London 2012 - Track & Field/Athletics

How much would it suck to be those ones who got lapped near the end and have to run another lap after the race is over? :lol:
Did you notice how everyone else seemed to be doing alright, not showing much in the face until near the very end, except the Japanese women who looked like they were running away from a large dog after about 10 minutes.
Katrina really needs to work on her Javelin, plenty of time though.
Justin Gatlin 9.97 once again relaxiing towards the end.
Ryan Ryan Bailey 9.88.Expecting something special in the final
18 year old Junior champion up for us next, promising.
What a final it's going to be tomorrow..
It's Monday 2:20AM my time.. and it's 5:39 pm here right now

Semi finals at Monday 00:15AM my time.