Manchester United upgrade contact with Pep Guardiola, sources say

Buddy, you are the one trying to make this more difficult than it is. You keep on using Pep and Enrique as the basis for your argument but you refuse to point to the FACT that BOTH Pep and Enrique had been groomed for the job. They BOTH managed the Barca B side for a combined 4 years. The later also had another 4 years of managerial experience, facts that you have failed to apply. If we want to follow that model, Giggs need to go prove himself with the U18s or U21 for 2 seasons. At least Solksjaer gave it a go and he was successful as the U21 manager. He earned the right to be a proper manager and he went back to Molde and guided them to their first league title in 50 years. Why should Giggs be any different

There is no need to take it personal, this is a forum. It's not like the United board are going to take notice of what goes on here. And if I knew Giggs, I would get an autograph and tell him to go get some experience before taking the job.

Just because he played for us doesn't mean he loves the club more than we the fans do. They get paid to love the club, we pay because we love the club.
Just for the record, as it were, I agree with your basic point, @dichinero ... sometimes you see extravagantly wrong posts in here, and lots of off the wall criticism, and you think, where are the real people? So just this once, I want to weigh in to support a pov which the poster has supported with logical argument. Giggs is a playing legend; but about one million miles from being a turn-key, ready-to-go managerial appointment at United. How this is not blatantly obvious to all is one helluva mystery to me. Don't let sentiment cloud your judgement, seems like good advice here. Where I disagree is about Giggs's love of the club; that factor is an unknowable, and is pretty much irrelevant. For my money, yes he does love the club, as much and more than anyone here. But that has no bearing at all on his ability to manage it.
Hitzfeld told Swiss newspaper Blick: 'For Zidane, it is like winning a lottery.

'It is an insane, crazy decision. He is a manager without any experience. He only lives on his famous name as a player.

'He hasn't proved anything as a coach yet and now he has to deal with the best players in the world.'

But there again, Hitzfield know nothing about winning, the United way and how important it is to let sentimentality and nepotism win over common sense
Hitzfeld told Swiss newspaper Blick: 'For Zidane, it is like winning a lottery.

'It is an insane, crazy decision. He is a manager without any experience. He only lives on his famous name as a player.

'He hasn't proved anything as a coach yet and now he has to deal with the best players in the world.'

But there again, Hitzfield know nothing about winning, the United way and how important it is to let sentimentality and nepotism win over common sense

There shouldn't be any debate, when Barcelona appointed Guardiola they took a daft decision, it has been a huge success but the initial decision was a huge gamble, Zidane and Giggs potential appointments are as daft the difference being that Barcelona are one of the only clubs that could support this type of risks mainly because at the time they had a majority of academy players in the team and that these players used the same blueprint.
Yeah, it's really, really bizarre. As I say, it's like people think he has to be given the job at some point, as opposed to it being something that could happen.
There shouldn't be any debate, when Barcelona appointed Guardiola they took a daft decision, it has been a huge success but the initial decision was a huge gamble, Zidane and Giggs potential appointments are as daft the difference being that Barcelona are one of the only clubs that could support this type of risks mainly because at the time they had a majority of academy players in the team and that these players used the same blueprint.

Until Barcelona had gone through every candidate, did they appoint Guardiola. Tixi Birgiristan is on record saying that even when they decided to appoint him, half the board thought it was a bonkers decision.
Absolutely. Like, there is no way Apple would make someone CEO after Steve Jobs that just happened to work for them already and had never been CEO before... oh wait a minute. They did, didn't they?

Well... that's just Apple I guess. I doubt it's very common. You can't imagine a company like Google doing similar. Oh no! It seems they did it as well.

Weird. Probably just exceptions to the rule I'm sure.

Except if you actually consider it, it's nowhere near as simple as that.

In business in general I suspect said person has experience of managing people. I suspect that in most cases, that person has run a large, multi-million pound department in the company they eventually run. I also suspect that person has experienced the pressures associated with management and performance and achieved. They have proved they are capable.

To use your example - Tim Cook was COO of Apple before being appointed CEO. He wasn't Steve Jobs Assistant. He had a very important, highly pressured, individual job in the company and evidently did it very well.

The major difference is that this bloke has proved he is very capable while doing a very similar job, albeit on a smaller scale, before getting the big job.

It's almost like managing another, less high profile football successfully team before you get a top job...
There shouldn't be any debate, when Barcelona appointed Guardiola they took a daft decision, it has been a huge success but the initial decision was a huge gamble, Zidane and Giggs potential appointments are as daft the difference being that Barcelona are one of the only clubs that could support this type of risks mainly because at the time they had a majority of academy players in the team and that these players used the same blueprint.
I think Giggs would likely start pretty well on a wave of sentimentality. However the problem will arise if things start going wrong and him having the knowledge to deal with it. Of course SAF will be rolled out again to help him. Then will it be a case of the tail wagging the dog.
Except if you actually consider it, it's nowhere near as simple as that.

In business in general I suspect said person has experience of managing people. I suspect that in most cases, that person has run a large, multi-million pound department in the company they eventually run. I also suspect that person has experienced the pressures associated with management and performance and achieved. They have proved they are capable.

To use your example - Tim Cook was COO of Apple before being appointed CEO. He wasn't Steve Jobs Assistant. He had a very important, highly pressured, individual job in the company and evidently did it very well.

The major difference is that this bloke has proved he is very capable while doing a very similar job, albeit on a smaller scale, before getting the big job.

It's almost like managing another, less high profile football successfully team before you get a top job...

Well, I guess that is your opinion. I personally would say that comparing management of a football club to that of running a big company is a bit daft and hardly 'like for like'. Although if someone insists on going with that assumption, I would say that promoting Giggs from within is hardly different to the way many companies operate when they appoint a leader. Again, I don't agree with the assumption in the first place... but whatever.
Well, I guess that is your opinion. I personally would say that comparing management of a football club to that of running a big company is a bit daft and hardly 'like for like'. Although if someone insists on going with that assumption, I would say that promoting Giggs from within is hardly different to the way many companies operate when they appoint a leader. Again, I don't agree with the assumption in the first place... but whatever.

Nobody was insisting on anything. It was your argument and your "assumption", not mine.

You started being a smart arse and talking about Apple as if it undermined my point in some way. Now you disagree with your own post it seems.

Nobody was insisting on anything. It was your argument and your "assumption", not mine.

You started being a smart arse and talking about Apple as if it undermined my point in some way. Now you disagree with your own post it seems.


Not at all.

Who said, "If I was running a multi-million £/$ company" and used it as an analogy as to why hiring Giggs would be wrong? That was YOU! You make the assumption that they were both similar when you made that analogy.

I merely pointed out that if they were similar, it would be a bad analogy to make because large companies regularly recruit from within. I have not disagreed with any of my own posts but you have done a great job disagreeing with yours...

Appointing Giggs is too big a risk for a club like United. End of. We need a manager with managerial experience.

"loving the club" has nothing to do with it. Wilf McGuinness loves/loved the club ffs! (we love Wilf obvs).

I love the club, my grandad was Busbys chief scout & my Dad's scouted for the club for over 50 years. Where do I hand in my application?!
Appointing Giggs is too big a risk for a club like United. End of. We need a manager with managerial experience.

"loving the club" has nothing to do with it. Wilf McGuinness loves/loved the club ffs! (we love Wilf obvs).

I love the club, my grandad was Busbys chief scout & my Dad's scouted for the club for over 50 years. Where do I hand in my application?!

I'm not saying you're wrong, but there will be people at the club who have a better insight into what 'managerial' qualities Giggs can bring to the table.

That being said, I'm not sure I have too much faith in the opinions of the board at United as of late.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but there will be people at the club who have a better insight into what 'managerial' qualities Giggs can bring to the table.

That being said, I'm not sure I have too much faith in the opinions of the board at United as of late.
I wouldn't trust that board to hire a janitor, let alone a manager, after the shambolic way they've done ... well ... almost everything*, since Fergie retired.

* to be fair, they did somehow manage to get noodles to sponsor us
I'm not saying you're wrong, but there will be people at the club who have a better insight into what 'managerial' qualities Giggs can bring to the table.

That being said, I'm not sure I have too much faith in the opinions of the board at United as of late.

Same ones who hired Moyes and LVG...
Not at all.

Who said, "If I was running a multi-million £/$ company" and used it as an analogy as to why hiring Giggs would be wrong? That was YOU! You make the assumption that they were both similar when you made that analogy.

I merely pointed out that if they were similar, it would be a bad analogy to make because large companies regularly recruit from within. I have not disagreed with any of my own posts but you have done a great job disagreeing with yours...


You've totally lost me.

I made a point about Ryan Giggs not being ready, in my opinion, owing to having no experience in management.

You replied to my post in a fairly sarcastic manner using Apple as an example to suggest that promotion from within was the norm in business - I assumed to make the argument that it was relevant here and we may do likewise.

I suggested it was not comparable for a number of reasons. You seemingly now agree.

If you didn't think running a business and running a football club was comparable, then why did you bring it up?
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You've totally lost me.

I made a point about Ryan Giggs not being ready, in my opinion, owing to having no experience in management.

You replied to my post and used Apple as an example seemingly to suggest that promotion from within was the norm in business - I assume to make the argument that it was relevant here and we may do likewise.

I suggested it was not comparable for a number of reasons. You seemingly now agree.

If you didn't think it was relevant or comparable why did you bring it up?

You made the analogy saying that hiring Giggs isn't something you would do by comparing it to being in charge of a big company. By using that analogy you are clearly saying that you think both scenarios are comparable.

I used Apple and Google as examples just to show that companies often recruit from within so the analogy doesn't really work in that sense... I have seen the same analogy used before on the Caf and it never makes sense for many reasons.

You then say that both scenarios are very different and not really comparable (I would agree actually)... but then why use the analogy in the first place? You've changed your mind.

You are basically ignoring the fact that you were the one who first compared the Giggs situation to how companies recruit a leader.

Here you compare the two scenarios...

If I was in charge of a multi-million pound company I wouldn't be putting the future of it on the line by appointing someone to run arguably the most important part of said business on the basis that he's been around for years.

Here you state that they are not comparable...

I suggested it was not comparable for a number of reasons. You seemingly now agree.
Pep would be the dream as it seems we are already laying his foundations with LVG, like with Barcelona and Bayern. Only Pep knows his future and am sure United will have a go at getting him regardless of what is said, The season is young and what happens if we end the season better of than Man City for they don't look great either atm, will that sway his decision, possibly, or by that time its been already made up but who knows.

We also have to take into account that Pep will have never of faced stiffer competition, he will come to a league were there will be 4 or 5 top teams competing its no 1 horse race (Germany) or two horse race (spain), also he will be in a league with atleast 3 or 4 teams who can outbid one another, this will not be a steam role for Pep, Mourinho has already out scored him and won the la liga title during one of his 2 seasons in the league, so he is not the messiah everyone makes him out to be, the Premier league will prove how good he is, he certainly the hottest prospect in management currently but Jose Mourinho can tell him how demanding and cruel the league can be.
You made the analogy saying that hiring Giggs isn't something you would do by comparing it to being in charge of a big company. By using that analogy you are clearly saying that you think both scenarios are comparable.

I used Apple and Google as examples just to show that companies often recruit from within so the analogy doesn't really work in that sense... I have seen the same analogy used before on the Caf and it never makes sense for many reasons.

You then say that both scenarios are very different and not really comparable (I would agree actually)... but then why use the analogy in the first place? You've changed your mind.

You are basically ignoring the fact that you were the one who first compared the Giggs situation to how companies recruit a leader.

Here you compare the two scenarios...

Here you state that they are not comparable...

You've missed my point.

My point was that approaching this scenario from a business context as a Chairman/Board Member of Manchester United I wouldn't be putting the financial future of the business (which is largely dependant on football results on the pitch) in the hands of an inexperienced individual by appointing a manager who hasn't got any experience. Perhaps I should have been clearer, but in the context of the thread and conversation it made sense.

I was not talking about multi-million pound companies in general, nor comparing United to multi-million pound businesses overall - clearly a football club is a very different animal.
You've missed my point.

My point was that approaching this scenario from a business context as a Chairman/Board Member of Manchester United I wouldn't be putting the financial future of the business (which is largely dependant on football results on the pitch) in the hands of an inexperienced individual by appointing a manager who hasn't got any experience. Perhaps I should have been clearer, but in the context of the thread and conversation it made sense.

I was not talking about multi-million pound companies in general, nor comparing United to multi-million pound businesses overall - clearly a football club is a very different animal.

Fair enough. Apologies for the sarcasm before.
Until Barcelona had gone through every candidate, did they appoint Guardiola. Tixi Birgiristan is on record saying that even when they decided to appoint him, half the board thought it was a bonkers decision.

Yup, plenty wanted Mourinho.
Pep would be the dream as it seems we are already laying his foundations with LVG, like with Barcelona and Bayern. Only Pep knows his future and am sure United will have a go at getting him regardless of what is said, The season is young and what happens if we end the season better of than Man City for they don't look great either atm, will that sway his decision, possibly, or by that time its been already made up but who knows.

We also have to take into account that Pep will have never of faced stiffer competition, he will come to a league were there will be 4 or 5 top teams competing its no 1 horse race (Germany) or two horse race (spain), also he will be in a league with atleast 3 or 4 teams who can outbid one another, this will not be a steam role for Pep, Mourinho has already out scored him and won the la liga title during one of his 2 seasons in the league, so he is not the messiah everyone makes him out to be, the Premier league will prove how good he is, he certainly the hottest prospect in management currently but Jose Mourinho can tell him how demanding and cruel the league can be.
LVG and his foundations...
Appointing Giggs is too big a risk for a club like United. End of. We need a manager with managerial experience.

"loving the club" has nothing to do with it. Wilf McGuinness loves/loved the club ffs! (we love Wilf obvs).

I love the club, my grandad was Busbys chief scout & my Dad's scouted for the club for over 50 years. Where do I hand in my application?!
This. Giggs has showed nothing at all so far that he would make a half decent manager, let alone one that is capable of taking over a club of such stature.
Graham Hunter says when Woodward briefed the media (I'm assuming he means last time) he said United have doubts over Pep due to his lack of Premier League experience. At first you think 'no way' then you look at our board and think it's likely. If true, total :lol:.
Graham Hunter says when Woodward briefed the media (I'm assuming he means last time) he said United have doubts over Pep due to his lack of Premier League experience. At first you think 'no way' then you look at our board and think it's likely. If true, total :lol:.
:lol:. Yes, because the last time we hired a manager with PL experience, it turned out fantastic for us. Nutters....
The whole premier league proven thing annoys me. Wenger wasn't "premier league proven" when he turned up at Arsenal and he went on to win the league in his first full season. Mourinho wasn't premier league proven when he first went to Chelsea. Pellegrini wasn't premier league proven when he won the league in his first season at City.
Graham Hunter says when Woodward briefed the media (I'm assuming he means last time) he said United have doubts over Pep due to his lack of Premier League experience. At first you think 'no way' then you look at our board and think it's likely. If true, total :lol:.

Surely that's rubbish? They sacked Moyes who was "premier league proven" in favour of Louis Van Gaal, who wasn't. Regardless, they surely can't be that clueless. :wenger: I honestly hope not, as if that's the case and we're being run by people seriously that daft we need to accept mediocrity.
Surely that's rubbish? They sacked Moyes who was "premier league proven" in favour of Louis Van Gaal, who wasn't. Regardless, they surely can't be that clueless. :wenger: I honestly hope not, as if that's the case and we're being run by people seriously that daft we need to accept mediocrity.

It seems too ridiculous. However, it wouldn't be surprising going by how the board has been in the last few seasons.
He's thought of highly by the upper echelons at the club simply because of his stature as an excellent player with managerial qualities, and probably with envious eyes cast to Guardiola's rise at Barcelona. With regards to his intellect enabling him to pass his coaching badges, I suppose you are right and that does at least rank him alongside minds of Stuart Pearce or Ian Dowie ilk.

Indeed, maybe you're right about everything and when I look at Giggs' iceberg I can only see his tip - it may well be impossible to ever make any kind of judgement on someone without first doing some serious and in depth research, in my opinion preferably spanning several different teams and years; for example without knowing job roles or being at their respective weddings how could you ever know David Cameron was smarter than David Beckham simply through their interviews?

That's exactly the point. There's also different types of intelligence. You don't know whether Cameron is smarter than Beckham. You don't know either of them, just like you don't know Giggs. Cameron is running the country but not particularly well IMO. I would say that he is less successful at what he's doing then what Beckham does at any rate. Not sure if that translates to intelligence or not and it is digressing from the point anyway.

We don't know for sure why Giggs is highly regarded by the upper echelons at the club but if one is managerial qualities, surely that's a good thing yes?

Regardless, I think he is going to end up in the role at some stage so we'll get to judge his skills as a manager in any case, not mention his intelligence or lack of whether you and others like it or not.

For the record, I'd prefer to have Pep in the role and Giggs continue to learn under the best for a couple years although that does seem unlikely at this point unfortunately.