Gotta love the hate Messi gets on redcafe. The good thing is that if there is one player that you dont really have to argue for and defend him, thats Messi. Been watching every game of him for close to 15 years now, and people that have done the same will tell you that he's playing just as good as he always has, he simply has not gotten lucky.
Yes, he still has to settle in a bit more, but thats not the problem. He has been playing great, been hitting the post, goalkeepers making amazing saves, etc.
The start of last season with Barcelona was very similar, he couldnt score for the first 4-5 games and people were already questioning his commitment to the club after the whole burofax saga. I couldnt understand what they were talking about, since i was seeing him play amazing, putting shots on the post, keepers making the saves of their lives etc. I thought that it was only a matter of time until he started scoring like usual and sure enough, he ended up being pichichi, being the best player statwise in the world etc.
People are too quick here to judge him because of course, it fits their agenda. When Messi won the cup this summer and CR7 got eliminated, people werent nearly half as vocal about that as they are right now about CR7 scoring a few tap ins for Utd and Messi failing to score after 2 games. Suddenly one is the GOAT and the other one is finished
I love watching both players TBH. I do question people that make comments like that, sometimes wonder if they stop and read what they wrote before hitting "post reply".