and protesting on the back of your ‘opinion’ of someone is a step too far to me.

I’d be fine with United bringing him back if they are satisfied with his innocence. And his criminal case being dropped would naturally go a long way towards doing that. What I heard sounded pretty damning, but if it was as conclusive as many on the internet make it out to be, the case would have proceeded, because rape is illegal and there would be conclusive evidence of it being done.

So yes, ‘no one is saying he is innocent’, simply because - we do not know. Nobody, except very few people, know what happened. That’s the point.
You either believe he's innocent or you believe he's guilty. If you've heard the audio, I don't think it's possible to not believe either. You can't unhear it.

The next question, after you've decided whether you believe he's innocent or guilty, you can then decide whether you want him back or not.

You can't just say because I'm not doing part one so that means that I'm going to let other people decide whether I should support him or not.
Just noticed some weird/quirky stats about Mason in La Liga.

He scored his 1st goal for Getafe in October and has managed 1 each month since, making it 4 in a row today by scoring against Granada. Interestingly his goals have come against the teams positioned 20th (Almeria), 19th (Granada), 18th (Celta Vigo) and 17th (Sevilla). That would make a heck of a pub quiz question one day.

That is a good stat…I wonder if there is a possibility for him to score against the 16th placed team in February!
You either believe he's innocent or you believe he's guilty. If you've heard the audio, I don't think it's possible to not believe either. You can't unhear it.

The next question, after you've decided whether you believe he's innocent or guilty, you can then decide whether you want him back or not.

You can't just say because I'm not doing part one so that means that I'm going to let other people decide whether I should support him or not.

Anyone can ‘believe’ anything. What I’m saying is that the beliefs of most people on most things don’t matter as much as they like to think they do. I hear, see and read stories everyday about various incidents and form passing judgements over my cereal of ‘I reckon he did it’, but I also have enough humility to accept that nobody should be placing any credence at all in what I believe. People would do well to do the same regarding Mason Greenwood.

You, and I, heard a leaked audio, which for some reason stopped before the alleged crime occurred. We are entitled to opinions based on what we heard, but others closer to the situation have also heard the audio, and here we are. The CPS said there is additional evidence, the club said there is additional evidence, and nobody with these ‘opinions’ know what that is. And because of that, there should be an acceptance that the picture they have is not the complete one.

So your ‘next question’ - you can decide whether you want him back or not, just as you can decide whether you want us to sign Benzema or not, my issue is the overvaluation of these opinions. Any opinions held should be caveated with ‘obviously I don’t know what really happened though’, which served to appropriately value the importance of any such view. Because the police and the club’s view matters a lot more than mine, purely based on the access they have, I am happy to ultimately defer to their findings over mine, due to their acceptance that they are far more informed.

As for your final paragraph, I guess there is a line between choosing to ‘support’ him and treating him like a convict. There are people out there who, despite the court findings, still ‘reckon Jonny Depp did it’. Which they are entitled to feel. But they are not entitled to demand Paramount do not hire him on the basis of these opinions. Likewise Manchester United with Mason Greenwood. We can’t just skip over the part where the charges were dropped because it doesn’t fit and proceed as if he was found guilty.
Anyone can ‘believe’ anything. What I’m saying is that the beliefs of most people on most things don’t matter as much as they like to think they do. I hear, see and read stories everyday about various incidents and form passing judgements over my cereal of ‘I reckon he did it’, but I also have enough humility to accept that nobody should be placing any credence at all in what I believe. People would do well to do the same regarding Mason Greenwood.

You, and I, heard a leaked audio, which for some reason stopped before the alleged crime occurred. We are entitled to opinions based on what we heard, but others closer to the situation have also heard the audio, and here we are. The CPS said there is additional evidence, the club said there is additional evidence, and nobody with these ‘opinions’ know what that is. And because of that, there should be an acceptance that the picture they have is not the complete one.

So your ‘next question’ - you can decide whether you want him back or not, just as you can decide whether you want us to sign Benzema or not, my issue is the overvaluation of these opinions. Any opinions held should be caveated with ‘obviously I don’t know what really happened though’, which served to appropriately value the importance of any such view. Because the police and the club’s view matters a lot more than mine, purely based on the access they have, I am happy to ultimately defer to their findings over mine, due to their acceptance that they are far more informed.

As for your final paragraph, I guess there is a line between choosing to ‘support’ him and treating him like a convict. There are people out there who, despite the court findings, still ‘reckon Jonny Depp did it’. Which they are entitled to feel. But they are not entitled to demand Paramount do not hire him on the basis of these opinions. Likewise Manchester United with Mason Greenwood. We can’t just skip over the part where the charges were dropped because it doesn’t fit and proceed as if he was found guilty.
So do you believe he's innocent or guilty of any of the crimes he was accused of?

I'm fairly sure a threat to commit sexual violence is a crime.

Additional evidence can be the rescinding of all or part of a statement. They could simply be noting that the evidence of whether she rescinded all or part of her statement, which hasn't been disclosed.

Is the audio of the crime not enough incomplete evidence to make a decision on? Did you have to be in the room?

However, I do know what I heard. Have you forgotten?

Who are instructed by the CPS to gather evidence, the CPS, who decide if it will pass beyond reasonable doubt. Then they tell the police to drop charges or not.

Who, as many have said on here view Greenwood as a £100M asset that they don't want to devalue.

I didn't realise that playing in Spain earning millions was treating him like a convict.

There are no court findings. They couldn't get beyond reasonable doubt without her statement, which she later rescinded, so the CPS dropped the case.

But the customers can walk away, which Manchester United are scared of. Same as the Harry Potter franchise.

And we can't skip over his voice threatening to rape someone.

Just admit it. You'd want him back even if he was guilty but avoided court, you just want him to score your team more goals than the other team score.
Look at this thread light up after a goal, we really need a vomit smile.
I have had two masons on my soccer teams. Both are great, one is like amazing.
Bottom line if you want your kid to be good at soccer/football, name him mason.
That's the coolest fecking story I've ever heard in my entire life. That's insane. Can I hear it again, do you have time?
I am 41.

I have daughter, 8 year, I got my grandaughter, she is sweetest thing that I ever got in my life after my kids ( I got my first kid when I was 18, yeah I know).

Can't see me cheering me on someone who is abusive towards the womans. How could I cheer his goal and look my daughter in the eyes.

My biggest challenge as a parent is to save her from idiots, and another one is to teach my son that he doesn't go and be that idiot.
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So do you believe he's innocent or guilty of any of the crimes he was accused of?

I'm fairly sure a threat to commit sexual violence is a crime.

Additional evidence can be the rescinding of all or part of a statement. They could simply be noting that the evidence of whether she rescinded all or part of her statement, which hasn't been disclosed.

Is the audio of the crime not enough incomplete evidence to make a decision on? Did you have to be in the room?

However, I do know what I heard. Have you forgotten?

Who are instructed by the CPS to gather evidence, the CPS, who decide if it will pass beyond reasonable doubt. Then they tell the police to drop charges or not.

Who, as many have said on here view Greenwood as a £100M asset that they don't want to devalue.

I didn't realise that playing in Spain earning millions was treating him like a convict.

There are no court findings. They couldn't get beyond reasonable doubt without her statement, which she later rescinded, so the CPS dropped the case.

But the customers can walk away, which Manchester United are scared of. Same as the Harry Potter franchise.

And we can't skip over his voice threatening to rape someone.

Just admit it. You'd want him back even if he was guilty but avoided court, you just want him to score your team more goals than the other team score.
There’s no need to be childish over it. He made a good point and the majority of people online seem to hold the same opinion, we know a bit, but not everything.

If you’ve ever known someone that’s been the victim of physical abuse, you couldn’t draw such a short line between threatening to do it, and actually doing it.

Manchester United the institution have in recent history operated by favourite their commercial success over their football success. So why would they jeopardize that by siding with him if they knew he was guilty after getting Masons, *******’s and the Police’s perspectives on the situation.

Now I don’t know the answer to that; and I also don’t know the answer to the following questions:

Would the victim really move to another country away from her support networks with the alleged abuser?

Would her family really be so supportive of a man who abused their teenage daughter?

Why did the audio stop before we found out what happened after the threats?

These are questions most people go back and forth debating in their heads. Myself included, and most of us still don’t know where the truth is.

You can believe he is guilty, but don’t tell others what they are thinking or what they should think.
There’s no need to be childish over it. He made a good point and the majority of people online seem to hold the same opinion, we know a bit, but not everything.

If you’ve ever known someone that’s been the victim of physical abuse, you couldn’t draw such a short line between threatening to do it, and actually doing it.

Manchester United the institution have in recent history operated by favourite their commercial success over their football success. So why would they jeopardize that by siding with him if they knew he was guilty after getting Masons, *******’s and the Police’s perspectives on the situation.

Now I don’t know the answer to that; and I also don’t know the answer to the following questions:

Would the victim really move to another country away from her support networks with the alleged abuser?

Would her family really be so supportive of a man who abused their teenage daughter?

Why did the audio stop before we found out what happened after the threats?

These are questions most people go back and forth debating in their heads. Myself included, and most of us still don’t know where the truth is.

You can believe he is guilty, but don’t tell others what they are thinking or what they should think.
If you've ever known someone's been the victim of DV you should also not be playing down his actions. It's not very often that it stops there.

Well they didn't side with him, they sent him to Getafe. He also said he was guilty of mistakes in relation to all this and has yet to clarify what that even meant, so they know he did something.

I personally don't see why the answers to those questions matter in relation to what I heard and accompanying photos. They don't negate the actions or mitigate them in anyway. The only questions you really need to know is why did he she record the interaction, why did he say what he said and did he cause those injuries in the photos. All yet to have been answered before those questions.
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