Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

It's happened so often that I'm not surprised by vile people politicising these kind of events right off the bat, but why the feck would you spread fake pictures?
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Sky news doing what they do best these days. Haphazard nonsense
The timing is potentially very suggestive. :( Damn.

I think there is every chance that its everything at the moment
Seems to be an explosion of some sort, nobody knows what.

Well i suppose witnesses might have reported smelling gas...

Not that it makes much difference to anyone directly harmed, but it would at least rule out a follow-on of some kind.
There were reports of a strange smell initially. So could be gas?
Hopefully everyone is ok.

From the way the media are suggesting - it's based in around the train station underneath the stadium
Why do so many people on Twitter have to say things like "oh my god I was just there a year ago" etc
Why do so many people on Twitter have to say things like "oh my god I was just there a year ago" etc
I mean a huge number of these people will be 14-16 year olds.
Times like this bring out the absolute dregs of society. Fake images, speculative reporting, every twat with a Twitter wanting to be the one in the know. There should be a cull
Fivelive has just played some audio from the arena: even if this wasn't anything sinister, the conditions for a crush sounds worryingly likely.
Think he's just a bloke who lives locally. Don't think he's a reporter but I agree.

Imagine this degenerate running from his bed, sticking his knob back in his trousers so he can record an upload that piece of fluff.
Those images from training exercise are vile.
Imagine this degenerate running from his bed, sticking his knob back in his trousers so he can record an upload that piece of fluff.

His twitter profile says he works for itv
The "serious incident" GMP are referring to could be people injured in the stampede to get out.