Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Could that possibly be that a civil case is decided on the balance of probabilities as apposed to beyond all reasonable doubt.

But we're only allowed to use beyond all reasonable doubt with Greenwood?

Well this neatly brings us back to the club internal investigation, which like a civil case has a much lower bar than criminal case
Yes it’s far worse accusing an innocent person. (That’s aside from this case by the way) m. I think being falsely accused would be absolutely horrendous and surely that’s why the courts are set up the way they are to minimise that risk.
Isn't the saying that it's far worse jailing an innocent person than letting a guilty person go free?
Well this neatly brings us back to the club internal investigation, which like a civil case has a much lower bar than criminal case
But, as many have mentioned, especially those who want him back, is that he's a £100 million club asset, so was an internal investigation ever going to be impartial?
But, as many have mentioned, especially those who want him back, is that he's a £100 million club asset, so was an internal investigation ever going to be impartial?

It's a valid question - I think it could be but they really should have done an independent investigation, although I still think many would not have accepted the outcome without an explanation
Yes it’s far worse accusing an innocent person. (That’s aside from this case by the way) m. I think being falsely accused would be absolutely horrendous and surely that’s why the courts are set up the way they are to minimise that risk.
But what about in this case?
It's a valid question - I think it could be but they really should have done an independent investigation, although I still think many would not have accepted the outcome without an explanation
So then, we agree, in the status quo, he shouldn't come back, nor should we want him.
Well that's my overarching point, he can't just say shit like that an not expect people to fill in the blanks. That's not taking any responsibility for anything that happened, and as you point out, it could mean anything.

But if we can't believe he's innocent based of what we know, why should we be OK with him coming back?

I think the problem people constantly trot out the "innocent until proven guilty" line as to why he should be allowed back and when challenged on that we get the immediate contradiction of "no one's saying he's innocent". Doesn't make any sense to me. Just willful ignorance.

I'm not saying you should be OK with him returning or trying to change your mind. Even if he was found innocent I'm sure people would still have reasons to be opposed to his return which is understandable.

I think all of us can speculate on the blanks as we've been doing but there's a difference between speculating and beng certain of your convictions. The latter I don't think you can do in good faith while there's so much we don't know.

I get your last paragraph as there are some people who want to put their position out there and not explain it or just speak about it from a footballing perspective while ignoring the sensitivity surrounding it. Ignorance is bliss to some I guess too. If you do a MBTI personality assessment one of the 4 main areas is around decision making and if you're more a thinker or a feeler. Those who are a "thinker" often make decisions based on logic, evidence and rational compared to a feeler making decisions based more on emotions, feelings and following their heart. These differences in personality and thinking likely account for a lot of the differences of opinions too as we all process it differently.

I think how people engage makes a difference too as people can become quite defensive if they feel they're being attacked. Luck

Asked and answered.

Doesn't mean I'm in anyway confident I'm listening to an attempted rape. But I don't think the recording is faked.

I think this is a reasonable post. Wrong use of the word impartial, but excusable. Some good points. I haven’t thought all that much about this topic, but there are some odd angles to it.

Yeah I think I got a bit mixed up with my words. Thanks though.

Had some good discussion out of it too when I expected more hostility. Pleasantly surprised by that in a good way.

He's starting tonight at home to Granada. For anyone following his games.
Well this neatly brings us back to the club internal investigation, which like a civil case has a much lower bar than criminal case
There's absolutely no genuine comparison between the two and, again, it's intellectually dishonest to draw that parallel.
I'm not saying you should be OK with him returning or trying to change your mind. Even if he was found innocent I'm sure people would still have reasons to be opposed to his return which is understandable.

I think all of us can speculate on the blanks as we've been doing but there's a difference between speculating and beng certain of your convictions. The latter I don't think you can do in good faith while there's so much we don't know.

I get your last paragraph as there are some people who want to put their position out there and not explain it or just speak about it from a footballing perspective while ignoring the sensitivity surrounding it. Ignorance is bliss to some I guess too. If you do a MBTI personality assessment one of the 4 main areas is around decision making and if you're more a thinker or a feeler. Those who are a "thinker" often make decisions based on logic, evidence and rational compared to a feeler making decisions based more on emotions, feelings and following their heart. These differences in personality and thinking likely account for a lot of the differences of opinions too as we all process it differently.

I think how people engage makes a difference too as people can become quite defensive if they feel they're being attacked. Luck
I'm not asking you to change my mind or make me be OK with him returning, I'm trying to understand how people arrive at being so neutral on it.

I'm not speculating, I'm not being presented with anything to counter what I've seen and heard. But just as people should not definitively say what's happened, you can't dismiss what's already out there for not knowing the full picture.

Myers Briggs is psuedo science by the way. I'd advise you not to put stock in it.
There's absolutely no genuine comparison between the two and, again, it's intellectually dishonest to draw that parallel.

Don't be silly - not suggesting it's the same but the comparison of a judgement with a lower bar than criminal case is valid
Has he actually played well? 5 goals in about 19 games for a midtable Spanish team doesn't inspire confidence.
I'm not asking you to change my mind or make me be OK with him returning, I'm trying to understand how people arrive at being so neutral on it.

I'm not speculating, I'm not being presented with anything to counter what I've seen and heard. But just as people should not definitively say what's happened, you can't dismiss what's already out there for not knowing the full picture.

Myers Briggs is psuedo science by the way. I'd advise you not to put stock in it.
But people who think can't feel and people who feel can't think.
He's playing as a traditional winger but still moves up into the channels without the ball like a third forward. Somethign Antony never does.
Has he actually played well? 5 goals in about 19 games for a midtable Spanish team doesn't inspire confidence.

A couple of them were penalties and a couple were against a really poor team in a cup I think. I read that here, so not sure.
He should be sold in the summer. If he does well, he should be sold for a lot of money. If he doesn't do well, he should be sold for less. But he should be sold in any case.

We should have a new manager in the summer, it is better if he doesn't have to deal with Greenwood questions.
Has he actually played well? 5 goals in about 19 games for a midtable Spanish team doesn't inspire confidence.

6 goals for a midtable winger is probably more than most midtable wingers. Do you expect wingers to score more if they are in worse teams?

Getafes goalscorers last season:
First place: 14
Second: 8
Third: 3
Fourth: 2

Based on this, 6 is not bad for a winger who hadn’t played in the best part of 2 years and doesn’t speak the language.
6 goals for a midtable winger is probably more than most midtable wingers. Do you expect wingers to score more if they are in worse teams?

Getafes goalscorers last season:
First place: 14
Second: 8
Third: 3
Fourth: 2

Based on this, 6 is not bad for a winger who hadn’t played in the best part of 2 years and doesn’t speak the language.

Also, he's a winger in a 4-4-2, not a 4-3-3... Very different
As a Lawyer, I can tell you that the term is used in court when discussing the impartiality of a jury. Would that make it a legal term? Probably.
As someone mentioned before, just because a lawyer says something, it doesn't suddenly make it a legal term.
As someone mentioned before, just because a lawyer says something, it doesn't suddenly make it a legal term.
In an article? Maybe. How about a District Judge? High Court Judge? Who gets to decide what is and what isn't a legal term? Personally, I'd be happy to call it as such but I guess it's each to their own. Furthermore, how much does it really matter?
Also, he's a winger in a 4-4-2, not a 4-3-3... Very different

On the team sheet he is. His position is a strange kind of free role winger. He doesn’t seem to be asked to do much defending, but he doesn’t play up top either. Whenever Getafe get the ball, he finds some space on the right side and they pass to him.
As a Lawyer, I can tell you that the term is used in court when discussing the impartiality of a jury. Would that make it a legal term? Probably.
We aren't discussing the impartiality of a jury, we are discussing our opinions. If none of us are going to be on a jury, is it still a legal term?
In an article? Maybe. How about a District Judge? High Court Judge? Who gets to decide what is and what isn't a legal term? Personally, I'd be happy to call it as such but I guess it's each to their own. Furthermore, how much does it really matter?
I don't buy that you're a lawyer.
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