Starts off great new and unique, then you realise after 10 cases that every single one of them has been the same. It's just repetitive going through the motions. Turn up, look for clues, interrogate some people, doesn't matter if you get the responses wrong or not, lock them up, get a case, turn up, look for clues, interrogate some people, doesn't matter if you get the responses wrong or not, lock them up, get a case, turn up, look for clues, interrogate some people, doesn't matter if you get the responses wrong or not, lock them up, get a case. Etc.
I was crying out for them to just give me something different from the last thing I just did.
Starts off unique and fun, ends up a load of boring, repetitive shite.
Starts off unique and fun, ends up a load of boring, repetitive shite.
Couldn't agree more. I got fed up half way through never played it again
Yeah I finished the Homicide case and thought "was that it?". It didn't feel like I just solved a complex murder at all, with better direction and more exciting set pieces it could have been brilliant.
It has alot going for it imo, I imagine if they do a second (which they must do now the engine features are in) you'll find its a much better experience. They really should make it modern setting though ala Heavy Rain. They can be more creative then.
The storyline gets progressively worse as well... The best stuff is all the serial killer cases that take up the first third of the game.
Once you solve that, the game becomes much less interesting I found.
I was fine with the gameplay, the thing that really annoyed me was that the protagonist did things away from my control that altered the plot heavily, and Arson was not a fun department.
The DLC missions are fecking superb. Like any development game, alot of good with alot of shit. Give one of the proper Rockstar game companies the title, and they'd make it alot better. Team Bondi was apparently run by a massive cnut so it's no wonder the game is a bit dross.
What others have said is generally true. It starts off as a brilliant game, but eventually becomes shite once you realise that the innovating gaming experience becomes repetitive after a short while.