London 2012 Olympic Competition

Fantastic Hockey semi final just then. Holland beat New Zealand on penalties. Got really into that.
:lol: Nic Batum punched a Spanish player in the balls in the France-Spain basketball game.


His response:

RT @WojYahooNBA: I asked Nicolas Batum why he hit Juan-Carlos Navarro in groin. "I wanted to give him a good reason to flop."
Well done to Irelands Paddy Barnes in the boxing.

That's 4 out of the 6 boxers we sent out with medals now and all still gunning for Gold.

Great stuff!
Kobe's struggling again.

I'm quite sure Kevin Garnett would murder these officials if they called some of these fouls they've been calling so far in this game in the NBA.
He got it going in the end!

The game with the Argies could be a feisty game, I think there will be a few hard fouls but I hope the refs let them play and not blow every second.
What is going on with those Olympians from Cameroon who disappeared?

Economic migrants, the officials think. They aren't seeking political asylum. And no-one can do anything about looking for them yet because their visas are valid until November, so they are in the UK legally at the moment.

They were quite organised, I think they all waited until they'd been knocked out of their respective sporting events before doing a runner. :lol:

It's not like the old days of the USSR when the Soviets used to bring the Bolshoi here and someone would usually manage to escape and seek political asylum.
Decent enough day on today, Katie Taylor in the boxing, Bolt in the 200M final, swimming on too. After today not much epic left really, Bolt in the relay, Farah in the 5000M final on Friday but thats about it, marathon on Sunday but not really interested in that.
As someone who has now had the opportunity to experience the Olympic Park first hand, things really went smoothly from start to finish with just one exception [that being McDonalds]. Any concerns some had about transport didn't arise for me, the joviality and humour of the atmosphere is something i think many will remember.

All of the military personnel i came across were a credit to us, G4S making a mess of things may have been a blessing.

There was a weird moment on the way out where a we walked by the media centre, a loose crowd of people were cheering each time Gary Linekar or one of the BBC team waved.
Jade Jones through to the Semis [to take place later this afternoon] of the Taekwondo with a convincing win.
watching women's volleyball - korea vs usa. Some decent birds in there.
Katie Taylor is awesome, but I love double (triple) code sportsmen (women)
feckin' Jedward. Why don't they just feck off and expire?
Women's boxing, I'm not having this...

Considering I've spent the last 20 minutes watching horses dance to show tunes, women beating the shit out of each other is EXACTLY what I want to watch right now.

Come on our one! (and, to a lesser extent, the Irish one after her)
Considering I've spent the last 20 minutes watching horses dance to show tunes, women beating the shit out of each other is EXACTLY what I want to watch right now.

Come on our one! (and, to a lesser extent, the Irish one after her)

It's like men's boxing at double speed.

My colleague keeps admonishing himself for shouting 'c'mon love at the screen...:lol:
You should get more than a point for putting someone on their arse. The shrill female commentator needs to stop.
I don't usually like women's boxing that isn't staged in the early hours of the morning outside of a nightclub, but this is a big one.