Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Maybe it’s just me being gullible and falling for paid for PR but it did make me soften my attitude to him a bit.

He’s clearly not the smartest lad, and he was 19 when he did this shit. In this day and age that’s practically still a child.

He’s clearly a prick, but I’d question the likelihood of even the most balanced 21 year old on the planet dealing with their prestigious career falling apart in this manner, at such speed, at such a young age.

If anything it made me more angry at the club for not nurturing him more effectively (thinking just covering for his misdeeds was enough) and for stringing him along so long when everything went to shit, instead of making clear very early on his time at the club was over.

Yeah, same here.

He was a prick. He’d say so himself.

But he’s also imo not neuro-typical and thus a lot of his social language (though not behaviour) has always been VERY poor / weird.

It’s one of the reasons why he was kept off interviews so much.

This is well known by folk who know him well.

I didn't know that. Given that MPs have jumped on the bandwagon to boost their profiles, it's strange this added bit of nuance - not in excusing what he may or may not have done, but in terms of where he's ended up and how he should be supported/treated afterwards - has only now seen glimpses of public light.
The more i think about this the more i feel united fecked this up bad.

Should have brought him back once charges were dropped there and then.

His alleged misconduct had nothing to do with his work and United are nobody to give extra judicial punishment which we are doint succumbing to the mob.

Worst part is we are punishing the alleged victim and his young family alongside him. And that no one is considering.

Has really put a dampener.
The more i think about this the more i feel united fecked this up bad.

Should have brought him back once charges were dropped there and then.

His alleged misconduct had nothing to do with his work and United are nobody to give extra judicial punishment which we are doint succumbing to the mob.

Worst part is we are punishing the alleged victim and his young family alongside him. And that no one is considering.

Has really put a dampener.

That's what I initially thought, but I guess most people are thinking that would be supporting a Stockholm syndrome type of scenario or, which I rather ascribe to, the vitriol with which he'll be greeted may be too much to bear for him and his family, not least with it being where both families are from. However, if the club was in any way shape or form run by competent people they would probably have thought of a good way to handle this. As is, seems there are some very remote potential options. Like going to Albania to make a fresh start, two very young people and their new baby, without the support of their families (they'll hardly have enough to support loads of people).

A lot of people like to say it is all on himself, and to a certain extent, that's true for every adult, however a club that vacuums up talented children for eventual monetary gain absolutely has a duty of care. It's hard to know if and how the club has supported him in the past. One report mentioned that a potential option was to bring him back in and provide him with counselling/therapy, which if true is frankly incredible. It should have happened in January '22, if not much earlier if what @Rhyme Animal says is true.
The more i think about this the more i feel united fecked this up bad.

Should have brought him back once charges were dropped there and then.

His alleged misconduct had nothing to do with his work and United are nobody to give extra judicial punishment which we are doint succumbing to the mob.

Worst part is we are punishing the alleged victim and his young family alongside him. And that no one is considering.

Has really put a dampener.

I am not criticising you or anyone else who is of this mind or current notion. But I actually felt like this and feared this before it did in reality occur.

I can't explain it, but I was intrigued and concerned in equal measure about how the club would handle this. I had countless conversations with fellow United fans and supporters of other clubs about what they think may happen after the charges were dropped in February.

If this forum allowed a discussion on it during that time I promise I would posted my concerns. I just did not not have the faith I n the board to deal with this decisively and stick to a plan.

What did give me hope is that Erik Ten Hag is a character of decisivness and his input would have given clarity either way, once the investigation had been concluded.

I even recall the Athletic saying United are not expected to take too long to make a decision. However, I did notice that they started to take an intermittent negative stance to United retaining his services. An article by Daniel Taylor in early March clearly concluded this.

There was also suggestions by Laurie Whitwell that it would be Joel Glazer who would make the final decision and then we learn't approximately 10 days ago, Richard Arnold would be making the final call.

This incident running simultaneously to the protracted takeover and the poor communication that has derived from process proves this club has vacuums in it, in terms of being steadfast in approach to being proactive. Be it transfers, facilities, aims and objectives with infrastructure, the progress of the women's team, and the seemingly acceptance for mediocrity in the men's team.

As much as I found Crafton and The Athletic opportunistic and scheming in this event, Whitwell is correct in saying this club is "reactive and not proactive" and it is his publication that completely exploited that.
The more i think about this the more i feel united fecked this up bad.

Should have brought him back once charges were dropped there and then.

His alleged misconduct had nothing to do with his work and United are nobody to give extra judicial punishment which we are doint succumbing to the mob.

Worst part is we are punishing the alleged victim and his young family alongside him. And that no one is considering.

Has really put a dampener.

You haven't read the thread then. Plenty of people have talked about this.

You also don't seem to be aware that if he truly is innocent then the alleged victim isn't.

As much as I found Crafton and The Athletic opportunistic and scheming in this event, Whitwell is correct in saying this club is "reactive and not proactive" and it is his publication that completely exploited that.

They also pointed out a lot wrong about the club and the situation. And have still not been proven wrong with anything they've said.

If it was usual made-up tabloid nonsense, then I'd agree with this anger towards them. But it isn't. So we should be looking closer to home. Starting with why Southgate spotted the signs, but we didn't.
Worst part is we are punishing the alleged victim and his young family alongside him. And that no one is considering.
Erm... speaking of young family, it was their internal matters, that was brought to light by themselves that affected his job. So if theyre ultimately affected because of this dumb guy then tough luck but it is what it is. You play stupid game, you ruin your career and your family gets affected. In most cases they left you. It doesnt have to be professional footballer, you see the average store manager, if people know he is an abuser at home he wont last long at his job. What if what people said werent completely true? the image has stayed there and it gives the business a bad rep.

The end result is correct. The only thing the club did wrong was that they took so long to come to a decision.
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The more i think about this the more i feel united fecked this up bad.

Should have brought him back once charges were dropped there and then.

His alleged misconduct had nothing to do with his work and United are nobody to give extra judicial punishment which we are doint succumbing to the mob.

Worst part is we are punishing the alleged victim and his young family alongside him. And that no one is considering.

Has really put a dampener.

I am glad you are worried about the victim.

Greenwood has a contract and will be getting 70 thousand per week for another 2 years. That means 70 thousand times 100 (ie 7 million), this is more money than most people make in five lifetimes. Greenwood should give this money to the victim, and it should set the victim for life, the son also, she will never have to work in her life. And Greenwood can find a regular job to support himself, if he has already spend all the millions he earned in the past.
What do people make of that Ian Ladyman piece? Seems to paint a picture of an individual who has quite some developmental challenges and may have needed a lot more support from the club throughout his progression through the ranks.

Has he ever given an interview that's not just two minutes post match reaction?
I’m not sure what else a football club can do. It sounds like everyone in the club knew about his difficulties and tried their best, but when someone is a professional footballer, there’s only so much you can protect them at that point.

I feel a bit uncomfortable with the framing of the piece to be honest. Being immature, not having good communication skills, not listening to advice to doing the things we heard. It’s almost trying to make excuses for things far more serious. I would imagine a lot of kids struggle with similar issues, but don’t make the decisions he did.
Just read through this thread to catch up from yesterday. Wish I hadn’t bothered, more depressing than the club sale thread!

Now I’m off to pour myself a ‘mega pint’ of wine and ‘tiny rape’ the missus or something…..

Good god what’s wrong with the world :wenger:
In a thread full of apologism of rape, sexual assault and other types of violence against women, the tiny rape bit is likely the most disgusting message. I hope the user was permabanned for that nauseating comment alone.
It looks like he’s having issues finding a club that will give him a second chance, despite United and Greenwood both claiming that he is innocent and there is further evidence that has not been made public which exonerates him.

So it’s simple right? Release all the evidence and then the public will understand the situation in the same way Arnold and the club have and with everyone now understanding he will either be allowed to stay or there will be loads of clubs queuing up for his signature.

All you’ve got to do is release evidence and everyone will be as understanding as the higher ups in the club have been.
All you’ve got to do is release evidence and everyone will be as understanding as the higher ups in the club have been.
You’re dreaming. Many have already entrenched their position on him, and will not easily change their mind. Others will judge and castigate him based on whatever new information is released.
He may just have to get used to the idea that his days as a professional footballer are over, he is a very silly boy (putting it extremely mildly) who has bought this on himself.
It looks like he’s having issues finding a club that will give him a second chance, despite United and Greenwood both claiming that he is innocent and there is further evidence that has not been made public which exonerates him.

So it’s simple right? Release all the evidence and then the public will understand the situation in the same way Arnold and the club have and with everyone now understanding he will either be allowed to stay or there will be loads of clubs queuing up for his signature.

All you’ve got to do is release evidence and everyone will be as understanding as the higher ups in the club have been.

I don't disagree however maybe his family don't want more of their business out in the public eye. The victim especially has a right to anonymity and now they've a child who will one day be able to view the original post showing that their dad is/was a wrong un perhaps they don't want further proof that could also paint the mother in similar light out there in the world forever. For all the calls for mason to do right by his new family why would he release further evidence if they don't want him to?

Again, I don't know if this is the case but it's a reasonable explanation for me. However I imagine he was told at some point that utd would stand by him and he could therefore keep all this private, now they've u-turned he might not have any choice because as you say without a PR offensive he'll struggle to get any club taking him on.
I don't think he's going to find a club that's fans will accept him.

I said this as soon as it was announced he wouldn’t be playing for us again and had people tell me I’m crazy to believe that as he’s have clubs in Italy and Turkey at the very least queueing up for him.

The world we live in now means no one in the public eye can afford bad publicity as it ruins them as a brand so as soon as United announced Greenwood was done at the club his brand is zero with no chance of getting better.

Right or wrong and taking what’s allegedly happened out of it for a second the way United have handled the whole thing is awful and the recent announcement simply made zero sense on any level, they should have simply agreed to mutually terminate his contract and make a clean break once the decision was made instead of now it dragging out potentially for two years.
You’re dreaming. Many have already entrenched their position on him, and will not easily change their mind. Others will judge and castigate him based on whatever new information is released.
He may just have to get used to the idea that his days as a professional footballer are over, he is a very silly boy (putting it extremely mildly) who has bought this on himself.
I think you may have misjudged the tone of my post.

I don't disagree however maybe his family don't want more of their business out in the public eye. The victim especially has a right to anonymity and now they've a child who will one day be able to view the original post showing that their dad is/was a wrong un perhaps they don't want further proof that could also paint the mother in similar light out there in the world forever. For all the calls for mason to do right by his new family why would he release further evidence if they don't want him to?

Again, I don't know if this is the case but it's a reasonable explanation for me. However I imagine he was told at some point that utd would stand by him and he could therefore keep all this private, now they've u-turned he might not have any choice because as you say without a PR offensive he'll struggle to get any club taking him on.
But they’re claiming the evidence exonerates him. They are even in a position where they are in control of what evidence is released. So release the evidence that apparently proves his innocence enough for the club to decide he would be brought back.

I think it’s pretty damning that Greenwood would rather his career collapses than have all this apparently exonerating evidence released to the public.
The more i think about this the more i feel united fecked this up bad.

Should have brought him back once charges were dropped there and then.

His alleged misconduct had nothing to do with his work and United are nobody to give extra judicial punishment which we are doint succumbing to the mob.

Worst part is we are punishing the alleged victim and his young family alongside him. And that no one is considering.

Has really put a dampener.
No we’ve done the right thing, people who do that shouldn’t be associated with the club
The more i think about this the more i feel united fecked this up bad.

Should have brought him back once charges were dropped there and then.

His alleged misconduct had nothing to do with his work and United are nobody to give extra judicial punishment which we are doint succumbing to the mob.

Worst part is we are punishing the alleged victim and his young family alongside him. And that no one is considering.

Has really put a dampener.
Very naive
If we’re being linked with the murderer Marcos Alonso then it just tells you everything you need to know about the morality of the club. They didnt give a shit about Arnautovic’s past and would have happily signed him if not for the fan backlash. Now We’re being linked with Marcos Alonso who in my opinion did something much worse than Greenwood but because it was years ago before social media, not many people know about it and therefore has no issue signing him. If there wasn’t a huge fan backlash with Mason then he would have been playing for us as soon as the charges were dropped
I think you may have misjudged the tone of my post.

But they’re claiming the evidence exonerates him. They are even in a position where they are in control of what evidence is released. So release the evidence that apparently proves his innocence enough for the club to decide he would be brought back.

I think it’s pretty damning that Greenwood would rather his career collapses than have all this apparently exonerating evidence released to the public.

Maybe, but then by most accounts he's never been someone comfortable in the public eye, he may well be bloody minded enough to think it's no one else's business - he's been through the law system and not faced any charges so everyone else can keep their nose out. Part of me agrees with that but then I have a dislike of social media in general and the power it now weilds in society.

As far as releasing just enough evidence imo anything that even slightly exonerates him will almost certainly implicate her in the very least as being vindictive in releasing the original audio.

As someone else said he's walking away with 7m regardless - maybe she doesn't give a toss about his career they should be able to live an extremely comfortable life either way. The question is whether he cares enough about it I suppose.

It will be interesting if he does suddenly go all out on the PR front, if public opinion starts to turn and big clubs start taking an interest suddenly the club are in a position of losing something they obviously never wanted to in the first place
His alleged misconduct had nothing to do with his work and United are nobody to give extra judicial punishment which we are doint succumbing to the mob.
This paragraph is incredible. Talk about missing the point. :wenger:

United are his EMPLOYER, and the investigation they carried out was simply a HR exercise to ascertain whether he had violated his employment contract or not.

You’re also missing the fact that this decision to move away from United was ‘mutual’ meaning MG himself agrees with this course of action, and from a club stand point not withstanding the obvious PR angle it is probably felt best for Mason to get his head down and let his football do the talking aware from the media spotlight as much as possible.

As for your rubbish about his family being punished, the club statement referenced ongoing support for ‘the alleged victim’ as well as MG so I’m not sure if you’ve thought through your point.
The same way that any player's family is "punished" if they are shit and told to transfer out of the club.

Well that's different. Here u are advocating the case of the victim whom you are punishing herself. It's like the lynch mob doesn't want her to stay with him no matter what right now or suffer consequences of speaking out publicly even if we assume all allegations were correct.

To me it's warped logic. As in means only matter whatever be the end conclusion.
Erm... speaking of young family, it was their internal matters, that was brought to light by themselves that affected his job. So if theyre ultimately affected because of this dumb guy then tough luck but it is what it is. You play stupid game, you ruin your career and your family gets affected. In most cases they left you. It doesnt have to be professional footballer, you see the average store manager, if people know he is an abuser at home he wont last long at his job. What if what people said werent completely true? the image has stayed there and it gives the business a bad rep.

The end result is correct. The only thing the club did wrong was that they took so long to come to a decision.
Seriously? So the agenda of this is to not help the alleged victim but to feel good about yourself. And you wonder why some people are not liking this internet mob justice?
Well that's different. Here u are advocating the case of the victim whom you are punishing herself.

It is not "punishment to the victim" if her romantic partner loses his job. This is a ridiculous and nonsensical standard. That something affects a person doesn't make it a punishment to that person. Never has.

Seriously? So the agenda of this is to not help the alleged victim but to feel good about yourself.

Same thing.

There is no actual argument, just a substitution of "allow Mason Greenwood to score goals for Manchester United" with "help the victim" and "do not allow Mason Greenwood to score goals for Manchester United" with "punish the victim." A transparently terrible attempt at sleight of hand.
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Sad he isn't gone yet, need to get a permanent exit sorted asap.
It is not "punishment to the victim" if her romantic partner loses his job. This is a ridiculous and nonsensical standard. That something affects a person doesn't make it a punishment.

Nah it's not. The impact of collateral consequences are very real. They are the reason in many criminal cases a judge will allow for mitigating circumstances to be considered, why support is often available for families who suffer very real consequences in these situations or right down to how a person or family is perceived by others after the fact.

It can mean financial ruin, mental breakdowns, snide remarks when out in public, dismissing a person's actions and a whole lot more. Think of those families who find out a relative is a child sex offender, or murderers. Very often these people are subjected to abuse by the public. "Surely they knew", "I bet they were involved", "Always been something weird about that family" and so on.

It should never stop someone being punished for their crimes nor is it what I am saying at all, just pointing out it's not nonsense at all.
Can't let him go 'cause his woman and child will surely starve to death.

It's a dilemma, no doubt.

We could pay an Albanian club to take him, I suppose.

Or we could just give some sort of stipend to the "alleged victim".

(As a club gesture, I'd prefer the latter).
It looks like he’s having issues finding a club that will give him a second chance, despite United and Greenwood both claiming that he is innocent and there is further evidence that has not been made public which exonerates him.

So it’s simple right? Release all the evidence and then the public will understand the situation in the same way Arnold and the club have and with everyone now understanding he will either be allowed to stay or there will be loads of clubs queuing up for his signature.

All you’ve got to do is release evidence and everyone will be as understanding as the higher ups in the club have been.
Just for the sake of discussion. Let’s assume that there is full evidence exonerating MG and such evidence shows that the alleged victim is responsible for misrepresenting the whole or majority of the situation in 2022.

Can you guarantee that the girl will not face abuse from certain section of the fans? Can you guarantee her safety in such circumstances?

I’m not saying that the above is what actually happened. I don’t even go as far as saying that MG is partially or completely innocent. However, my point is that there may be many factors why all the evidence is not being disclosed and such non-disclosure is not by any means conclusive evidence that MG is guilty of the alleged crimes.

The biggest issue in this thread is that both sides of the barricade made up their mind in a situation where we simply do not have sufficient information to conclude whether or not MG is actually guilty of the alleged crimes.
Just for the sake of discussion. Let’s assume that there is full evidence exonerating MG and such evidence shows that the alleged victim is responsible for misrepresenting the whole or majority of the situation in 2022.

Can you guarantee that the girl will not face abuse from certain section of the fans? Can you guarantee her safety in such circumstances?

I’m not saying that the above is what actually happened. I don’t even go as far as saying that MG is partially or completely innocent. However, my point is that there may be many factors why all the evidence is not being disclosed and such non-disclosure is not by any means conclusive evidence that MG is guilty of the alleged crimes.

The biggest issue in this thread is that both sides of the barricade made up their mind in a situation where we simply do not have sufficient information to conclude whether or not MG is actually guilty of the alleged crimes.
youre right...but in the absence of further evidence, people are coming to their own worse case conclusions anyway...if we knew the truth, it might help with a transfer...preferably abroad, where the team won't play Man Utd
You'd be surprised how quickly people are willing to forget for the sake of the spectacle and attraction.

Greenwood will find a club. He'll find a top club in the top five leagues. The fans of that team, and indeed the leagues fans themselves will just simple forget. It seems wrong, but it's inevitable.

Floyd Mayweather was notorious for his multiple instances of severe domestic emotional and physical abuse and assault. Result? Numerous humongous money making world title defences until his retirement.

Redcafe posters didn't have a problem commenting on his fights in the boxing thread. Barely ever mentioned. Didn't want Mason back, but were happy to watch a Mayweather PPV. :lol:

My point being that outside of United fans, this will die down even in the UK eventually and barring any permanent issues with performance he'll find a club at a high level with no difficulty.
We should have released a statement and reinstated him the minute charges were dropped and completely moved on. Been decisive one way or the other. By now it would have been old news and closed topic. But here we are having made a complete mess of the whole situation as only united can.
We should have released a statement and reinstated him the minute charges were dropped and completely moved on. Been decisive one way or the other. By now it would have been old news and closed topic. But here we are having made a complete mess of the whole situation as only united can.

Don't worry, we are looking into ways to make the whole thing even worse.
You'd be surprised how quickly people are willing to forget for the sake of the spectacle and attraction.

Greenwood will find a club. He'll find a top club in the top five leagues. The fans of that team, and indeed the leagues fans themselves will just simple forget. It seems wrong, but it's inevitable.

Floyd Mayweather was notorious for his multiple instances of severe domestic emotional and physical abuse and assault. Result? Numerous humongous money making world title defences until his retirement.

Redcafe posters didn't have a problem commenting on his fights in the boxing thread. Barely ever mentioned. Didn't want Mason back, but were happy to watch a Mayweather PPV. :lol:

My point being that outside of United fans, this will die down even in the UK eventually and barring any permanent issues with performance he'll find a club at a high level with no difficulty.

Hopefully, the world is slowly getting better. It is not the same as 5-10-20-30-50 years ago. Things change.

See the Rubiles issue, it was just a celebratory kiss, 5 years ago nobody in Spain would say anything, today it is different.
Maybe he’ll end up at Bristol Rovers, their manager has been through a similar experience where his partner changed her statement and the case was dismissed. They’ve also signed a striker found guilty of hitting and spitting at a woman.

They have form.
We should have released a statement and reinstated him the minute charges were dropped and completely moved on. Been decisive one way or the other. By now it would have been old news and closed topic. But here we are having made a complete mess of the whole situation as only united can.
Agreed and good point. We messed this up and club were worried about thise who made their minds up the moment it became public.
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