Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
This isnt my type of music but the main tune of poker face is infact very catchy.

This isnt my type of music but the main tune of poker face is infact very catchy.
This is true and it is irksome because I find both the song and the lyrics to be really annoying.
Thing is, i write and make my own music so no matter how much i try to deny it, it is actually a very good tune, the main chorus. Its just he context the song is sung in that doesnt fit my taste buds. If bono sung that in a u2 song with a u2 sound i would probably love it.
maybe it's just because it's on the radio, which I can hear while working, at least 4 times a day.
it is catchy as feck, no doubt about it. perhaps the topical nature also gets me, I should be surprised it took so long for a song about poker faces.
Ugly? feck off.
I saw her on the Sunday Night Project, looking very shaggable.
which one?On another if any of you people like rock music, did you see american idol this week? Thats probably not the best connnection to forge but the guy who sang satisfaction was awesome.
Someone posted a video in another thread about her before she was really famous, just playing the piano and singing and it was quite good I'd listen to it.
But just to get any sales she had to turn herself into a gimmick and release pop shite which is really quite depressing. Fair enough though she's made a shed load of money out of it.
"Rar rar ra ra ra, Rar rar ra ra ra" or whatever the feck it's meant to be.
feck off.
Shit like Lady Gaga n all is going to be a success as there is no lack of stupid people in this world.
its not the worst stuff around, at least she writes and plays her own songs.
Shit like Lady Gaga n all is going to be a success as there is no lack of stupid people in this world.
Hardly an achievement when you're writing dross like this,
I want your psycho
Your vertigo shtick
Want you in my room
When your baby is sick
I want your love
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love)
You know that I want you
('Cause I'm a freak bitch baby! )
And you know that I need you
I want a bad, bad romance
I've never heard that "I Just Had Sex" song, but from the Lonely Island being involved I would guess that the lyrics are supposed to be terrible.
It's a disgrace, I've heard 2Pac, he's crude but at least got meaning, this guy is just a genius making fun of his fans, perhaps by saying that he can top the chart with a song which has penis and pubes in it.
Hardly an achievement when you're writing dross like this,
I want your psycho
Your vertigo shtick
Want you in my room
When your baby is sick
I want your love
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love)
You know that I want you
('Cause I'm a freak bitch baby! )
And you know that I need you
I want a bad, bad romance
Was skeptical at first, not the usual pop corn singer lover.
But after a while i can't myself bored with Bad Romance and Poker Face, they're just... that good, infact if some decent well loved and less shabby singer have sang it he/she might have won an oscar
I just had a look at the list of nominees for the grammies. And its a bloody joke. Mainstream music is at an all time low. Wish mumford and sons had gotten more nominations. I mean come on , how is 'thistle and weed' not as good as as dross like 'nothing on you'.
I don't think anybody is questioning the quality of song writing. Saying that Lady Gaga's music is shit would be a bit like saying that ABBA and early Madonna was poor music. On the contrary they are songs from these types of bands that have shaped and will continue to shape our culture.
It's what happens alongside the songs that bothers me more than anything. It's the phony marketing machine and the illusion that these performers are writers that gets me.
In saying that however it could be argued that the general public, so fascinated with drama and sensationalism create the market for Lady GaGa and co to play into. They have cheap gossip magazines only too ready to soak up the play don't have to look too far to spot the types of people who read (read used very loosely) this thrash.
In terms of song writing (for example) I think Toxic is an incredible song. I don't think for a second that Britney Spears wrote it. Another song I like is 'Gimme More,' but once again there isn't a chance in hell she had any more than a vocal part to play in this song. Even at that I can tell you right here and right now there was a vocal coach telling her exactly what to sing, and how to sing it. Spears is just the front face
I view Lady Gaga in a very similar light, however I think that where Britney Spears was the absolute pristine and perfect example of how music marketing can take a performer from cradle to grave, dig them back up again when we all thought they were dead and then rip the head off in front of the blood thirsty crowd........Lady Gaga came into the market already defined. She was weird coming in and she will continue to be weird and excentric.
Britney Spears' image of the naughty school girl was created and it was only inevitable that it would evolve into the rebellious, sex centered, saucy image that has a very short shelf life. I guess they tried to toughen her up a bit with the "I love rock n roll" stint but it was never going to work.
Lady GaGa is the new and more refined version of music marketing. She definitely has a longer shelf life than Britney Spears mainly because Lady Gaga isn't sold on sex - well not that I can see. Sex is very central to her theme in terms of her outward liberalism, but there are other main aspects of her brand such as her eccentricity and unusual image that will stick around for quite some time. How does a woman so heavily laden with makeup age ? Well......she doesn't - certainly not to the public eye.
True, I bet that at the times ABBA, Beatles, were just a marketing gimmick, they might be good, but at that time the competitor are probably abit less and musicians are well... musicians, instead of a good looking boy / girl with a so so sound.
The thing is, marketing have done their fair share of the part, but it does take the singer's charisma and nuance to be able to hit it like Gaga. Like I said I'm not a big fan of club songs, infact I loathe them because all they represent is just drunk guy talking about booties, but no so with Gaga, I feel connected with her lyrics, and trust me when I say I don't easily get mellowed, not with this techno stuff.
I guess time will tell, at the moment Jay Chou is the most talented of our generations, at least imho
you've definitely made a valid point
theres been many times when people cant read my poker face, often i want to just dance and also ive often thought ra rar oh rahahaa
I don't think anybody is questioning the quality of song writing. Saying that Lady Gaga's music is shit would be a bit like saying that ABBA and early Madonna was poor music. On the contrary they are songs from these types of bands that have shaped and will continue to shape our culture.
It's what happens alongside the songs that bothers me more than anything. It's the phony marketing machine and the illusion that these performers are writers that gets me.
In saying that however it could be argued that the general public, so fascinated with drama and sensationalism create the market for Lady GaGa and co to play into. They have cheap gossip magazines only too ready to soak up the play don't have to look too far to spot the types of people who read (read used very loosely) this thrash.
In terms of song writing (for example) I think Toxic is an incredible song. I don't think for a second that Britney Spears wrote it. Another song I like is 'Gimme More,' but once again there isn't a chance in hell she had any more than a vocal part to play in this song. Even at that I can tell you right here and right now there was a vocal coach telling her exactly what to sing, and how to sing it. Spears is just the front face
I view Lady Gaga in a very similar light, however I think that where Britney Spears was the absolute pristine and perfect example of how music marketing can take a performer from cradle to grave, dig them back up again when we all thought they were dead and then rip the head off in front of the blood thirsty crowd........Lady Gaga came into the market already defined. She was weird coming in and she will continue to be weird and excentric.
Britney Spears' image of the naughty school girl was created and it was only inevitable that it would evolve into the rebellious, sex centered, saucy image that has a very short shelf life. I guess they tried to toughen her up a bit with the "I love rock n roll" stint but it was never going to work.
Lady GaGa is the new and more refined version of music marketing. She definitely has a longer shelf life than Britney Spears mainly because Lady Gaga isn't sold on sex - well not that I can see. Sex is very central to her theme in terms of her outward liberalism, but there are other main aspects of her brand such as her eccentricity and unusual image that will stick around for quite some time. How does a woman so heavily laden with makeup age ? Well......she doesn't - certainly not to the public eye.
I'd say the comparison with Britney is very unfair. From what I've heard, Lady Gaga's eccentric style is more a product of the influence one of her friend's that passed away, rather than under instructions of her record label as a cheap gimmick.
And looking at the actual writing credits for her most famous records, she is listed as co-writer on all of them, as opposed to Britney, who isn't credited as having any input into the writing of "Toxic", in fact it was already completed and offered initially to Kylie Minogue, who rejected it. Same with "Gimme More", she didn't write that either, just recorded it.
I'm not really a fan of the girl, but she does write some very catchy songs and for my money, is without a doubt one of the best mainstream artists in Pop.