Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Mason has moved on, the club has moved yet many here are still clearly bitter and spiteful of him wishing ill will and harm, which in my view is simply a reflection of the person expressing that opinion.

If a substitute appearance elicits this type of negative reaction, I can’t imagine what the reaction will be when a chancer in the media like Crafton, inevitably writes the Mason redemption arc piece if/when he does well, and uses it as another stick to beat the club with.
Hard irony in this post. Funny that you don't see it. You even seperate it neatly into two paragraphs.
No it's not, yet another example that shows your lack of awareness - not even going to get started on the car crash of text that follows.

You'll have more joy posting on Getafecafe.
So bitter :lol:
sad how some posters on here wish evil on a player. Pathetic
So bitter :lol:
sad how some posters on here wish evil on a player. Pathetic
Honestly it's mad. So long for redemption of any kind. The boy has allegedly done a horrible thing, can there not be rehabilitation? Is he condemned for life?
So sad to see him play away from Manchester. Would love to see him back. His movement and finishing is stellar.

But to be fair, I guess he’s the one who got out on top. Got out of this shit show called Manchester United, gets fully paid and can enjoy nice weather and skip all the stupid crazy British media business.
Honestly it's mad. So long for redemption of any kind. The boy has allegedly done a horrible thing, can there not be rehabilitation? Is he condemned for life?

Not in this country with cancel culture. People who are considered "influencers" online, can use these incidents as platform to gain attention for offering their views.

The more difficult and longer term route to take is to understand why these incidents occur and how to change term. In other words getting to the root of the problem.
Honestly it's mad. So long for redemption of any kind. The boy has allegedly done a horrible thing, can there not be rehabilitation? Is he condemned for life?
"Condemned" to get paid tens of thousands a week to play football. Damn this cancel culture! Damn it!
Not in this country with cancel culture. People who are considered "influencers" online, can use these incidents as platform to gain attention for offering their views.

The more difficult and longer term route to take is to understand why these incidents occur and how to change term. In other words getting to the root of the problem.
His stature is nothing to do with cancel culture, but everything to with himself - he hasn't come out a say a single world since the case. His ark of any kind of change and redemption starts the moment he comes out and apologizes and admits his faults and shows how he is working with himself to improve his life and values.
His stature is nothing to do with cancel culture, but everything to with himself - he hasn't come out a say a single world since the case. His ark of any kind of change and redemption starts the moment he comes out and apologizes and admits his faults and shows how he is working with himself to improve his life and values.

So essentially, you’re saying you want him to release a statement, and in that statement you want him to apologise for his past behaviour, admit that he’s been flawed and then pledge that he’s now working on himself to improve his life and values…?
So sad to see him play away from Manchester. Would love to see him back. His movement and finishing is stellar.

But to be fair, I guess he’s the one who got out on top. Got out of this shit show called Manchester United, gets fully paid and can enjoy nice weather and skip all the stupid crazy British media business.

Yep. If you overlook that he'll forever be associated with disgusting abusive behaviour, wasted 18months of his short career in limbo and had to move to another country to carry on playing, then yes he's come out of it magnificently.
His stature is nothing to do with cancel culture, but everything to with himself - he hasn't come out a say a single world since the case. His ark of any kind of change and redemption starts the moment he comes out and apologizes and admits his faults and shows how he is working with himself to improve his life and values.

He does not have to publically. Once the legal process started, during and then finished. He doesn't have to say anything to you, me or anyone in the wider public. The only people that he has to is the people close to him.

You can't tell me that the journalist at the Athletic and the TV presenter in question did not engage in the process of trying eradicate the person in question and prevent him continuing his profession.
"Condemned" to get paid tens of thousands a week to play football. Damn this cancel culture! Damn it!
I'm referring to people wishing evil on him. Surely if you read my post and what I was responding to, that should have been clear?

But go on, be willfully obtuse for the sake of it :wenger:
Not sure club has moved on, I wouldn't be surprised he comes back down the line. Moving on would have been releasing his contract. Pretty sure they hope people will forget/forgive and have him back or he does great and sell for a high profit. CPS let him off due to new evidence and dropped old ones, club said he is not guilty. Waters are being tested, that's what I think.

The Club doesn’t have strong enough leadership to navigate that type of U-turn. I think Mason spends a year at Getafe does well, which hopefully generates some interest and a permanent deal.
Hard irony in this post. Funny that you don't see it. You even seperate it neatly into two paragraphs.
I see people who don't want to talk about Greenwood but keep bumping the thread about Greenwood. Let it go lads, he's not here anymore.
I see people who don't want to talk about Greenwood but keep bumping the thread about Greenwood. Let it go lads, he's not here anymore.
The poster was the one who said people aren't moving on and being spiteful, then proceeded to get annoyed by an imaginary scenario.

I've spoken on all fronts of the discussion in here and actually watched his cameo today to be able to discuss more than the obvious in this thread.
Nah, not even close. What most people, including me, have been saying is: yes, the evidence wasn't enough for a conviction, but what we have seen, read and listened to is more than enough for many of us to despise the guy, until a thorough explanation for that awful behaviour and/or a genuine and equally thorough apology is made. We can't send the guy to prison so we can think whatever we want based on the very graphic material that's out there.
Sorry but no one owes you or anyone outside their circle an explanation. Barring the relevant authorities, no single person deserves information to pass any sort of judgement from him or his partner.

If going by the media campaign by advocacy groups online, I’d doubt they even did the right thing by privately getting in touch with the partner to give continuous support.

I keep seeing people on this forum going on about their experiences with victims to justify how disgusted they feel. Let’s be honest this is not the type of support that works for victims and we keep wondering why they return to their abusers or retracting. Not all issues require chest pumping and playing holier than thou. I strongly believe the social media outrage undermined any course of action that could have been taken on this matter but the same voices will continue shouting louder to drown out any sense of reasoning.

I personally don’t like the fact they live away from home and family. If anything its not protecting a partner we might believe is at risk and isolating him we are leaving her in a potentially dangerous situation.

This matter is beyond our individual likes and hates or beyond football. It’s about real life complexities and will always need navigating. I’m glad his friends are not isolating him because they’re more likely to notice him becoming a problem and they’ll hopefully do the right thing if the need be.

How he earns his living will never be my problem or where he does it. I’d rather see a reformed person that can reference this moment in his life to show others how to not be the wrong sort and repercussions of such behaviours.
How is following his career and trying to defend the indefensible the same thing?

Suspect behaviour. I think both go hand in hand.

I'd equally be suspect of a comedy fan going to a Russell Brand gig hereafter or buying a Gary Glitter record. Not specific to Greenwood. Same applies to Arsenal fans prepared to cheer on their team while one of their starting XI remains on bail for being a serial rapist.
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Decent start from Greenwood after not playing for almost 2 years, hoping he continues to do better and better at Getafe as it's always a shame when talent like his gets wasted.
Yep. If you overlook that he'll forever be associated with disgusting abusive behaviour, wasted 18months of his short career in limbo and had to move to another country to carry on playing, then yes he's come out of it magnificently.

I just feel it’s sad to see him in another club regardless of the whole story that’s him and his family. It’s all just sad. For us fans not to see him playing for United, for him losing all you wrote and for his family and girlfriend for his abuse and wrong doings. I don’t defend him or anything in that regard, just would have loved him to flourish at United as the player we saw before all this happened.

Regarding him coming out on top, that was more of asad notion on everything going on. (Which, I know, he’s part of.)
The Club doesn’t have strong enough leadership to navigate that type of U-turn. I think Mason spends a year at Getafe does well, which hopefully generates some interest and a permanent deal.
Probably the most likely looking outcome.
In fairness, you're here in such a thread still monitoring it yourself. You're no different.

Silence is collusion pal.

If the thread would leave the front page without my involvement, you'd have a point... but if my contribution makes no material difference to it's activity levels, I don't see anything wrong with posting to provide an alternative view.

Saying you can't disagree with something because you follow it, is a tad flawed.
Suspect behaviour. I think both go hand in hand.

I'd equally be suspect of a comedy fan going to a Russell Brand gig hereafter or buying a Gary Glitter record. Not specific to Greenwood. Same applies to Arsenal fans prepared to cheer on their team while one of their starting XI remains on bail for being a serial rapist.
Fair play
Sorry but no one owes you or anyone outside their circle an explanation. Barring the relevant authorities, no single person deserves information to pass any sort of judgement from him or his partner.

If going by the media campaign by advocacy groups online, I’d doubt they even did the right thing by privately getting in touch with the partner to give continuous support.

I keep seeing people on this forum going on about their experiences with victims to justify how disgusted they feel. Let’s be honest this is not the type of support that works for victims and we keep wondering why they return to their abusers or retracting. Not all issues require chest pumping and playing holier than thou. I strongly believe the social media outrage undermined any course of action that could have been taken on this matter but the same voices will continue shouting louder to drown out any sense of reasoning.

I personally don’t like the fact they live away from home and family. If anything its not protecting a partner we might believe is at risk and isolating him we are leaving her in a potentially dangerous situation.

This matter is beyond our individual likes and hates or beyond football. It’s about real life complexities and will always need navigating. I’m glad his friends are not isolating him because they’re more likely to notice him becoming a problem and they’ll hopefully do the right thing if the need be.

How he earns his living will never be my problem or where he does it. I’d rather see a reformed person that can reference this moment in his life to show others how to not be the wrong sort and repercussions of such behaviours.
All this has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of the argument "they're back together so everything is peachy" or with my personal feelings regarding what I saw, heard and read about Greenwood's behaviour. If that's "chest pumping", so be it. And of course nobody owes me anything, what a daft thing to say. I merely stated what I'd like to see to change my mind about him as an individual who has absolute no effect whatsoever on his life. I don't think that's particularly difficult to understand or all that outrageous considering what we saw.
The people who are cheering him on. Why? He won’t play for us anymore.

at best you’re defending someone who will play for other clubs from now on and ruined his Utd career. At worst you’re cheering on a rapist.

what’s the fecking point?
Can we have a separate thread for his performances mods? This back and forth all in one thread is tiring.
Sorry but no one owes you or anyone outside their circle an explanation. Barring the relevant authorities, no single person deserves information to pass any sort of judgement from him or his partner.

If going by the media campaign by advocacy groups online, I’d doubt they even did the right thing by privately getting in touch with the partner to give continuous support.

I keep seeing people on this forum going on about their experiences with victims to justify how disgusted they feel. Let’s be honest this is not the type of support that works for victims and we keep wondering why they return to their abusers or retracting. Not all issues require chest pumping and playing holier than thou. I strongly believe the social media outrage undermined any course of action that could have been taken on this matter but the same voices will continue shouting louder to drown out any sense of reasoning.

I personally don’t like the fact they live away from home and family. If anything its not protecting a partner we might believe is at risk and isolating him we are leaving her in a potentially dangerous situation.

This matter is beyond our individual likes and hates or beyond football. It’s about real life complexities and will always need navigating. I’m glad his friends are not isolating him because they’re more likely to notice him becoming a problem and they’ll hopefully do the right thing if the need be.

How he earns his living will never be my problem or where he does it. I’d rather see a reformed person that can reference this moment in his life to show others how to not be the wrong sort and repercussions of such behaviours.
Great post, lots of very sensible points made there. I once posted something similar in one of the MG threads (I can’t remember whether it was this one) about the real life complexities involved in this matter which unfortunately many posters have decided not to take into account. Then again, each is allowed appreciate the matter according to their personal subjectiveness.

I don’t see anything wrong with some fans/former teammates who got attached to him wanting to follow his career and wishing him a nice redemption arc. That doesn’t prevent those who are so inclined from erasing him from their minds and deciding to stay away from any discussion concerning him altogether. I just don’t get why both sections should continuously go against each other, it just makes the forum/threads unnecessarily toxic. It’s like some people just want everyone to think like them and can’t accept some people feeling differently about situations, using all sorts of negative labels to describe anyone who dares not wish death on MG.
The people who are cheering him on. Why? He won’t play for us anymore.

at best you’re defending someone who will play for other clubs from now on and ruined his Utd career. At worst you’re cheering on a rapist.

what’s the fecking point?
First because he's still a Man Utd player for now and wish him to do well as with every other player.

Second, because as mentioned previously I hate seeing talent or potential getting wasted as I've seen with some schoolmates.

Lastly, because I don't judge people I have never interacted or personally know based on some circumstantial evidence that might not show the whole picture. Situations like Antony's are a good reminder to never judge from afar.
Great post, lots of very sensible points made there. I once posted something similar in one of the MG threads (I can’t remember whether it was this one) about the real life complexities involved in this matter which unfortunately many posters have decided not to take into account. Then again, each is allowed appreciate the matter according to their personal subjectiveness.

I don’t see anything wrong with some fans/former teammates who got attached to him wanting to follow his career and wishing him a nice redemption arc. That doesn’t prevent those who are so inclined from erasing him from their minds and deciding to stay away from any discussion concerning him altogether. I just don’t get why both sections should continuously go against each other, it just makes the forum/threads unnecessarily toxic. It’s like some people just want everyone to think like them and can’t accept some people feeling differently about situations, using all sorts of negative labels to describe anyone who dares not wish death on MG.

And this is a sensible and balanced post as well. As was the one by Kikidakats.
This is an open forum and one where individuals can freely express their personal opinions on a range of subjects.
I have been open in my thoughts about MG actions and faced some very negative responses as well as some who made good constructive comments.
We are all individuals with individual views. Nothing wrong with that.

So let's try and remember that we all make mistakes. No one is perfect. And judge others according.
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