i can draw you a moral line for quick and easy reference;
probably not ok to play football for your club: unprovoked criminal acts that harm others; rape, domestic violence
probably ok to play football: adultery, hitting a racist/xenophobe
you can then move the line based on factors, such as mental health or personal demons. had greenwood come out and apologised, owned the video and photos, promised to do better, said he would get help, maybe explain how trauma may have effected him or his judgement; literally anything close to resembling taking responsibility, many of us may think he deserved as second chance.
all he has actually done since the recording emerged is prove what a childish, petulant little shitbag he is. his kind of character is exactly what has caused the club to be in decline for over a decade. we’ve spent too long accepting that kicking a ball well is enough. that it’s ok not train hard enough, it’s ok to think rules and standards don’t apply to you. the quicker he disappears off the face of the earth, the better.
i can’t imagine brailsford will stomach the likes of him around the training ground. he supposedly cultivates elite squads with elite mentalities. if that’s the case, then greenwood returning is even more of a pipe dream than ever. and then all you’re doing to sticking up for a rapist who will never play for united again. in which case, i’m sure i’ll see you in the trump thread, doing the same thing soon.