Film Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

So it just seems like they’ve given up on trying anything new now. Deadpool’s joke that ‘Disney are gonna make him do this til he’s 90’, is less funny when you realise it’s might actually be true. The next Avengers movies are going to be starring two guys in their 60s.

This situation reminds me of Star Wars pivoting towards pandering to their most basic, lowest common denominator fans after the backlash to The Last Jedi.

The Last Jedi and the one after it were as consistently shit as each other. There was no pivot.
They've made a mistake not setting up a big bad over the recent phases in my opinion. It seems pretty obvious in hindsight to reference somebody directing things behind the scenes resulting in big battles at the end of the arc that mean something.

Whatever they do now will just be another character, so an evil Stark does make some sense I agree.
Tbf they tried and then as said by @duffer plans had to change.
I'm surprised they didn't just recast given the variants

Probably should wait to see how it all plays out.

If it's an alternative universe, I fully expect this doom to be defeated but a much worse doom lingering the background (that probably won't be RDJ), to set up secret wars.
That's how I see it playing out too
The issues with phases 4 and 5 have been terrible writing. RDJ and the Russos dont solve that issue. The fact they think that this stunt casting is all it takes to right the ship, should tell everyone that its just going to be more or less the same dire nonsense with just enough boxes ticked so they can call the audience names when they dont like it.

Getting Markus and McFeely back, would be a much bigger signal of intent that RDJ or the Russos. If you ignore the dark world, they have a pretty solid line of movies under them from Winter Soldier and civil war, to infinity war and endgame. They also did Agent Carter which was pretty good.
The issues with phases 4 and 5 have been terrible writing. RDJ and the Russos dont solve that issue. The fact they think that this stunt casting is all it takes to right the ship, should tell everyone that its just going to be more or less the same dire nonsense with just enough boxes ticked so they can call the audience names when they dont like it.

Getting Markus and McFeely back, would be a much bigger signal of intent that RDJ or the Russos. If you ignore the dark world, they have a pretty solid line of movies under them from Winter Soldier and civil war, to infinity war and endgame. They also did Agent Carter which was pretty good.

It was just a really weird strategy post-Endgame.

Phase One was six films in four years. They introduced the main characters, then had them come together for the big pay-off in the first Avengers film, which itself was a platform for the whole three phase arc. Phase Four was seven films and eight TV series in less than two years, with most of the characters completely avoiding each other, half of the output being seemingly irrelevant to the "big picture", and there being absolutely no pay-off. Phase Five is going a similar way. The pay off we were supposed to get in Phase Six, has seemingly now been completely abandoned as they, for some reason, won't just recast Kang.
Phase 4 and 5 have been shite from the start. No real overarching story, shit characters and too many tv shows. Less is more.

It’s hard to follow which fecking earth anything is on, and even when I know I don’t know which is “our earth”.

Oversaturation of superhero movies has led to them milking it for every penny and diluting the storytelling
It’s a confusing, convoluted mess now. They slowly constructed and built an amazing story that culminated in Endgame. It was really entertaining, and I, as a casual superhero fan, was fully invested…and satisfied at the culmination of everyone’s story.

I have absolutely no interest in alternate realities or any weirdness. They had a really good villain in last Thor movie and they ruined it with comedy. So, killed off Cap, Iron Man, Black Widow, and made Thor/Hulk comedy jokes.

I honestly don’t know what they expected.
Loved it up until Endgame as silly popcorn fun.

Absolutely cannot get to grips with all the multiverse stuff, maybe it's just age.
Too many TV shows and no overarching story structure. The movies haven't really been bad, just bland. Shang Chi was decent but he's then disappeared for 3 years now. People lose interest.
Loved it up until Endgame as silly popcorn fun.

Absolutely cannot get to grips with all the multiverse stuff, maybe it's just age.

As someone who has found at least some superficial enjoyment in even the worst of it, the whole thing is a complete mess, from a wider story-telling perspective.

They've introduced characters and done nothing with them. They've had "important", existing characters and done nothing with them.

There's been absolutely no pay-off to anything that's happened, across eleven films and twelve seasons of television (and counting). It will be (at least) fourteen films (if you include Far From Home) and seventeen seasons of television before the next Avengers film, based on their current schedule.

For comparison, there were five films before the first Avengers, four films between that and Age of Ultron, seven films between that and Infinity War, and two films between that and Endgame. None of the television output remotely mattered in the first three phases.

Since they kicked off Phase Four, it all might matter, but it's basically impossible to tell until they announce/release something else. WandaVision, Ms Marvel and Loki have all been referenced. Falcon and Winter Soldier will also matter by the time Thunderbolts is released. Hawkeye, Moon Knight, She-Hulk, Secret Invasion, Echo and the two seasons of What If all seem effectively pointless at the moment. Even half the movies seem completely aimless. They've basically pivoted to stand-alone projects but keep shoe-horning in things to remind you that they're all part of something bigger.

I thought they'd drawn a line under it all with Deadpool & Wolverine, but then they went ahead and announced the Fantastic Four are going to be in the next two Avengers (despite their film being set in the 60s and in another universe) and Robert Downey Jr. is going to be Doctor Doom.
So is he gonna be an alternative universe Tony Stark who went bad? Or Victor von Doom who just looks like Tony Stark?

I kinda hope it's the first option.
I very much hope it's the second. They've done Doom badly wrong in the previous movies, where the guy was some kind of Norman Osborne type who wore the mask for all of about 5 mins, whereas in the comics, you never saw his face in decades of stories.

Just hoping he doesn't trample the Iron Man legacy and destroy the Dr Doom character for a second time on the big screen all in one go. Hopefully it'll be a Josh Brolin-style voice acting role for the comicbook accurate version of the character we've been waiting for.
It was just a really weird strategy post-Endgame.

Phase One was six films in four years. They introduced the main characters, then had them come together for the big pay-off in the first Avengers film, which itself was a platform for the whole three phase arc. Phase Four was seven films and eight TV series in less than two years, with most of the characters completely avoiding each other, half of the output being seemingly irrelevant to the "big picture", and there being absolutely no pay-off. Phase Five is going a similar way. The pay off we were supposed to get in Phase Six, has seemingly now been completely abandoned as they, for some reason, won't just recast Kang.
Yeah, phase 4 had more minutes of content than all the first 3 phases combined. 3279 minutes in 2 years vs 3020 over 11 years. Just so wasteful.
Yeah, phase 4 had more minutes of content than all the first 3 phases combined. 3279 minutes in 2 years vs 3020 over 11 years. Just so wasteful.
Not sure of the ins and outs, but from my understanding the Disney CEO left, new guy came in and wanted to get as much content out as possible. New CEO has since been let go, and old CEO is back and looking to slow down releases, the favouring quality over quantity.
For me they really need to move away from the whole timeline stuff. It's all good to every now and then touch upon playing with timelines etc, but the moment it is the main arc continually I struggle to care. Nothing ends up mattering, and you have so many cheap get out of jail cards that ruin the actual plot. Not to mention there is so many characters these days, that I can barely remember what they have done when they do turn up.

If anything I would like to see them go back to more small scale standalone type films. Make it more story/character driven, and allow us to actually build a connection with the hero. But I guess that doesn't look as flashy as an entire city or planet being destroyed in some massive CGI battle...
Wandavision was great, the rest of the post 2020 stuff has been awful.

The wife insisted I watch Deadpool vs Wolverine with her at the weekend, a new low even by recent marvel standards. They may as well kill the whole thing off now.
I don;t think the kang stuff is even about the actor.

Antman beat him. He was done as the big bad right there, in a movie that lost money. No one wants to see kang. AT least, not the kang they wrote.
I don;t think the kang stuff is even about the actor.

Antman beat him. He was done as the big bad right there, in a movie that lost money. No one wants to see kang. AT least, not the kang they wrote.

His first film being that Ant man sequel was a really dumb idea for sure.

He was pretty compelling in Loki and it is a great character.

Without the crap with the actor, it would have been interesting to see if they stick with him. I very much doubt we'd have Iron Man becoming Dr Doom.
Too many TV shows and no overarching story structure. The movies haven't really been bad, just bland. Shang Chi was decent but he's then disappeared for 3 years now. People lose interest.
Yeah, they didnt even follow up on the post credit scene. i liked how they used shang chi to correct the mandarin mistake from IM3. It was well done imo.

It made sense that time since Disney+ was new and they needed loads of new content for release. Worked well to get new subscribers, but there was fatigue and lower quality.

Now time to back off and get it back up to higher quality.
Agree with this. With Endgame being a high, it made sense to try get more content on their TV. But they clearly didnt have the capacity to do it. Some of the stuff was interesting. Moon knight was fun. I enjoyed most of the TV shows, but i think they really struggled with the ending for each of them.
The Black widow movie was a stinker. I also think covid didnt Marvel in terms of cinema. Ive seen less people going (not just for these movies but in general) compared to pre-covid. So much so, you have Cineworld closing down branches now.

For me they really need to move away from the whole timeline stuff. It's all good to every now and then touch upon playing with timelines etc, but the moment it is the main arc continually I struggle to care. Nothing ends up mattering, and you have so many cheap get out of jail cards that ruin the actual plot. Not to mention there is so many characters these days, that I can barely remember what they have done when they do turn up.

If anything I would like to see them go back to more small scale standalone type films. Make it more story/character driven, and allow us to actually build a connection with the hero. But I guess that doesn't look as flashy as an entire city or planet being destroyed in some massive CGI battle...
I think they could have kept it simple. Dr Strange was a big wasted opportunity with regards to the multiverse aspect. They pretty much stuck to one place rather than exploring it.
I think D+W movie was a way of toning back on this stuff however and we might see some sort of reset in terms of movies going forward. Hopefully.

I don;t think the kang stuff is even about the actor.

Antman beat him. He was done as the big bad right there, in a movie that lost money. No one wants to see kang. AT least, not the kang they wrote.
Yes, agree with this, I didnt like how he was just dispatched in that movie, even if there are variants. Im trying to imagine Thanos being beaten easily by a dance off in GOTG< but then at the end they show theres a different version. It takes away the aura.
I don;t think the kang stuff is even about the actor.

Antman beat him. He was done as the big bad right there, in a movie that lost money. No one wants to see kang. AT least, not the kang they wrote.
I think that's definitely a part of it.

I always liked the character of Kang, but he was also the justification for going down the route of a multiverse, which most people are now agreeing was a big mistake.

I'm glad to see the back of Jonathan Majors's take on Kang, though. He must have been the most irritating screen presence in the whole MCU. I struggled to watch his performances in Loki.
I didn't mind the Marvel movies as a bit of mindless fun when they released one every 6 months or so. After Infinity War they went absolutely insane and started churning out movies and TV shows every other fecking week. Most of them complete garbage, but you still had to watch them all to follow the plot. I gave up in 2021. 4 Movies and 5 TV shows in less than a year took the piss.
I very much hope it's the second. They've done Doom badly wrong in the previous movies, where the guy was some kind of Norman Osborne type who wore the mask for all of about 5 mins, whereas in the comics, you never saw his face in decades of stories.

Just hoping he doesn't trample the Iron Man legacy and destroy the Dr Doom character for a second time on the big screen all in one go. Hopefully it'll be a Josh Brolin-style voice acting role for the comicbook accurate version of the character we've been waiting for.
I'm relatively certain Marvel have said RDJ is not playing some kind of multiverse version of Tony Stark who turns into Doctor Doom. He's playing Victor von Doom who, if we ever see his face, might have a passing resemblance to Tony Stark.
Possibly the best marvel villain, definitely my favourite, they better not screw Doctor Doom up.
I'm relatively certain Marvel have said RDJ is not playing some kind of multiverse version of Tony Stark who turns into Doctor Doom. He's playing Victor von Doom who, if we ever see his face, might have a passing resemblance to Tony Stark.
Possibly the best marvel villain, definitely my favourite, they better not screw Doctor Doom up.
All they've actually said - and they're not known for being immediately truthful with stuff like this - is that he will be playing Victor Von Doom.

I definitely don't want to see them feck up this character again.
All they've actually said - and they're not known for being immediately truthful with stuff like this - is that he will be playing Victor Von Doom.

I definitely don't want to see them feck up this character again.

Unless he plays him like Hugo weaving in v for vendetta and stays behind the mask, he has to be tied into stark somehow or its just ridiculous.
I'm relatively certain Marvel have said RDJ is not playing some kind of multiverse version of Tony Stark who turns into Doctor Doom. He's playing Victor von Doom who, if we ever see his face, might have a passing resemblance to Tony Stark.
Possibly the best marvel villain, definitely my favourite, they better not screw Doctor Doom up.

Same, such a great character that could easily appear across several movies, not just the two avengers films.
Would be hilarious if they don't show his face (which would be comic accurate right? At least for the most part)
Just have rdj under a mask throughout and there's no reference to stark.
The most pathetic Hail Mary in Marvel's history. What bankruptcy in creativity and imagination.
And pay a huge salary for what?

Even Mando took off his mask!
Relax. Saying it would be funny.
Although if hes there for more than one movie, they could do that and have his reveal at a later which can cause issues emotionally for people like Peter Parker.
Phase 4 and 5 have been shite from the start. No real overarching story, shit characters and too many tv shows. Less is more.

It’s hard to follow which fecking earth anything is on, and even when I know I don’t know which is “our earth”.

Oversaturation of superhero movies has led to them milking it for every penny and diluting the storytelling
Basically this
It was so evident that post-Endgame MCU has been quite a mess in terms of multiverse building and handling of new/old characters. I put the blame squarely on Disney stretching Kevin Feige way too thin as they try to feed the new beast that is Disney+ with MCU content. Hopefully the power that be (particularly Iger) fully realized that they’ve been killing the golden goose and that the MCU is heading toward the same fate as the Star Wars universe if they keep on doing this. Hope the next few years will be firmly in the course correction mode to regain audience/fan trust through high quality movies (and less shitty Disney+ shows please).

Personally I’m still gonna show up to watch the MCU movies in theater. It’s what, 2-3 movies a year, not that bad of time investment. Even their unpopular recent movies (Quantumania, The Marvels, etc) haven’t been outright bad, albeit a bit uneven and inconsequential. I just want to be rewarded cinematically like I was with Infinity War/Endgame culmination.
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Buzzing for Agatha All Along.

Said nobody, ever.

Feels like a remnant of them just throwing money at everything and quantity over quality.

Aubrey Plaza was great in legion though, so maybe she can carry it.
I just want to be rewarded cinematically like I was with Infinity War/Endgame culmination.
Phase four and five have been such a mess I don't think they have enough time to course correct and give us enough reason to really care. There is not a lot of movies left before Avengers: Doomsday

This means Cap 4, Thunderbolts, Fantastic 4 have so much work to do in building a narrative for the Avengers