Laurence Fox feat. Elvis

I don't know how he span the "kneel feckers" tweet to try and make it sound like he wasn't being outright racist, but that should clearly be the end of him.

How does he even have a twitter account after that
State has no role in complex family decisions apparently. Presumably he’s against the state taking children away from dangerous households. The melon.

An unstoppable force (angry Karen) meets an immovable object (Insulate Britain)...and shared by Lozza!
So you're on a desert island and have to choose to spend a year there with Lozza or James Corden.
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So you're on a desert island and have to choose to spend a year their with Lozza or James Corden.

James Corden has more meat to eat once he dies, I guess. Clutching at straws there though.
this is basically which one would you rather kill


It could also be which one you think will try and kill you first. I don't think Corden has the guts, whereas I think Fox would make a move as soon as you turn your back. Even if there was ample food and shelter and no tangible benefit from him stabbing you in your sleep.
In addition to the fact that he’s a giant bell-end, I’m not taking advice from someone who can’t even remove the white background from an e-signature on Word!
I think the notable difference in the sharpness of the wording on the form and his name and date tell us all we need to know about the authenticity of the document. I'm sure the kid's mum filled in the consent form.
These people need to get a life. Laurence Fox probably has his curtains drawn at 9AM as he sits all day on twitter looking for whatever grievance to jump on. It's a pathetic existence and a waste of time.
These people need to get a life. Laurence Fox probably has his curtains drawn at 9AM as he sits all day on twitter looking for whatever grievance to jump on. It's a pathetic existence and a waste of time.
The male Katie Hopkins
Charlie Wyke who plays for Wigan collapsed in training and the likes of Fox jumped on it for their anti-vax agenda. Wyke put out with his consent through the club that he is not vaccinated. Ironically feeling compelled to reveal his vaccine status to shut down the lies made by people who keep going on about how it's no one's business to know if they are vaccinated.
My favourite reply... 'Have you ever thought of booking yourself into a psychiatric facility?' :lol:
Stop doing this to us, Elvis! I can pretend this ridiculous feckwit doesn't exist for most of the time until you bump this thread.
Stop doing this to us, Elvis! I can pretend this ridiculous feckwit doesn't exist for most of the time until you bump this thread.
It wouldn't surprise me if this twat was in fact vaxxed and playing to his small audience by pretending not to be.

If he isn't would I be a bad person if I wasn't sorry if he caught covid and got really sick?
It wouldn't surprise me if this twat was in fact vaxxed and playing to his small audience by pretending not to be.

If he isn't would I be a bad person if I wasn't sorry if he caught covid and got really sick?
As long as you wouldn't laugh heartily and buy your mates a round upon hearing he suffered a gruesome death you're probably fine.