L.A. Noire


New Member
Apr 23, 2006
Anyone else playing this? I just started playing yesterday on my PS3 and it looks bloody awesome so far.
Excellent game with the facial reactions being a revelatory concept into games. But I'm a shit detective. The first interrogation I got wrong so many times, it was sad. But as I got the hang of it, you notice that you don't use all of the clues to solve cases.

Either way a totally different experience with Rockstar not disappointing.
Starts off great new and unique, then you realise after 10 cases that every single one of them has been the same. It's just repetitive going through the motions. Turn up, look for clues, interrogate some people, doesn't matter if you get the responses wrong or not, lock them up, get a case, turn up, look for clues, interrogate some people, doesn't matter if you get the responses wrong or not, lock them up, get a case, turn up, look for clues, interrogate some people, doesn't matter if you get the responses wrong or not, lock them up, get a case. Etc.

I was crying out for them to just give me something different from the last thing I just did.
Some of the bigger plot conclusions were neat, and the facial animations were great, but all in all it felt a bit limp. The world was clearly there for you, and you notice this. You can tell most of the world's a sham and that you're only going to get to explore specific parts of it.

Didn't complete it.
Starts off great new and unique, then you realise after 10 cases that every single one of them has been the same. It's just repetitive going through the motions. Turn up, look for clues, interrogate some people, doesn't matter if you get the responses wrong or not, lock them up, get a case, turn up, look for clues, interrogate some people, doesn't matter if you get the responses wrong or not, lock them up, get a case, turn up, look for clues, interrogate some people, doesn't matter if you get the responses wrong or not, lock them up, get a case. Etc.

I was crying out for them to just give me something different from the last thing I just did.

Basically this.

Could have been a really great game if there was something more than this. A big bad mother of all cases or a story that binds a few things together.
Yeah I finished the Homicide case and thought "was that it?". It didn't feel like I just solved a complex murder at all, with better direction and more exciting set pieces it could have been brilliant.

It has alot going for it imo, I imagine if they do a second (which they must do now the engine features are in) you'll find its a much better experience. They really should make it modern setting though ala Heavy Rain. They can be more creative then.
Yeah I finished the Homicide case and thought "was that it?". It didn't feel like I just solved a complex murder at all, with better direction and more exciting set pieces it could have been brilliant.

It has alot going for it imo, I imagine if they do a second (which they must do now the engine features are in) you'll find its a much better experience. They really should make it modern setting though ala Heavy Rain. They can be more creative then.

Doubt a second game happens, the developers closed down this month. Rockstar owns the "franchise" though so might let another company take over.
Been playing this. Its OK, just slightly too good to walk away from but not good enough for me to be enthralled by it. All the good bits of it are just the same as GTA and other games, the bits that are unique to it - the interrogations etc - are a bit lame. Cant make up my mind whether to persevere with it or not.
Starts of great, ends up being boring repetitive shite. All the cases are the same, go to a scene look for clues, question some people and then repeat for each case.
I was playing Assassin's Creed (2) before this, that was so much better it is untrue. Less panting about looking for clues and trying to work out if people are telling the truth, more climbing up walls and executing people by stealth. I might just get the next one in that series. Though someone keeps telling me to play Unchartered 2 and 3 as well.
Great concept/idea... poor excecution.

Plus, it wasn't helped by the fact that the main protagonist was a bit of a twat.

I think it would have been much better if the whole game had been based around a manhunt for one Serial Killer...and obviously, it changed things up a lot as opposed to how repetitive it was.
This is good to know - I mean, it has been repetitive for a while now, I have maybe solved about 6 or 7 cases. I keep wondering whether it is going to start to mix things up a bit. Sounds like it isnt.
I thought it was ok and stuck with it until the end. Really liked the graphics and music

But not a classic
The storyline gets progressively worse as well... The best stuff is all the serial killer cases that take up the first third of the game.

Once you solve that, the game becomes much less interesting I found.
The storyline gets progressively worse as well... The best stuff is all the serial killer cases that take up the first third of the game.

Once you solve that, the game becomes much less interesting I found.

Exactly! I did really enjoy it but on reflection the last section really dragged - at half the length (main quest) and lots more to do in the city, it could have been a classic.
I didnt complete it as well.

Was awesome for a few days but then got bored because its repetitive.

Still a good game.
I was fine with the gameplay, the thing that really annoyed me was that the protagonist did things away from my control that altered the plot heavily, and Arson was not a fun department.
I was fine with the gameplay, the thing that really annoyed me was that the protagonist did things away from my control that altered the plot heavily, and Arson was not a fun department.

You can say that again... that was pretty brutal.

I would actually love for their to be a sequal. There were lots of good ideas in there, but as I've said, the excecution, on the whole, was poor.

If they made the city a bit smaller (because really, there wasn't any real need for its size), made the whole thing based all around catching one really twisted serial killer on a massive rampage, made the interrogations so that a person lieing didn't make this face :nervous: ... and throw in some different and exciting set-peices at varying points, they could be on to a really good game.

Also, make the lead character much less of a cnut.
I liked it, had no replay value though. I completed it within a week and traded it in and got a headset IIRC.

Made a profit as well because I pre-ordered it for around £30 and got £35 for it.
Never have I changed my opinion of a game so suddenly within such a short period of time.

Within a space of some hours, for me LA Noire went from being the best game of this gen to a repetitive, tedious piece of polished turd. What was a day 1 preorder ended up being swapped for WoW gametime of all things.
Everything was too brief in it. The action parts especially. There was nothing outstanding apart from the facial graphics. Like other people have said, good idea, but there wasn't enough depth and variety to make it an enjoyable sandbox game.
Anyone else think theres a huge gap in the market for a well made modernn day cop game? Sandbox, variety of missions, house raids, pulling people over, stings, car chases etc.
The DLC missions are fecking superb. Like any development game, alot of good with alot of shit. Give one of the proper Rockstar game companies the title, and they'd make it alot better. Team Bondi was apparently run by a massive cnut so it's no wonder the game is a bit dross.
The DLC missions are fecking superb. Like any development game, alot of good with alot of shit. Give one of the proper Rockstar game companies the title, and they'd make it alot better. Team Bondi was apparently run by a massive cnut so it's no wonder the game is a bit dross.

The game would have been so much better if the DLC was put out with the game itself. You seem to skip over a couple of desks so quickly it's ridiculous.
The funny thing about the facial graphics stuff was that you could recognise about half the cast of Mad Men from it :lol:
I liked this game. Not as good as Rockstar's other efforts which have all been utterly brilliant but good and refreshingly different all the same.
What others have said is generally true. It starts off as a brilliant game, but eventually becomes shite once you realise that the innovating gaming experience becomes repetitive after a short while.
What others have said is generally true. It starts off as a brilliant game, but eventually becomes shite once you realise that the innovating gaming experience becomes repetitive after a short while.

It was repetitive. And I think they could have done a lot more and made a truly outstanding game. But I still think it was a very good and unique experience. And to be honest, most games are repetitive. feck knows how Halo and it's shitty Masterchef nonsense became such a global blockbuster of a game. It was completely one dimensional and the aliens look liked something out of sesame street.