Lady Gaga

I'd say the comparison with Britney is very unfair. From what I've heard, Lady Gaga's eccentric style is more a product of the influence one of her friend's that passed away, rather than under instructions of her record label as a cheap gimmick.

And looking at the actual writing credits for her most famous records, she is listed as co-writer on all of them, as opposed to Britney, who isn't credited as having any input into the writing of "Toxic", in fact it was already completed and offered initially to Kylie Minogue, who rejected it. Same with "Gimme More", she didn't write that either, just recorded it.

I'm not really a fan of the girl, but she does write some very catchy songs and for my money, is without a doubt one of the best mainstream artists in Pop.


Hello mate!
She is not right in the head that one, sings appalling music and generally grates my nerves in a huge way.
Bad Romance is a great song, and a couple of her others are rather good. But I wish the media would stop encouraging her to get stranger and stranger and focus more on her actual music. But I guess that's the society we live in now unfortunately.
Two minutes into the match and you are posting Lady Gaga videos. Boss, you are the gayest man alive.
Two minutes into the match and you are posting Lady Gaga videos. Boss, you are the gayest man alive.
To be fair, the statistics would suggest that some fella had a cock up his arse at that point somewhere in the world, so possibly not THE gayest.
I've enjoyed some of her songs, but it's pretty clear she's this half of the decade’s “big thing” (if that makes sense) like so many that came before her.

We had Britney Spears dominating the early to mid 2000's, and prior to Britney Spears we went through a musical revolution in the 1990's where things were more rocked up (certainly early to mid 90's) ending with the influx of Boybands and Girlbands. Obviously prior to this you had Madonna in the 1980s.

All have taken a somewhat similar path and fit to a certain template. The marketing strategy works. Let’s face it, there will always be a new wave of teenagers who have not been old enough to hear the various predecessors and so the emotions that come with such copycat acts are all new.

It’s commercial, mainstream pop that is catchy and easy to dance to. Each had spikes of sexual promiscuity in amidst sensitive, heart felt ballads and more so than Britney Spears I feel Lady Gaga is structured and built on Madonna’s foundations. I think Lady Gaga is a little darker, but that’s really only to push the boat out that bit further.

Ultimately each performer was and is a product just like a Mars bar, and Mars bars are pretty much marketed in the same way as Twix bars. The sagas, dramas and shocks in amidst the music is merely to draw attention…

…until, of course, you become addicted to fame and believe your own hype. Then you end up like Britney Spears or Whitney Houston; a chewed up and spat out has been.

You gotta love the music industry :rolleyes:
Would you shag her? No, but I'd poke her face. Boom!