It's not like there aren't muslims and conservative christians that accept that people are gay, plenty of them have family members that are openly gay and accept it while they're obviously not thrilled about it, you're just not going to get all of them aligned on it and you're not going to modernize their religion anytime soon either. People have vastly different views on a lot of things in society, we can't even unite on ending war, poverty, starvation, so not sure why people expect all that much in terms of subjects that are vastly more complicated. There's a Norwegian who's well known, Jørund, who has a hefty financing background, married and has two kids, whom at a later stage in life started identifying as a handicapped woman. It ticked off quite a few boxes for debates, and there was an interesting one where one of the leaders of the handicap society in Norway was debating against Jørund, trying to wrap his head around the bit about someone that's healthy identifying as needing a wheelchair. Obviously it's at the far end of the scale, but quite a few of the debates are, it makes the overall subject, especially taking into account religion, a lot more complicated than an overall much older debate like racism.