Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Getting rid of Greenwood was the right decision in my view. Not being proactive when the charges were dropped was a negative.

I feel he should be able to earn a wage with his skills at a different club. I think anything other than this is extremist behavior.
We should have released a statement and reinstated him the minute charges were dropped and completely moved on. Been decisive one way or the other. By now it would have been old news and closed topic. But here we are having made a complete mess of the whole situation as only united can.
We should have completely cut ties with him the moment that audio was released.
It is not "punishment to the victim" if her romantic partner loses his job. This is a ridiculous and nonsensical standard. That something affects a person doesn't make it a punishment to that person. Never has.

Same thing.

There is no actual argument, just a substitution of "allow Mason Greenwood to score goals for Manchester United" with "help the victim" and "do not allow Mason Greenwood to score goals for Manchester United" with "punish the victim." A transparently terrible attempt at sleight of hand.

You are right. There is no argument here. What you have just argued is to punish people based on few photos and 20 second audio clip of a longer audio clip which United officials reviewed and came to conclusions that Greenwood didnt commit the offence he is accused of. Due process and courts dont really matter. The alleged victim not collaborating the offences that Greenwood allegedly committed also doesn’t matter. Just what random internet stranger feels about the situation matters. Whether it wrecks the life of a person who is not convicted or the person the morality police is trying to protect is completely irrelevant.

We are talking about an audio clip without any context and bunch of photos which proves nothing. If that is enough to wreck someone’s life then god help the next generation.
You are right. There is no argument here. What you have just argued is to punish people based on few photos and 20 second audio clip of a longer audio clip which United officials reviewed and came to conclusions that Greenwood didnt commit the offence he is accused of. Due process and courts dont really matter. The alleged victim not collaborating the offences that Greenwood allegedly committed also doesn’t matter. Just what random internet stranger feels about the situation matters. Whether it wrecks the life of a person who is not convicted or the person the morality police is trying to protect is completely irrelevant.
Don't resort to hyperbole. His life isn't going to be ruined because he's no longer able to earn millions playing for United

This club is managed by accountants. Do you think they'd throw away a 100 billion asset if it was possible to keep him? I don't think so.

Our club is now attacked because we still have not released him, if they had announced in February that we are keeping him, we'd have a shitstorm upon us. And in the end, we'd release him, but the club would be even more damaged than now.
Of course the club can and should be able to choose who represents it and ditch those whose behaviour falls short or is frankly abhorrent.
The 'it's a privilege' argument to me is hogwash. Arnold was dying to keep him but shat himself at the PR storm.

We've also hired awful players like Bebe, mercenaries like Cavani and Tevez, not to mention granny shaggers, brother's wife shaggers and now another woman beater to wear the precious shirt.

The 'privilege' line is whimsy cos most players don't care whose shirt they've got on if they're paid £200k p/w and have a shot at the champs league.
I agree somewhat but where i disagree is in my belief that it's a privilege to play for any top club and earn millions (i also believe the same of managerial positions, even moreso because many of those jobs are rent-seeking). Plus many of the players say it. My overall point is that it is not an entitlement and footballers can lose the right to play for a club if the club deems their conduct misaligned with the brand, which is what ended up happening with Greenwood in the end.
Such a tough call to make...but as its been dropped, and the fact they're together, have a child, both families fine, and have seemingly moved forward - we should have too.

Maybe not straight back into the first time, but maybe the reserves for a season for get back into it, give him mental health support, get him volunteering with charities around this topic so he really understands it, and really do our part to help him get back on the straight and narrow. It's a shame, and ask somebody mentioned before, this isn't about us as a club being moral, we were ultimately scared of being cancelled.

If Rachel Riley fecked off as a result, added bonus.
It amuses me greatly you keep trying. Bless you :lol:
There's the feigning, predictable but very disappointing nonetheless.

Feel free to drop levels, I don't have to follow. I had hoped you'd be better than that, as your words pretend you are, but ultimately you are no different.

In any case, reply however you want I simply don't care to comment any further on what you are doing in these threads.
Before any further details or prosecution? Not in a lawful state

Businesses do it all the time. Threshold for reasonably dismissing someone is way different to the threshold for prosecution.

Personally, I'm a bit torn on the issue. If he wasn't a youth player it would be a no brainer, but as he's been with the club from a young age, the club are partly responsible for how he's turned out as an adult and I wouldn't have minded some attempts to keep him whilst ensuring he goes through proper support, therapy and gives back to those affected (directly and vicariously). But it's a no-win situation.
There's the feigning, predictable but very disappointing nonetheless.

Feel free to drop levels, I don't have to follow. I had hoped you'd be better than that, as your words pretend you are, but ultimately you are no different.

In any case, reply however you want I simply don't care to comment any further on what you are doing in these threads.

Again, cute :lol:

And you will continue too, you can't help yourself, we both know that!
Before any further details or prosecution? Not in a lawful state
If the same material were posted online involving me, and my boss/colleagues found it, I'd certainly expect to be ordered into the office the following day shortly followed by being handed my p45. But that's just me. Would you expect to continue your job as normal?
From Oliver Holt's column...his discussion with a United official about Greenwood.

"An hour or so before the home game with Nottingham Forest on Saturday, a Manchester United official sat down next to me in the press room at Old Trafford and began to explain everything that was wrong with a critical piece I had written about the club’s handling of the Mason Greenwood affair.

What had happened to Greenwood was a tragedy, the United official said. It was a tragedy for the player, a tragedy for his family and a tragedy for football. He said money – specifically the potential loss of a lot of it - had never, ever, ever been a consideration in United’s internal discussions about whether to restore the player to their squad.

All things considered, he said, it would have been far better if I had written, as others had done, that United should have been allowed to manage Greenwood’s rehabilitation themselves rather than abandoning him to his fate and waiting for someone else to carry his baggage."

Makes clear that, even after the announcement, ideally for the club he'd still be here.
Don't resort to hyperbole. His life isn't going to be ruined because he's no longer able to earn millions playing for United

He will receive 7 million because he has a contract for the next two years. That's more money than most people earn in a lifetime. Even if he has already spent all the millions he has earned in the past, he can use these 7 million to live his whole life without needing to work ever again, and his wife and kids as well.
If the same material were posted online involving me, and my boss/colleagues found it, I'd certainly expect to be ordered into the office the following day shortly followed by being handed my p45. But that's just me. Would you expect to continue your job as normal?

I very much. doubt it....especially if you're known to the public...theyre going to conclude that you and or your partner are a liabilities and unreliable re the image you project and here with sponsors
You are right. There is no argument here. What you have just argued is to punish people based on few photos and 20 second audio clip of a longer audio clip which United officials reviewed and came to conclusions that Greenwood didnt commit the offence he is accused of. Due process and courts dont really matter. The alleged victim not collaborating the offences that Greenwood allegedly committed also doesn’t matter. Just what random internet stranger feels about the situation matters. Whether it wrecks the life of a person who is not convicted or the person the morality police is trying to protect is completely irrelevant.

We are talking about an audio clip without any context and bunch of photos which proves nothing. If that is enough to wreck someone’s life then god help the next generation.

My partner does ice skating, and if she ever decided to take photos of the bruises she has after a few falls, I'd be in prison too. I've not been in defence or support of Greenwood through this, but why are people acting like a 15 second clip and 3 photos of some bruises are the pinnacle of truth? To me it seems like an incredibly easy thing to feign with makeup and the audio clip, while horrid, could also easily be a snippet out of a longer discussion, edited to look exceptionally bad?

Everyone quick to jump to conclusions, and then when reality doesn't align, no one seems to give up on those conclusions?
I've not been in defence or support of Greenwood through this, but why are people acting like a 15 second clip and 3 photos of some bruises are the pinnacle of truth? To me it seems like an incredibly easy thing to feign with makeup and the audio clip, while horrid, could also easily be a snippet out of a longer discussion, edited to look exceptionally bad?

This thread is 100 pages long, all this stuff has been discussed in great detail. There are plenty of reasonable explanations to this question.
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Businesses do it all the time. Threshold for reasonably dismissing someone is way different to the threshold for prosecution.

Personally, I'm a bit torn on the issue. If he wasn't a youth player it would be a no brainer, but as he's been with the club from a young age, the club are partly responsible for how he's turned out as an adult and I wouldn't have minded some attempts to keep him whilst ensuring he goes through proper support, therapy and gives back to those affected (directly and vicariously). But it's a no-win situation.

The flip side of your second point is that United is the environment he was in for most of his life. Not that I am saying being at United is what caused this, but he has been at United all his life and ended up having these issues that he has, so is it really the best place for him to try to get over this? With that in mind perhaps a change of environment might be best for him going forward. If the club do want to help, which it seems like they do, then him being somewhere else but still having the support of the club might be best for him and his family in the long run. I have no idea what rehabilitation from something like this is like but I can't imagine it is easy or straightforward.

I have no real sympathy for greenwood in this situation as it is a wholly self induced one, and I have been clear on my stance that I do not want him back in the team, but at the same time the media have been absolutely feasting on this story, the athletic in particular, and I hope that, for the sake of his family, this story dies down and they do not keep pushing him and pushing him to the point where he might do something to hurt himself. It has felt a bit like that at times, which honestly feels a bit gross.
20 second audio clip of a longer audio clip which United officials reviewed and came to conclusions that Greenwood didnt commit the offence he is accused of.
Did they? From Arnold’s statement:
We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.
Had United had access to that recording, they’d have mentioned it. The statements are very clear as to the difficulties they had in getting evidence. A simple statement of “Having reviewed the recording in its entirety, we have concluded….etc” would have given them much more credibility. They don’t say it because they can’t.
Such a tough call to make...but as its been dropped, and the fact they're together, have a child, both families fine, and have seemingly moved forward - we should have too.

I’m sorry but that is never a signal that we should forgive and forget. A great deal of people who go through domestic abuse end up returning to the culprit.

Them having a baby and “seemingly” moved forward doesn’t negate what he did, allegedly. I don’t like to use that last word but since last being in this thread a few days back it seems a lot more people have tried to slam people for calling him what he is. A scum.

No idea what’s still to be debated really. He’s gone. It’s good for him, and more importantly the club.
My partner does ice skating, and if she ever decided to take photos of the bruises she has after a few falls, I'd be in prison too. I've not been in defence or support of Greenwood through this, but why are people acting like a 15 second clip and 3 photos of some bruises are the pinnacle of truth? To me it seems like an incredibly easy thing to feign with makeup and the audio clip, while horrid, could also easily be a snippet out of a longer discussion, edited to look exceptionally bad?

Everyone quick to jump to conclusions, and then when reality doesn't align, no one seems to give up on those conclusions?
So why would nobody come out publicly and confirm that these injuries were faked then? Also, why would nobody give more context for the audio. The fact that you call the audio a 'discussion' btw is a pretty big red flag.
From Oliver Holt's column...his discussion with a United official about Greenwood.

"An hour or so before the home game with Nottingham Forest on Saturday, a Manchester United official sat down next to me in the press room at Old Trafford and began to explain everything that was wrong with a critical piece I had written about the club’s handling of the Mason Greenwood affair.

What had happened to Greenwood was a tragedy, the United official said. It was a tragedy for the player, a tragedy for his family and a tragedy for football. He said money – specifically the potential loss of a lot of it - had never, ever, ever been a consideration in United’s internal discussions about whether to restore the player to their squad.

All things considered, he said, it would have been far better if I had written, as others had done, that United should have been allowed to manage Greenwood’s rehabilitation themselves rather than abandoning him to his fate and waiting for someone else to carry his baggage."

Makes clear that, even after the announcement, ideally for the club he'd still be here.

These cocksuckers running this club are shameless. Why do they think they're best placed to rehabilitate, especially when they've handled him so poorly in the first place? Secondly, they clearly wouldn't be saying things like this if it was some no- mark player.

They can claim what they want but they're clearly just salty that they couldn't get their own way and have him back.
So why would nobody come out publicly and confirm that these injuries were faked then? Also, why would nobody give more context for the audio. The fact that you call the audio a 'discussion' btw is a pretty big red flag.

Why would CPS drop the case if the pictures and audio were evidence of a serious crime?

Even without witness, if those elements are proof, why did they let such an extremely high profile case go completely?

Added to that, they have more material, far more, than any layman has heard or seen.

You can’t keep repeating ‘the audio and pics are proof’, when clearly, they’re not proof.

Obviously the couple don’t want to release the further material to the public which to me, as a layman, suggests that though it clears him of a serious crime, it probably isn’t very flattering to either him or her or both of them.

But please, this ‘I’ve seen the proof’, when people who are professionals at gathering evidence have decided - THIS ISN’T PROOF, should stop.

It’s fair enough if your guess is ‘I think he’s committed a serious crime and the authorities have made a mistake in completely dropping the case’, but that’s all it is - a guess.

No one other than the couple themselves, the Police / CPS and to a lesser extent Utd actually know much about the case.

The couple are now parents of a baby girl, the CPS has dropped the case and Utd have publicly declared that they think he’s innocent.

Everything else - on both sides - is just guess work from people who know nothing about it.
I think the club did nothing wrong. Took their time,like they should with this matter. People saying it would be all forgotten..hardly. People talk about pool vs toon great games in the 90s. Every time I see collymore run away celebrating I think women beater. Utd were better off not being linked to his damaged image. And if he is innocent...he would not be still with her.
These cocksuckers running this club are shameless. Why do they think they're best placed to rehabilitate, especially when they've handled him so poorly in the first place? Secondly, they clearly wouldn't be saying things like this if it was some no- mark player.

They can claim what they want but they're clearly just salty that they couldn't get their own way and have him back.
I wonder if they would have tactical photos to protect this no-mark player as well. You are damn right they are salty not getting their own way, signing off their statement 'this isn't the end of the matter'
From Oliver Holt's column...his discussion with a United official about Greenwood.

"An hour or so before the home game with Nottingham Forest on Saturday, a Manchester United official sat down next to me in the press room at Old Trafford and began to explain everything that was wrong with a critical piece I had written about the club’s handling of the Mason Greenwood affair.

What had happened to Greenwood was a tragedy, the United official said. It was a tragedy for the player, a tragedy for his family and a tragedy for football. He said money – specifically the potential loss of a lot of it - had never, ever, ever been a consideration in United’s internal discussions about whether to restore the player to their squad.

All things considered, he said, it would have been far better if I had written, as others had done, that United should have been allowed to manage Greenwood’s rehabilitation themselves rather than abandoning him to his fate and waiting for someone else to carry his baggage."

Makes clear that, even after the announcement, ideally for the club he'd still be here.

Very sad. I had a feeling it would be a lot more to this than what the media have fed us.

The absolute madness on social media from our fans and other fans and especially The Athletic made this unbearable.

I really think we should have kept him and helped him. Maybe we do that now without reinstating him.
Very sad. I had a feeling it would be a lot more to this than what the media have fed us.

The absolute madness on social media from our fans and other fans and especially The Athletic made this unbearable.

I really think we should have kept him and helped him. Maybe we do that now without reinstating him.

I agree. The club along with Mason himself taking responsibility could have followed a step by step plan. Slowly, but with endeavor and determination there would have been light at the end of the tunnel.
Has there ever been a case like this where the employer that fired the person who caused all of it, had to pay a compensation package for the victim because they're married to that person getting fired?
I'm curious really because that's new to me. Or is it just a made up concept by the posters in this thread?
So, are there any credible links for him to move anywhere a week later?

What happens if no one wants to take him on?

This is such a shitshow.
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