Madeleine McCann

That they were guilty of neglect is a figure of speech, so you don't have to be charged. For example you two are guilty of going around in circles. They were guilty of neglect in a lot of people's opinion and by most dictionary definitions.
I imagine I'd be confused too, if I was being questioned about the disappearance of my child - no mother would be thinking straight, and you'd be in a complete state of panic. I lost my son in Center Parks. He wasn't a toddler, he was 11, but I was beside myself with fear, imagining all sorts of things, and I wouldn't have known what 2 + 2 were if I'd been asked.

But the biggest point of all, to me, is that six years on, and the McCanns have been pushing and pushing for further investigation, never letting it be forgotten. It would have been so much easier to let it be forgotten and keep a low profile if they were guilty.
I think most parents have done something fairly stupid and got away with it, that's why they're not keen to cast the first stone.
I imagine I'd be confused too, if I was being questioned about the disappearance of my child - no mother would be thinking straight, and you'd be in a complete state of panic. I lost my son in Center Parks. He wasn't a toddler, he was 11, but I was beside myself with fear, imagining all sorts of things, and I wouldn't have known what 2 + 2 were if I'd been asked.

But the biggest point of all, to me, is that six years on, and the McCanns have been pushing and pushing for further investigation, never letting it be forgotten. It would have been so much easier to let it be forgotten and keep a low profile if they were guilty.

Livvie, this is from that BBC article;

The questioning came after Mrs McCann was declared an arguido, or suspect, in September 2007.

The questioning occurred at least 4 months after the disappearance so your first paragraph isn't really relevant. Sure she'd still be distraught but she's had 4 months to compose herself before being asked these questions. Also, although the questions are all very accusatory as a collective, they are all ones that could have been answered quite simply.
That they were guilty of neglect is a figure of speech, so you don't have to be charged. For example you two are guilty of going around in circles. They were guilty of neglect in a lot of people's opinion and by most dictionary definitions.

Dangerous yokes them, and every fecker has one. Impossible to know whose to trust.
I don't really like what I've seen of the McCanns. I'd like them more if they put their hands up and admitted that they should never have left the children that night. At the same time, I can understand how it happened - you do get lulled into a false sense of security on holiday, and you don't believe for a minute that anything could happen. Obviously it can, and that's a stupid, negligent attitude, but I just don't believe they killed the child. There would be not motive to kill her deliberately, but killing her accidentally would be an even worse shock to them and there's no way they could function normally if that happened - certainly not to the extent of actually taking her somewhere and disposing of the body. Very few parents would be capable of that. And as already pointed out, you'd need both parents to have a cold, calculating, emotionless personality. And that's just so unlikely. And again, they have made sure this case has stayed high profile, and pushed for the Met. to get involved. Not the actions of guilty people.
Imagine the life they'd be laying ahead for themselves and their other kids, if they publicly admitted they shouldn't have left the kids that night, they'd be castigated forever.

Ultimately there were no criminal charges brought against them. The rest is just peoples opinions, and honestly fine have your opinion, just don't expect anyone to listen to you or give a feck what you're theory is based on reading a few dubious websites (and one BBC one).
Imagine the life they'd be laying ahead for themselves and their other kids, if they publicly admitted they shouldn't have left the kids that night, they'd be castigated forever.

Ultimately there were no criminal charges brought against them. The rest is just peoples opinions, and honestly fine have your opinion, just don't expect anyone to listen to you or give a feck what you're theory is based on reading a few dubious websites (and one BBC one).

One of the main things they get slated for is that they've never shown any real remorse for leaving her - and the other two - alone. They've not once said something along the lines of "I just wish we'd taken them with us to the restaurant".

You seem to operate in extremes. Someone saying they think the McCanns were neglectful does not necessarily think that they've murdered their child, arranged her kidnap, or disposed of her body after she accidentally died; it means that they think they were neglectful. Personally, I think she was abducted, and their strange behaviour can be attributed to valuing themselves above her and the other kids. They were neglectful and will now have to live with the consequences of that for the rest of their lives.
One of the main things they get slated for is that they've never shown any real remorse for leaving her - and the other two - alone. They've not once said something along the lines of "I just wish we'd taken them with us to the restaurant".

You seem to operate in extremes. Someone saying they think the McCanns were neglectful does not necessarily think that they've murdered their child, arranged her kidnap, or disposed of her body after she accidentally died; it means that they think they were neglectful. Personally, I think she was abducted, and their strange behaviour can be attributed to valuing themselves above her and the other kids. They were neglectful and will now have to live with the consequences of that for the rest of their lives.

They've said that they regreted their decision to leave them a lot numerous times, haven't they? Kate herself has mentioned the last time she was on TV that they were beating themselves over this decision but ultimately it weren't them who commited the crime there (still they were fecking idiots, girl might have hurt herself while alone and it would have been their fault, for all we know this might be exactly what happened there).
They've said that they regreted their decision to leave them a lot numerous times, haven't they? Kate herself has mentioned the last time she was on TV that they were beating themselves over this decision but ultimately it weren't them who commited the crime there (still they were fecking idiots, girl might have hurt herself while alone and it would have been their fault, for all we know this might be exactly what happened there).

I'll take back what I said regarding that then if they have. I've not seen any of their recent TV appearances but the things I've seen and read have always been about the police not responding quickly enough in the first few hours.
One of the main things they get slated for is that they've never shown any real remorse for leaving her - and the other two - alone.

And who wants to see this remorse and why?

These are 2 parents who've lost a kid like.
I'll take back what I said regarding that then if they have. I've not seen any of their recent TV appearances but the things I've seen and read have always been about the police not responding quickly enough in the first few hours.

Brilliant, they get slated for not doing something, despite apparently having done it numerous times.

:lol: here ends my involvement.
And who wants to see this remorse and why?

These are 2 parents who've lost a kid like.

Anyone who's been following the story presumably. Sarni informs me that they have actually done it a few times, so fair enough. As for the why part, I'd say it has something to do with the fact that the family are constantly on television, writing books and doing interviews for newspapers. Whether it's right or not is another matter, but when you're constantly exposed to appeal after appeal, year after year, all looking for your sympathy, it's hardly a stretch to expect the parents to actually show some remorse for the monumental feck up that contributed heavily to the disappearance of their child.
Anyone who's been following the story presumably. Sarni informs me that they have actually done it a few times, so fair enough. As for the why part, I'd say it has something to do with the fact that the family are constantly on television, writing books and doing interviews for newspapers. Whether it's right or not is another matter, but when you're constantly exposed to appeal after appeal, year after year, all looking for your sympathy, it's hardly a stretch to expect the parents to actually show some remorse for the monumental feck up that contributed heavily to the disappearance of their child.

So it's more about punishing the parents for slightly annoying you a few times in 6 years than anything to do with the missing child, or the horror at them having left her alone then?
Brilliant, they get slated for not doing something, despite apparently having done it numerous times.

:lol: here ends my involvement.

I can't actually find any quotes or videos where they have shown remorse so if someone wants to point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. The only thing I've found is something about Kate saying she regrets leaving them there that night whilst adding that she didn't think there was anything wrong with doing what they were.

So it's more about punishing the parents for slightly annoying you a few times in 6 years than anything to do with the missing child, or the horror at them having left her alone then?

It's not about punishing them for anything. It's about seeing what people deem a normal reaction to fecking up like they did. As I've said, I think their strange behaviour is down to them putting themselves first. Their priority has been ensuring that they were free from potential charges and absolved of any wrongdoing, regardless of whether it hindered the investigation or not. Not showing remorse is just another aspect of their strange behaviour, and is certainly a contributing factor to why some people think they're involved somehow. The point remains though that they are the driving force behind the media coverage of this case, with interview after interview, books, documentaries etc. and as such they can't expect people to just leave them alone when they're behaving weirdly.

Had this been a single mother of three, from a council estate in Wythenshawe, on holiday in Butlins with her boyfriend and their mates, and they'd left the kids alone in the caravan while they went on the piss, they'd have been absolutely slaughtered by the media and probably served some sort of jail time or community service, with the other two kids being put into care. Because it's a middle-class family of two doctors and their kids apparently we're supposed to just accept their version of events, despite this changing multiple times, and absolve them of the misstep of leaving three young children alone in an unlocked apartment 100+ yards away and out of sight of where they were eating.
It's about seeing what people deem a normal reaction to fecking up like they did.
Oh, wait, you're assuming you, or any of us have the first idea what 'normal' behavior is when your kid has disappeared off the face of the world.
The point remains though that they are the driving force behind the media coverage of this case, with interview after interview, books, documentaries etc. and as such they can't expect people to just leave them alone when they're behaving weirdly.
Why not? Maybe no one told them there's a 4 month limit on the publics unconditional sympathy, particularly from middle class doctors eh, which brings us nicely to your next point.
Had this been a single mother of three, from a council estate in Wythenshawe, on holiday in Butlins with her boyfriend and their mates, and they'd left the kids alone in the caravan while they went on the piss, they'd have been absolutely slaughtered by the media and probably served some sort of jail time or community service, with the other two kids being put into care.
Yes, and rightly so, but thats not what the McCanns did.

Because it's a middle-class family of two doctors and their kids apparently we're supposed to just accept their version of events, despite this changing multiple times, and absolve them of the misstep of leaving three young children alone in an unlocked apartment 100+ yards away and out of sight of where they were eating.
No, because the people who actually got paid to investigate this, like full time professional investigators, decided that they hadn't done anything wrong.
Oh, wait, you're assuming you, or any of us have the first idea what 'normal' behavior is when your kid has disappeared off the face of the world.

Hence why I put 'deem'.

Why not? Maybe no one told them there's a 4 month limit on the publics unconditional sympathy, particularly from middle class doctors eh, which brings us nicely to your next point.

It's not that there's a time-limit for sympathy, but it's quite hard to sympathise with someone who's clearly done something wrong when they won't actually admit to any wrongdoing.

Yes, and rightly so, but thats not what the McCanns did.

How is that not what the McCanns did? They left their children alone, night after night, in an unlocked apartment while they went out to eat tapas and drink wine. They couldn't see the apartment and it was 100+ yards away. I literally just swapped stuff around to make it more working class.

No, because the people who actually got paid to investigate this, like full time professional investigators, decided that they hadn't done anything wrong.

The people who got paid to investigate did think that they'd done something wrong but they fled the country before anything could be done about it. It's a crime in Portugal to leave young children home-alone so it's hardly a leap of logic to see how they might have been charged with that.

Do you genuinely believe that they did absolutely nothing wrong when they chose to leave their kids in an empty apartment, for five consecutive nights, while they fecked off down the road to eat tapas?
Dangerous yokes them, and every fecker has one. Impossible to know whose to trust.

Well you could listen to folk with kids as they are not restricted to theory. And dismiss people's opinions as you will but there is a lot to be gauged by people's opinions and in matters like these if the majority is of the same opinion it can go on to effect law. Parenting has come long way since we were kids and while it can be dismissed by any stand up comedian that wants to but the fact is children are safer now and people's opinions played a part.

I am struggling to see how you think there is no negligence in systematically leaving a 3 year old in another building entirely. The amount of danger the kid could encounter is quite large. It didn't directly lead to kidnapping, ok, which is why they weren't and won't be prosecuted but it did put the children, especially the 3 year old, at risk.
Well you could listen to folk with kids as they are not restricted to theory. And dismiss people's opinions as you will but there is a lot to be gauged by people's opinions and in matters like these if the majority is of the same opinion it can go on to effect law. Parenting has come long way since we were kids and while it can be dismissed by any stand up comedian that wants to but the fact is children are safer now and people's opinions played a part.

I am struggling to see how you think there is no negligence in systematically leaving a 3 year old in another building entirely. The amount of danger the kid could encounter is quite large. It didn't directly lead to kidnapping, ok, which is why they weren't and won't be prosecuted but it did put the children, especially the 3 year old, at risk.

Well I hope he isn't so blasé about it when he has his own. Something tells me his myopic view will change though.
Well I hope he isn't so blasé about it when he has his own. Something tells me his myopic view will change though.

Is popper middle-class? He'll be alright if he is because according to him it's alright to leave your kids alone in Portugal but a criminal offence in Butlins.
Is popper middle-class? He'll be alright if he is because according to him it's alright to leave your kids alone in Portugal but a criminal offence in Butlins.

You love making stuff up an attributing it to me dont you.
Well I hope he isn't so blasé about it when he has his own. Something tells me his myopic view will change though.

If you'd bothered your hole to read what I'd written you'd already see that in my opinion they made a mistake and I hope I wouldn't do the same but hey ho, lets not actually read what people are saying.
You love making stuff up an attributing it to me dont you.

In response to:

Had this been a single mother of three, from a council estate in Wythenshawe, on holiday in Butlins with her boyfriend and their mates, and they'd left the kids alone in the caravan while they went on the piss, they'd have been absolutely slaughtered by the media and probably served some sort of jail time or community service, with the other two kids being put into care.

You put:

Yes, and rightly so, but thats not what the McCanns did.

And then in response to:

Because it's a middle-class family of two doctors and their kids apparently we're supposed to just accept their version of events, despite this changing multiple times, and absolve them of the misstep of leaving three young children alone in an unlocked apartment 100+ yards away and out of sight of where they were eating.

You put:

No, because the people who actually got paid to investigate this, like full time professional investigators, decided that they hadn't done anything wrong.

So did.
If you'd bothered your hole to read what I'd written you'd already see that in my opinion they made a mistake and I hope I wouldn't do the same but hey ho, lets not actually read what people are saying.

It's hard to tell with you and all the crap about why we say it's neglect.

You have the fixation with that word, I honestly don't get why you are so opposed to it's use.
It's hard to tell with you and all the crap about why we say it's neglect.

You have the fixation with that word, I honestly don't get why you are so opposed to it's use.

Yes, it's hard to tell, if you don't read what I'm saying.
It's Eyepopper again!

You've stormed out of the thread at least twice now, man.

Stormed out? Have I? Cider, I think you might be taking things a little seriously.

Are you still banned from playing that role playing game you introduced?
Eh? You've made an effort to highlight the fact that they've not been charged with neglect multiple times.

And where exactly did I say that not being charged with neglect means it's alright to leave your kids alone in Portugal? Oh no, wait, you made up that bit.
And where exactly did I say that not being charged with neglect means it's alright to leave your kids alone in Portugal? Oh no, wait, you made up that bit.

You don't need to say something to imply it. Your post only a few up from this is the first time I've seen you actually say that you think they were wrong to do that. Every other time you've referred to it all you've done is go on about how they haven't been charged with neglect, which heavily implies that you don't think that there was a problem with them doing leaving their kids alone.