Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Morally speaking I think Greenwood has already been kind of being punished as he has been basically “banned” from football for 18 months, which is quit a long time for footballer career, and he has also been despised by the public for lengthy period.

Whether he should be banned longer or even banned “permanently” for his behaviour is up for more debate though.

Legally there’s nothing anything can be done as the case has been dropped upon police investigation and the only victim has absolutely no intention to go any further, so I think we have to respect that.

Besides the victim seems living happily with Greemwood right now, being fully supportive and even raising a kid together, so it’s more of a case of us trying to upholding sense of moral/social values rather then helping out/doing justice for the victim.
I'd love to be banned from my job while also still being paid.
If the new ownership really means "football first", then bringing Greenwood back should be the first thing to do. I don't see a reason why we can't give him a chance while he just plays football elsewhere and seems the press and crowd no longer tailing after the incident.

There are million ways to PR this through and help him back to the team, it's just whether the management team wants it. For those staff who have issue with it, they are welcome to go and help the overall headcount cut . I'm in no way supporting Greenwood's wrongdoing but he has received equivalent punishment needed for learning his lesson, so now he deserves his chance to redeem himself and let his football do the talking.
There are million ways to PR this through and help him back to the team, it's just whether the management team wants it. For those staff who have issue with it, they are welcome to go and help the overall headcount cut .
Ruthless. But that’s what I want our new board to be…
If the new ownership really means "football first", then bringing Greenwood back should be the first thing to do. I don't see a reason why we can't give him a chance while he just plays football elsewhere and seems the press and crowd no longer tailing after the incident.

There are million ways to PR this through and help him back to the team, it's just whether the management team wants it. For those staff who have issue with it, they are welcome to go and help the overall headcount cut . I'm in no way supporting Greenwood's wrongdoing but he has received equivalent punishment needed for learning his lesson, so now he deserves his chance to redeem himself and let his football do the talking.
Wow. That’s quite something that train of thought. Let’s get rid of the female staff who objected (including ripping up the WS team) quite a look for the company and I daresay illegal.
And illegal

the club doesn't need (and of course has no right) to fire those staff. Just make the decision, let the staff protest and resign if they want.

no offence but I wonder if the posters here (and the ABU social media) had the same outrage when Nicky Butt was alleged beating his wife up in 2019? We kept him in his job until 2021 maybe?

What Greenwood has done is morally and socially despicable, absolutely. But I can't see how he has been worse than Nicky Butt (beating up his wife as well), Giggs (cheating on his wife and sleeping with his brother's wife - unveiled in 2011 and we kept him in the job and we planned to make him the future manager for a while), Cantona (physically assaulting another person in front of millions of live audience), Maguire (beating up Greek cop) that deserves a different treatment (and there was some chance that Ronaldo had even raped a woman as well). He is also not worse than Marcos Alonso who killed a girl driving drunk or Benzema who blackmailed his teammate with sex tape - both convicted.

I think millions of fans are just asking "why is Greenwood has got a different treatment from the above players?" - Is it just another media generated witch hunt like Beckham in 1998 or Ronaldo in 2006?
Wow. That’s quite something that train of thought. Let’s get rid of the female staff who objected (including ripping up the WS team) quite a look for the company and I daresay illegal.
Just apply that in real life. You are in a big company and hear over that one colleague of yours from other department beat his wife. Would you resign just because you don't want to stay in the same company with him or has the remote chance to stay in the same room or work with him ?

If your priority is football , here is the trade off you have to make. Yes it's not ideal and there could be concerns among some staff, but that's not something the management could not work with to remedy.
I understand you (and a few posters here who want Greenwood gone) are a staff (so I should be more respectful), but unfortunately I couldn't get this logic.

Just because player A does something considered bad in the society and Club B keeps him shouldn't necessarily mean condoning the bad thing right? Otherwise every single club in the Premier League condones cheating on your couple.

Maguire beat the Greek police up and we kept him (yes, I know Maguire has be convicted and served his "suspended sentence", that's the "difference"), would you say we condone physical violence as well?

McGuire's case was very dodgy and may or may not already be nullified while waiting for the appeal. And even if it did happen it was nothing more than drunks reacti g to bei g attacked (as the police didn't identify themselves). If it had been a real case of attacking police I'm sure the club would have had serious concerns.

And as a fan it may well be of concern albeit of far less seriousness in comparison to Greenwood's behaviour.

Even if his actions were actually very serious assault and the club didn't react properly that is no reason they shouldn't react properly to Greenwood. Once you start with such whataboutery nobody is responsible for anything.

Greenwood is simply a despicable scumbag who has been very lucky indeed.
Just apply that in real life. You are in a big company and hear over that one colleague of yours from other department beat his wife. Would you resign just because you don't want to stay in the same company with him or has the remote chance to stay in the same room or work with him ?

If your priority is football , here is the trade off you have to make. Yes it's not ideal and there could be concerns among some staff, but that's not something the management could not work with to remedy.

If I knew, and it was as certain and serious as Greenwood's behaviour then I and many others in my company would at the very least refuse to work with them.
McGuire's case was very dodgy and may or may not already be nullified while waiting for the appeal. And even if it did happen it was nothing more than drunks reacti g to bei g attacked (as the police didn't identify themselves). If it had been a real case of attacking police I'm sure the club would have had serious concerns.

And as a fan it may well be of concern albeit of far less seriousness in comparison to Greenwood's behaviour.

Even if his actions were actually very serious assault and the club didn't react properly that is no reason they shouldn't react properly to Greenwood. Once you start with such whataboutery nobody is responsible for anything.

Greenwood is simply a despicable scumbag who has been very lucky indeed.

It is not whataboutism. Whataboutism is justifying a wrong but pointing out that someone else has the same wrong. I think many posters (except a few naive ones who raise the "he is acquitted" defence) who do not want Greenwood be gone without a second chance at United agree that Greenwood has done something wrong, gravely wrong and despicable

But we want the punishment footballing-career-wise received by Greenwood be proportionate to his wrong, and we see examples of players who have done worse thing got less punishment in terms of their footballing careers.

I think all United fans agreed that "getting sent off at the key moment of the world cup knock out game with a silly retaliation" is silly and frustrating. But Beckham received a special treatment of UK media after WC 1998 when a dozen more players did/will do the same thing in the WC but received less media backfire.
If I knew, and it was as certain and serious as Greenwood's behaviour then I and many others in my company would at the very least refuse to work with them.
On what ground you can refuse to work ? He is pretty much not your department and not often work with you to begin with. He is not convicted and can perform his work just fine. His supervisor also seems OK with him and had planned his return.
Just apply that in real life. You are in a big company and hear over that one colleague of yours from other department beat his wife. Would you resign just because you don't want to stay in the same company with him or has the remote chance to stay in the same room or work with him ?

If your priority is football , here is the trade off you have to make. Yes it's not ideal and there could be concerns among some staff, but that's not something the management could not work with to remedy.

That's a poor example. This isn't just a work colleague you can avoid and has little impact on culture of the company. First team players are the symbol of the club and are custodians of the clubs identity.

So yes, most people would choose to resign if the very image/product you worked to support acted directly against your morals. e.g. would you work for a Doctor/MP who you heard beat his wife and still continued to act as a pillar of the local community? Most people would find alternative employment.
Seriously? What utter rubbish. Domestic violence is now a media beat up? That is next level delusional.

I understand you are a staff but unfortunately I can see your posts are filled with emotions too much. Too many unnecessarily mockeries, labeling ("rubbish' "nonsense", etc) and rheotorical questions ("really?", etc). I hope we can all keep cool and reason.

I think no rational readers of my post would interpret my post to mean "domestic violence being a media beat up".

My stance is clear:

1. Greenwood did commit domestic violence
2. He is a jerk, I agree.
3. Domestic violence is a serious problem in the globe (across the UK as well)
4. but the punishment he receives needs to be proportionate to the treatments of other players who have committed wrongs with similar gravity - and unfortunately I see examples of players who have done greater harms receiving less football-wise punishment.
5. I suggest Greenwood is probably targeted by the media/ social media, like how Beckham and Ronaldo were targeted before, because the media may want to screw a person up for "fun" (or destroying a star of a club they hate). My focus is on the media's intention, not the act itself (we all know beating up your gf is different from getting a red card or a wink)
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On what ground you can refuse to work ? He is pretty much not your department and not often work with you to begin with. He is not convicted and can perform his work just fine. His supervisor also seems OK with him and had planned his return.

Because I won't work with despicable twats and expecting to me would breach my companies obligation to provide a safe and reasonable workplace. If my firm want the publicity of protecting scumbags at the expense of ethical employees who expect a safe workplace then they could expect to enjoy the reputational damage when it gets publicised.
I understand you are a staff but unfortunately I can see your posts are filled with emotions too much. Too much unnecessarily mockeries, labeling ("rubbish' "nonsense", etc) and rheotorical questions ("really?", etc). I hope we can all keep cool and reason.

I think no rational readers of my post would interpret my post to mean "domestic violence being a media beat up".

My stance is clear:

1. Greenwood did commit domestic violence
2. He is a jerk, I agree.
3. Domestic violence is a serious problem in the globe (across the UK as well)
4. but the punishment he receives needs to be proportionate to the treatments of other players who have committed wrongs with similar gravity - and I see examples of players who have done greater harms receiving less football-wise punishment.
5. I suggest Greenwood is probably targeted by the media/ social media, like how Beckham and Ronaldo were targeted before, because the media may want to screw a person up for "fun"

Greenwood has come out of this with an unaffected salary, a child and his relationship with girlfriend intact. He is continuing his career as a top level footballer, will likely get a move into Champions League club and no doubt be back in England in a few years. If he stays sensible and performs well, he'll likely get a second chance with the national team given time.

So where is this disproportionate punishment? He can't currently play for United and he's had some sponsorship deals rescinded. That's a very good result for him.
Because I won't work with despicable twats and expecting to me would breach my companies obligation to provide a safe and reasonable workplace. If my firm want the publicity of protecting scumbags at the expense of ethical employees who expect a safe workplace then they could expect to enjoy the reputational damage when it gets publicised.

Wouldn't it be too dramatic reaction ? Greenwood surely would not assault staff in the club to cause a "unsafe workplace" . That's beyond reasonable to assume such.
Greenwood has come out of this with an unaffected salary, a child and his relationship with girlfriend intact. He is continuing his career as a top level footballer, will likely get a move into Champions League club and no doubt be back in England in a few years. If he stays sensible and performs well, he'll likely get a second chance with the national team given time.

So where is this disproportionate punishment? He can't currently play for United and he's had some sponsorship deals rescinded. That's a very good result for him.

If it is not okay for him to play for Man Utd, why is it okay for him to play for Getafe, Real Madrid or Barcelona?

Is Man Utd some sort of morally superior club? Or UK is a "morally superior country" than, say Spain? We had a great supply of bad boys in history anyway, and Spain is one of the best countries in the world in terms of preventing domestic violence:
I understand you are a staff but unfortunately I can see your posts are filled with emotions too much. Too many unnecessarily mockeries, labeling ("rubbish' "nonsense", etc) and rheotorical questions ("really?", etc). I hope we can all keep cool and reason.

I think no rational readers of my post would interpret my post to mean "domestic violence being a media beat up".

My stance is clear:

1. Greenwood did commit domestic violence
2. He is a jerk, I agree.
3. Domestic violence is a serious problem in the globe (across the UK as well)
4. but the punishment he receives needs to be proportionate to the treatments of other players who have committed wrongs with similar gravity - and I see examples of players who have done greater harms receiving less football-wise punishment.
5. I suggest Greenwood is probably targeted by the media/ social media, like how Beckham and Ronaldo were targeted before, because the media may want to screw a person up for "fun"
I'm not being emotional at all. If I was there would be a large number of permanbanned people in this and other Greenwood related threads. I'm simply being logical and reasoned, unlike those who are engaging in mental gymnastics and whataboutism to excuse his utterly despicable behaviour.

You plainly don't know what domestic violence is BTW for which he has suffered virtually zero punishment. A punishment far more luxurious and well paid than 99.9% of us enjoy. Finally Greenwood isn't being targeted. He is simply mildly inconvenienced for behaviour that would likely have seen him behind bars without his partner's withdrawl of cooperation with the CPS - which is sadly all too common with DV cases.
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I understand you are a staff but unfortunately I can see your posts are filled with emotions too much. Too many unnecessarily mockeries, labeling ("rubbish' "nonsense", etc) and rheotorical questions ("really?", etc). I hope we can all keep cool and reason.

I think no rational readers of my post would interpret my post to mean "domestic violence being a media beat up".

My stance is clear:

1. Greenwood did commit domestic violence
2. He is a jerk, I agree.
3. Domestic violence is a serious problem in the globe (across the UK as well)
4. but the punishment he receives needs to be proportionate to the treatments of other players who have committed wrongs with similar gravity - and unfortunately I see examples of players who have done greater harms receiving less football-wise punishment.
5. I suggest Greenwood is probably targeted by the media/ social media, like how Beckham and Ronaldo were targeted before, because the media may want to screw a person up for "fun" (or destroying a star of a club they hate). My focus is on the media's intention, not the act itself (we all know beating up your gf is different from getting a red card or a wink)

But you know that what you’re posting is rubbish surely. You can write out long drawn out paragraphs but your post is nonsense and constantly drawing false equivalences
It's actually OK In England too as long as they don't play for Man United, we have/had in the EPL Cat abusers, Accused Rapists, Gangbangers even killers but nobody bats an eyelid.
Partly because our own fans get caught up in the hyperbole that rival fans and the ABU media create so we just have a ridiculously higher moral standard than everyone else.
In this case we have a young lad that has reconciled with the girl and her family and possibly not even done the things to the level that we assume but we have to hang him to dry and also lose out on the money and talent whilst the other clubs and fans would take him in a second and not many people would care.

I'm really genuinely curious why some of our fans think that we have higher moral ground in England compared to other clubs and also elsewhere in Europe like in Spain. Greenwood is allows to play in Spain and he should also be allowed to come back to play in England.

I believe in giving people a second chance especially a very young man who already reconciled with his wife. They have a young happy family together now. Hope Greenwood can work on his issues and be a better man in future. There are many more people committed much more serious crimes in the world and repented leading very meaningful and respectable life.
Except he was never found not guilty, it never went to court. So I think you're not even framing the debate properly.

Ok, well you got mine there. Unless you know the victim, it's pretty futile to try and understand what she's thinking/want.
That’s fair, technically speaking he was never found not guilty in court. But I assume police dropping the case is also part of legal system which implies he is not guilty there.
Wouldn't it be too dramatic reaction ? Greenwood surely would not assault staff in the club to cause a "unsafe workplace" . That's beyond reasonable to assume such.

What are you talking about? Do you think anything short of a violent physical assault is a safe working environment? Psychological safety is a far far more common concern. Our P&C Department would be amazed if anyone employed by us didn't know this.
I'm really genuinely curious why some of our fans think that we have higher moral ground in England compared to other clubs and also elsewhere in Europe like in Spain. Greenwood is allows to play in Spain and he should also be allowed to come back to play in England.

I believe in giving people a second chance especially a very young man who already reconciled with his wife. They have a young happy family together now. Hope Greenwood can work on his issues and be a better man in future. There are many more people committed much more serious crimes in the world and repented leading very meaningful and respectable life.

Yes - I want our club to have a moral high ground. Obviously. Who the feck wouldn’t?
But you know that what you’re posting is rubbish surely. You can write out long drawn out paragraphs but your post is nonsense and constantly drawing false equivalences

welcome to 2023 populist online "debate" (or any real-world political debates), calling your "debate opponents" "rubbish" "idiotic" "nonsense" "trash" and so on suffice. no reasoning needed.
Seeing some of his apologists on here I'm starting to believe he will actually be welcomed back and this will be forgotten about except for the occasional opposition chants. I hope I'm wrong.
That's a poor example. This isn't just a work colleague you can avoid and has little impact on culture of the company. First team players are the symbol of the club and are custodians of the clubs identity.

So yes, most people would choose to resign if the very image/product you worked to support acted directly against your morals. e.g. would you work for a Doctor/MP who you heard beat his wife and still continued to act as a pillar of the local community? Most people would find alternative employment.
I'm not sure how you put Cantona in the example then. He publicly assaulted audience in the stadium and could be seen as a symbol of violence. Would you cut tie with Cantona then ?

We also don't have to categorize keeping Greenwood as "stain of morale identity and club culture", but as "the club uphold the responsibilities to correct the wrong of our home grown youth" .

lastly, we trying to pick a competent MP to serve the community, not a saint but not knowing a dime of the work he supposed to do. There is some trade off we could make if we would like to put football first.
welcome to 2023 populist online "debate" (or any real-world political debates), calling your "debate opponents" "rubbish" "idiotic" "nonsense" "trash" and so on suffice. no reasoning needed.

welcome to the snowflake generation, my friend, where just because you support a rapist, and thereby indirectly condone the actions of all rapists who can’t play football good, you’re somehow seen as the bad guy.
Seeing some of his apologists on here I'm starting to believe he will actually be welcomed back and this will be forgotten about except for the occasional opposition chants. I hope I'm wrong.
He won't be. The new set up won't be that dumb.
Yes - I want our club to have a moral high ground. Obviously. Who the feck wouldn’t?

then we would not have our best players in history:

George Best - perpetual wife beater and cheater
Eric Cantona - kung fu kicked a boy in front of the world
Ryan Giggs - (we all know what he did)
Cristiano Ronaldo - allegedly raped a girl in the USA (case not dropped and money paid so there is some chance the accusation is valid, unlike those van persie/evans false rape claims), an arrogant and selfish guy anyway
Wayne Rooney - cheated on his wife multiple times
David Beckham - cheated on his wife at least once

Pele was also a wife cheater and Maradona was a criminal
Quite apart from the fact that it's troubling you don't seem to be able to see the yawning moral chasm between cheating and domestic violence, these are all things that happened in the past. Unless you have a time machine, we can't change them. What we can do, though, is avoid having an alleged rapist and domestic violence perpetrator representing us going forward.
then we would not have our best players in history:

George Best - perpetual wife beater and cheater
Eric Cantona - kung fu kicked a boy in front of the world
Ryan Giggs - (we all know what he did)
Cristiano Ronaldo - allegedly raped a girl in the USA (case not dropped and money paid so there is some chance the accusation is valid, unlike those van persie/evans false rape claims), an arrogant and selfish guy anyway
Wayne Rooney - cheated on his wife multiple times
David Beckham - cheated on his wife at least once

Pele was also a wife cheater and Maradona was a criminal
Perhaps this pattern would slow down and eventually stop if we you know erm...took a stand against it?
welcome to the snowflake generation, my friend, where just because you support a rapist, and thereby indirectly condone the actions of all rapists who can’t play football good, you’re somehow seen as the bad guy.

Are you referring to yourself supporting Partey?

1. cite where I said, directly or implicitly, I "Support Greenwood"? (I don't even particularly like Greenwood as a United fan anyway)
2. taking a step back, why supporting a sportman who committed crime X is "indirectly condoning crime X"??? Is Real Madrid condoning blackmailing? Was Man Utd condoning physical assaults after the kung-fu kick incident and Maguiregate? Are Barca and Chelsea condoning drunk driving?
Guys can anyone help find any evidence of JefffromHK supporting Greenwood apart from the last two pages of him supporting Greenwood?
then we would not have our best players in history:

George Best - perpetual wife beater and cheater
Eric Cantona - kung fu kicked a boy in front of the world
Ryan Giggs - (we all know what he did)
Cristiano Ronaldo - allegedly raped a girl in the USA (case not dropped and money paid so there is some chance the accusation is valid, unlike those van persie/evans false rape claims), an arrogant and selfish guy anyway
Wayne Rooney - cheated on his wife multiple times
David Beckham - cheated on his wife at least once

Pele was also a wife cheater and Maradona was a criminal

i can draw you a moral line for quick and easy reference;

probably not ok to play football for your club: unprovoked criminal acts that harm others; rape, domestic violence
probably ok to play football: adultery, hitting a racist/xenophobe

you can then move the line based on factors, such as mental health or personal demons. had greenwood come out and apologised, owned the video and photos, promised to do better, said he would get help, maybe explain how trauma may have effected him or his judgement; literally anything close to resembling taking responsibility, many of us may think he deserved as second chance.

all he has actually done since the recording emerged is prove what a childish, petulant little shitbag he is. his kind of character is exactly what has caused the club to be in decline for over a decade. we’ve spent too long accepting that kicking a ball well is enough. that it’s ok not train hard enough, it’s ok to think rules and standards don’t apply to you. the quicker he disappears off the face of the earth, the better.

i can’t imagine brailsford will stomach the likes of him around the training ground. he supposedly cultivates elite squads with elite mentalities. if that’s the case, then greenwood returning is even more of a pipe dream than ever. and then all you’re doing to sticking up for a rapist who will never play for united again. in which case, i’m sure i’ll see you in the trump thread, doing the same thing soon.
After a lengthy internal investigation, which included testimony from the victim and her family, the club were positioning to bring MG back into the team. After a memo was received by staff at the club, the reaction was so fervent, that the club realised that it would not be possible for him to play for MUFC, as many staff members would walk out. This sort of revolt would reflect very badly on the club management, and the sensitive nature of the investigation meant that they couldn't really publish any of the details, as it would involve some very private and intimate information that has no business being broadcast by the CEO of a football club.

So eventually the correct decision was made to move him on. Lazio, Juventus, Atalanta all had a think about it, but decided not to take a punt on him. Getafe were the only club willing to stick their necks out, and they did get some flack for it. He has played 14 games for them and scored 3 goals, with 4 assists. He may revive his career somewhat, but the stark reality is that his current market value is 7.5m. Not based on ability, but based on who he is and what he did.

If his value rises to anything above 30m, and a club puts a genuine offer in, he will be sold. And that money will be used to improve the current squad.

As it stands, we don't have 2 pennies to rub together. To put this into more context, in order to loan Amrabat from Fiorentina, we had to sell Dean Henderson to Palace. We didn't have 10m in the bank, because we'd blown the budget on Hojlund, Onana & Mount. (180m)
Are you referring to yourself supporting Partey?

i can hand on heart say that i’ve never supported partey. even before he was allegedly raping half of london.

1. cite where I said, directly or implicitly, I "Support Greenwood"? (I don't even particularly like Greenwood as a United fan anyway)

there’s a who replied button at the top of each page, search for your name and click the number to the right of it. it then displays all the posts you’ve made in the thread. as a handy tip, they basically all say, “i don’t like what greenwood did, but until we eradicate all the ills of the world, he should play for united again.” which i naturally equate to supporting him and trying to bend yourself in such a way that you don’t think you are.

2. taking a step back, why supporting a sportman who committed crime X is "indirectly condoning crime X"??? Is Real Madrid condoning blackmailing? Was Man Utd condoning physical assaults after the kung-fu kick incident and Maguiregate? Are Barca and Chelsea condoning drunk driving?

because all rape is rape…
and i don’t support barca or chelsea, so
i don’t care enough to get worked up by them or their actions, but the fact they’ve been run by despicable scumbags for years probably moves the needle to what they deem appropriate behaviour.
If it is not okay for him to play for Man Utd, why is it okay for him to play for Getafe, Real Madrid or Barcelona?

Is Man Utd some sort of morally superior club? Or UK is a "morally superior country" than, say Spain? We had a great supply of bad boys in history anyway, and Spain is one of the best countries in the world in terms of preventing domestic violence:

He committed the act whilst at United and it's the clubs responsibility to distance itself from such behavior. Other clubs isn't our concern.

I think the club learned a lesson from Giggs as well, perhaps they felt a degree of protection enabled is behavior and harmed him more in the long run, he got worse. I do feel the club have acted appropriately with Greenwood and I feel let down by the club for protecting Giggs.

For the record, I'm not against Greenwood returning to the club given time - once it is established he has truly changed. Let's not forget that this wasn't a single violent outburst, this spanned a long time and with other concerning personality traits, you can't just change in 12 months because you've been caught out. Another season on loan somewhere, get his head down and show some humility, I can't see any valid reason why he couldn't return to the club.
That’s fair, technically speaking he was never found not guilty in court. But I assume police dropping the case is also part of legal system which implies he is not guilty there.
No, there's no implication of him being not guilty. It's been explained ad nauseum in this thread, a case being dropped doesn't make someone not guilty.
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