Film Martin Scorsese - Marvel movies are 'not cinema'

Random shower thought - Marvel movies are a bit like looking at a reproduced image of a nice work of art. You like it and probably think it'd look good on your living room wall but the sensory experience rarely extends further than that. With good movies, you often end up thinking about what went in to the making of them... How did the actors get into character? Who built the sets? Who wrote the script and what works inspired them? Etc. Not many of these tend to be present with Marvel movies and that absence of curiosity is the biggest difference.
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It's seldom pointed out that they're also justice-porn to placate the masses with little packet squirts of virtue in a world where the 0.1% are getting away with everything and driving everyone over a cliff in the process.

It's a pretty weird situation when one thinks about it. But also very natural. Personally I don't think it's a coincidence at all that these movies are coming to a head as hypercapitalism sucks the morals out of vast swaths of society and replaces them with serf-values. There's a lot of overlap with the peasant class in 'the old days' going to church and venting.

Mass consumerism. Mass zombification. Vast armies of people plugged into the theater seats more-or-less simultaneously worldwide like obedient acolytes whenever one of these movies drops, then emerging from the cavern and hi-fiving each other on social media.
Guys, maybe they're just dumb? There's no shame in that

Edit - I was going to edit this post to say something less mean but watching the video two/three times back... I just can't
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Guys, maybe they're just dumb? There's no shame in that

Edit - I was going to edit this post to say something less mean but watching the video two/three times back... I just can't
How is it more dumb than going nuts when your favorite sports team scores a winning goal?


How the hell did he get verified? He's been banned on about 10 different accounts.
How is it more dumb than going nuts when your favorite sports team scores a winning goal?

What? :lol:

How can you even compare something that is filmed, written for wide masses, and something that is live and can have many different outcomes hardly anyone can predict?
What? :lol:

How can you even compare something that is filmed, written for wide masses, and something that is live and can have many different outcomes hardly anyone can predict?
It's entertainment. People watch it to enjoy themselves. It's a different kind of entertainment, but in both cases you're not participating, but passively looking at what's playing out in front of you. Clearly these people are as invested in these films as you may be in United's fortunes. Obviously, they know it's going to end well (they have that advantage over you), so the interesting part is how that will come to pass rather than whether it will, and what happens along the way. But the underlying point remains that they watch this for their fun.

The problem is just that people look down on that because it's not what they want films to be. It's like me looking down on pop music drivel. (Which I do and shouldn't. I've gotten better over the years though.)
I was quite staggered that there were similar reactions in the cinema today when I saw Spiderman, don't think I've EVER experienced such a thing in this country. It was like being in America!
It's entertainment. People watch it to enjoy themselves. It's a different kind of entertainment, but in both cases you're not participating, but passively looking at what's playing out in front of you. Clearly these people are as invested in these films as you may be in United's fortunes. Obviously, they know it's going to end well (they have that advantage over you), so the interesting part is how that will come to pass rather than whether it will, and what happens along the way. But the underlying point remains that they watch this for their fun.

The problem is just that people look down on that because it's not what they want films to be. It's like me looking down on pop music drivel. (Which I do and shouldn't. I've gotten better over the years though.)

Bolded part: I don't need explanation what comic movies are, just because I find them shite doesn't mean I disagree they are entertaining to some people.

Underline part: they are not, no one is that involved in a movie, because movie is something that is not real. To an average movie fan this is just another movie, even if you are comic fan it can be one of the best comic movies ever and it still doesn't deserve this kind of reaction because no movie ever does, it's simply not that kind of entereinment. Not even kids who clearly enjoy this kind of fun more than the adults won't show this kind of reaction. Do you think Shawshank redemption would get this kind of reaction? Do you think the Usual Suspects ending would get this kind of reaction, or Fight Club? Do you think Whiplash last performance deserves this kind of applause? Do you think this movie is better than those movies? Do you think this movie is more tense then those movies(except Shawshank)?

I haven't even seen it yet(I don't mind Spiderman tbf, it's probably one of rare comic movies I'll watch) but I bet it finishes with Spiderman being a hero.
Imagine being so baffled by people.....enjoying things :lol:

I am used to people enjoying shite and average things, it's 2021 ffs. There are worse popular things than comic movies.
How is it more dumb than going nuts when your favorite sports team scores a winning goal?

You really shouldn't be supporting film studios the same way as a sporting team.

It's just kinda dumb I guess.

What's next ? People gathering in huge crowds and cheering madly when an Amazon Delivery Driver delivers a parcel?
You really shouldn't be supporting film studios the same way as a sporting team.

It's just kinda dumb I guess.

What's next ? People gathering in huge crowds and cheering madly when an Amazon Delivery Driver delivers a parcel?
Yes, that is the next logical step.
People always complain about stadiums being dead but there's not much of an atmosphere at the cinema. I think a lot of films would be improved with cheering from the crowd.

"C'mon Schindler save those Jewish children!!"

You could have rival supporters in the cinema cheering for both sides. Not in a movie like Schindler's list admittedly, but in a film like Spiderman you could have spiderman supporters and the goblin supporters. Maybe even descend into a drunken brawl.
People always complain about stadiums being dead but there's not much of an atmosphere at the cinema. I think a lot of films would be improved with cheering from the crowd.

"C'mon Schindler save those Jewish children!!"

You could have rival supporters in the cinema cheering for both sides. Not in a movie like Schindler's list admittedly, but in a film like Spiderman you could have spiderman supporters and the goblin supporters. Maybe even descend into a drunken brawl.

Laughed at this more than I should have :lol:

Omg those reactions
The arguments put forward for why supporting a team scoring a goal is different than being in a cinema is looking weak to say the least.
You really shouldn't be supporting film studios the same way as a sporting team.

It's just kinda dumb I guess.

What's next ? People gathering in huge crowds and cheering madly when an Amazon Delivery Driver delivers a parcel?
True, Disney's owners haven't killed any journalists as far as I'm aware or have they?
Just let people enjoy things!!

Cinemas have obviously had a hard time and they finally have a movie bringing people back to their venues, but how does this help them long term? Spider man won't be around forever. You need different types of movies to keep different types of consumers coming back.