Lisandro Martinez | Signs for United

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i think that pretty much sums up why ETH is wanting to bring in Lisandro despite having 4 other experienced CB's.....None can stay fit, none can produce on a consistent basis, None have any sort of commanding presence and None of them are left footed
the left footed and commanding are the important parts. Never seen him so no idea but have to assume that ETH knows him well enough. I'll judge him when he bullies Halaand for 90 minutes!
What’s happened you?
You've seen The Thing, right? You know when your body's taken over by something/someone else.... seriously, I'm not usually that negative but Ole and the suits really tested my patience last year. i don't like not enjoying watching the team. There were times I even though of not watching which is unheard of: I'm one of those saddos for whom Shankly was right (wash mouth out with soap): more important than life and death!
A player liked Messi showed that height isn’t all that important when being a forward.

I just feels it’s the same with defenders too. The height thing is a very 1980’s type of football.
the left footed and commanding are the important parts. Never seen him so no idea but have to assume that ETH knows him well enough. I'll judge him when he bullies Halaand for 90 minutes!

the left footed IMO is the biggest thing for ETH b/c he constantly talks about balance....

as for Haaland...he faired pretty well against him when Ajax faced Dortmund and beat them 4-0
A player liked Messi showed that height isn’t all that important when being a forward.

I just feels it’s the same with defenders too. The height thing is a very 1980’s type of football.
For one, he isn't a striker, for two, he is an outlier.

Big man > Smaller man. It's universal.

He could be an outlier.
A player liked Messi showed that height isn’t all that important when being a forward.

I just feels it’s the same with defenders too. The height thing is a very 1980’s type of football.

Height definitely isn't the be all and end all to winning headers if that is what people are worried about. Reading the flight of the ball is much more important.
You've seen The Thing, right? You know when your body's taken over by something/someone else.... seriously, I'm not usually that negative but Ole and the suits really tested my patience last year. i don't like not enjoying watching the team. There were times I even though of not watching which is unheard of: I'm one of those saddos for whom Shankly was right (wash mouth out with soap): more important than life and death!
So you’ve had the hot poker from kurt Russell and you’re feeling much better?
glad to hear it, now can we all feel excited about ETH, regardless of players?
Puyol 5ft 9
Mascherano 5ft 9

Two players who were part of one of the best footballing teams ever. Puyol also the same with Spain.
Will he have his own seat on the plane back from the tour or will he sit on one of the adult's knee?
Puyol 5ft 9
Mascherano 5ft 9

Two players who were part of one of the best footballing teams ever. Puyol also the same with Spain.
Puyol is actually 5'10. Also La Liga doesn't do as many aerial balls as the PL, that's why Pique failed here.
Imagine signing Ajax’s player of the year and a player regarded as a great ball playing CB to only worry about what will happen to a sick note in Bailly. Why can’t we just enjoy nice things.
Haven’t signed anyone? Moaning
Signed someone? Moaning at the fee
Free signing? Somehow still moaning

love the cafe :drool:
I like the skill and the attitude, he seems like a player that never gives up and is outstanding on his pass ability and playing from the back for a defender.

He's not skinny by any means, the height as has been mentioned repeatedly I think will be a problem, let's hope all the other skills make up for it. There's been stats about aerial duels and his stats are on par or even above some world-class CBs so that gives hope.

Also he will be partnered with Varane or Maguire who are really good in the air.
Great signing. If we can add FDJ/Similar, Eriksen and potentially Antony then we'd be a whole different proposition and I could see us fast becoming a very good side.

Totally agree but we need all of them, listening to ETH press conference tiday he was spot on saying Eric Bailey playing well is not a headache it’s a nice problem as we have lots of games and need a big squad, he’s not wrong we need Rashford, Sancho, Martial, Elanga and one other fighting for 2 or 3 positions every week.
Puyol is actually 5'10. Also La Liga doesn't do as many aerial balls as the PL, that's why Pique failed here.

Puyol did fine against the best PL had to offer. Also Internationally too.

If height was the only verometer, Dan Burn would be world class.
Puyol is actually 5'10. Also La Liga doesn't do as many aerial balls as the PL, that's why Pique failed here.

That used to be true, I don't think it is any more. From 2021:



Six of the seven highest long ball to short ball ratios belonged to Spanish teams, with the now relegated Burnley having been the sole exception.

The traditional idea of lower/mid level PL sides being hoof-ball merchants is rather outdated.
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